[packagekit] FOSScamp discussion notes

Stanislav Visnovsky visnov at suse.cz
Tue May 20 06:15:52 PDT 2008


We've had a session on the FOSScamp (http://fosscamp.org) about PackageKit. It 
was more of a free chat, so here are some notes I managed to catch (with 
leaving my written notes in the meeting room :( ):

- there was a bit of discussion about interactivity during the transaction: 
  * this is an issue for dpkg-based backend (debconf, debian packaging policy 
assumes tty to be available ?)
  * libzypp backend faces the challenge as well as it works in 
download/install/download/install mode

- use cases where PackageKit might be highly useful:
  * apply updates and security fixes
  * handling application plugins
  * mime type handlers (although there is issue with the purpose, does user 
ask for viewer or editor?)
  * device drivers
  * codecs installation
  * API for ISVs (install documentation issue across multiple distributions)

- it seems there is a need to have the query interface for drivers/codecs/... 
standardized, most probably on freedesktop.org

- it would be nice to have PackageKit frontend for 1-click install


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