[packagekit] Documentation

Matthias Clasen matthias.clasen at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 19:06:03 PDT 2008

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 7:40 PM, Rahul Sundaram
<sundaram at fedoraproject.org> wrote:

>  > Conceptually:
>  >
>  > - I think it would be good to have at least a superficial explanation
>  > of the PackageKit architecture and its advantages - ie the fact that
>  > you can start a long-running update/installation and log out without
>  > risking an inconsistent system. Or the fact that operation are queued
>  > up, and multiple users don't lock each other out.
>  How does all this happen?

Most of this is facilitated by the fact that packagekitd runs as a
system bus service outside the user session. I've added a paragraph
about this to the introduction now.

>  Wasn't there a discussion about unifying pk-install-file and
>  pk-install-package? I will cover pkcon.

I've added pkcon and pk-install-file to the list.

>  >
>  > For pk-application:
>  >
>  > - explain the meaning of the icons (installed/uninstalled), ideally
>  > showing the right icon in the docs (might be hard wrt to icon themes,
>  > not sure if yelp supports that).
>  Yelp supports screenshots.

It does, but it doesn't seem to allow what I had hoped for: specify
icons by name, so that
you always see the icon corresponding to the current theme in the docs.

>  >
>  > - the various filters are worth explaining, I'm not sure many people
>  > will understand "development" vs "end user files", and the "free"
>  > filter begs for a link to the Fedora licensing page, or some other
>  > page explaining what we consider "free".
>  I was planning on asking this before. What is the canonical definition
>  of "free" here? FSF free?

I believe "free" means "Fedora free" here. I've added a subsection
about filters.

I'll work some more on the docs tonight, so please pull from git
before doing more work, so that we can avoid duplicate efforts.

Thanks, Matthias

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