[packagekit] PackageKit prerequisites

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 06:12:37 PST 2009

On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 21:56 +0530, Shishir Goyal wrote:
> > I am interested in contributing to the PackageKit project. I would
> > just like to know if there is any prerequisite knowledge required of
> > any field to contribute actively to this project. Also, this semester
> > we have to work on our Major Project and I find this a good
> > opportunity to combine both the factors of contributing to open source
> > community and a good major project.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ashwini
> * [http://packagekit.org/] should give you a nice feel what PackageKit is.

Welcome! Shishir is correct about the website and developer docs -- they
should be up to date and helpful -- if you're confused by something
we've probably not explained it well enough! Shout on the mailing list
and we'll try to improve things.

The only thing you really need to contribute to PackageKit is
enthusiasm. We welcome new developers with open arms. :-)

Did you have any ideas for your major project yet? PackageKit is a
framework, and there's lots of other stuff being built on it all the


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