[packagekit] Getting and setting the proxy server

Stanislav Visnovsky visnov at suse.cz
Mon May 19 02:35:39 PDT 2008


Dňa Thursday 15 May 2008 14:21:36 Richard Hughes ste napísal:
> A thorny issue: dealing with proxy servers.

How does this match with the system-wide proxy settings? 


> First, the setters:
> * By default, using the config file /etc/PackageKit/PackageKit.conf
> * The session, using PolicyKit method SetProxy(ss) - see below...
> Then the getters:
> * For threaded backends you can do pk_backend_get_proxy_http() and
> pk_backend_get_proxy_ftp() if your backend supports either of these
> download methods.
> * For spawned backends you need to use the environment http_proxy and
> ftp_proxy variables - most backends don't need to do anything as this
> will be inherited by wget for example.
> * for DBUS backends there is a method send called SetProxy() which can
> be used to setup proxy state. This is sent straight after Init() is
> called.
> The format of the proxy string is username:password at server:port -- it's
> not ideal but will cover 99% of the user base.
> Now, when the session wants to set the proxy (i.e. it's just been set in
> gnome-network-preferences) do we want to store the data permanently or
> just for that user session? I would think the latter, as the session
> http username and password probably isn't the same for all users and
> might be a disclosure problem. I guess http passwords are going out
> cleartext anyway, so maybe it's not a huge problem. Ideas welcome.
> I've added code for everything I've described here in master
> (724c328d40acff42445531861e823516a219ac63), except the session stuff.
> Ideas welcome.
> Richard.

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