[packagekit] building packagekit from source

Adrien BUSTANY madcat at mymadcat.com
Sun Jan 25 10:21:27 PST 2009

My guess would be something like
|./autogen.sh --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix=/usr --enable-apt 
--enable-docbook-docs --with-default-backend=apt

but I'm a fedora user :) Adjust the prefix as you wish


|Ashwini Dhiman a écrit :
> In the link given for building packagekit from source
> (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BuildingPackageKitFromSource), the
> ./autogen.sh line has many parameters passed, some of which include
> 'yum'. I want to know what changes would we have to make in these
> parameters and even the commands, to build packagekit from source in a
> distro such as Linux Mint.
> Regards,
> Ashwini
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