[packagekit] Res: Patch for KPackageKit: Wait until system is ready

Trever Fischer wm161 at wm161.net
Mon Jan 26 06:35:35 PST 2009

> Just a bit of advice: it's better to let people commit trivial stuff
> like this and fix it up later than to put more and more pressure on
> yourself. I was there myself a few years ago, trying to balance a full
> time job, maintaining gnome-power-manager, contributing to other
> projects and also trying to have a life... It's much easier when you
> relax a little and ask people for help.

Heh, thanks for the advice.

> For instance, who has commit on kpackagekit? Are there any rules for
> committing? If I were you I would put a COMMIT file in your project and
> state "please commit if Me or Adrien has checked things and it compiles"
> -- bear in mind for PackageKit my policy is "commit if you know what you
> are doing" as it's much easier to fix things up later than have hundreds
> of different branches which conflict.

KPackageKit is hosted by KDE svn, so to commit to KPackageKit you'd need a KDE 
account. The generally accepted KDE policy is that if you 'own' some source in 
the tree, you have free reign. If not, you should talk it over with the 
owner/maintainer of the file(s) or projects before you commit. Unless of 
course it is trivial stuff like i18n strings. I've got more time than daniel 
at the moment, so I'm handling most of the patch submissions and kpackagekit 
hacking while he works on our other important project (PolicyKit-KDE)
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