[packagekit] Res: Res: Patch for KPackageKit: Wait until system is ready

Thomas Goettlicher tgoettlicher at suse.de
Mon Jan 26 07:33:12 PST 2009

On Monday 26 January 2009 16:27:37 Daniel Nicoletti wrote:
> >Just a bit of advice: it's better to let people commit trivial stuff
> >like this and fix it up later than to put more and more pressure on
> >yourself. I was there myself a few years ago, trying to balance a full
> >time job, maintaining gnome-power-manager, contributing to other
> >projects and also trying to have a life... It's much easier when you
> >relax a little and ask people for help.
> yep, you're probably right. I'll try to commit all of them today :D
Great, Thanks!
Do you want me to continue sending patches or should I submit to kde svn 
myself in the future?


Thomas Goettlicher
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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