[packagekit] locking out password

Daniel Nicoletti dantti85-pk at yahoo.com.br
Mon Mar 23 15:32:59 PDT 2009

i think no, but i'm not 100% sure,
also packagekit don't use "sudo"

what you can do:
give you kid rights to install packages,
but remove the rights to remove packages
this can be done granting explicit at

Also don't let the kid know the root password
although if he has psychical access and is
smart on computers he will find out easily.


De: Eric Duveau <eric.duveau at gmail.com>
Para: packagekit at lists.freedesktop.org
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 23 de Março de 2009 18:56:48
Assunto: [packagekit] locking out password


I would like to install dansguardian + iptables + tinyproxy packages (parental control ) via packagekit.

My kid would like to use it to install new packages. (he will use sudo packagekit)

Is there a possibility to lockout dansguardian + iptables + tinyproxy packages so that they cannot be removed using packagekit.
I am thinking of a secund admin password...

 - id: ericduveau
 - tél: 0177455107
 - fax: 0177695451
 - id: duveau_eric
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