[packagekit] RFC - easy install/remove

Peter Nash peter79nash at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 18 07:23:32 PST 2008

David Timms,

I too think your example was very cool (specially the first part)! I can see your point of view, now :D. 
Thanks for such a good example!



 > Installing a library you don't use has no performance penalty. You do
 > get a performance hit when the library is actually loaded, but if
 > nothing's loading it, you don't have any slowdown.
But this in Windows does not work the same way, right??? In windows it actually get sluggish (or is it just me)???



 > That feeling of chaos if there are more than 20 programs installed is
 > just a psychological illness Windows brought ;-)

lol yes, i think i suffer from this one!!! lololol

 > For the dependencies, it may be useful from time to time to see which
 > packages could be _recommended_ (note, and read twice: _recommended_ )
 > for uninstallation, and I think with package history, transaction
 > origina plus may me atime of the files one can result in some useful
 > algorithms for cleanup.

Imagine (once again picking up what Thomas calls "the problem") a user decides to remove GIMP (only the "gimp" package) would this "packages check" _recommended_ the "gimp-cmyk" and "libgimpprint" for removal, once gimp is no long going to be used???


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