[packagekit] FOSScamp discussion notes

Klaus Kaempf kkaempf at suse.de
Fri May 23 00:27:18 PDT 2008

* Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com> [May 23. 2008 09:19]:
> On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 09:04 +0200, Klaus Kaempf wrote:
> > 
> > Its extremely useful as soon as you need multiple packages (due to
> > dependencies) from a specific source. vlc from videolan.org is my
> > primary example with all its additional codecs.
> > Being able to click on an RPM just gives you _this_ RPM. What if
> > additional RPMs are needed ?
> > With 1-click-install, you include the whole repository into the
> > dependency resolution.
> In this case, shouldn't you be installing a videolan-release.rpm with
> the repo/sources file, and the gpg key?

If such a 'convenience' package is available, sure. The majority of
repositories, build.opensuse.org - the openSUSE build service just to
name an example, doesn't normally provide such packages though.


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