[packagekit] Cross-distro package mapping and matching?

Sebastian Pipping webmaster at hartwork.org
Sun Jun 7 09:19:09 PDT 2009

Jan Niklas Hasse wrote:
> What about using catalogs? http://www.packagekit.org/pk-faq.html#catalogs
> You could create a catalog for git and then add the different package
> names in there.

That could actually.  It would require modification though as
"use flags" do not seem covered at the moment.
For exaple in a catalog file for


we would need a line like


in the catalog file.

If a package provides 0 to n programs and a program can be provided
by 0 to m packages (with several packages complementing and/or
competing to each other) catalog files might work even in complex
situations.  Apart from the "abuse" of the format, the text overhead
and the requirement for a small extension using catalogs could be a
real approach to this.

With that said, what do you think?


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