[packagekit] inclusion of "social software" functionalities?

Roberto -MadBob- Guido bob4mail at gmail.com
Sun May 10 07:24:59 PDT 2009

Do someone ever discussed possible inclusion of "social software" 
functionalities in PackageKit?

In particular contexts (the popular Ubuntu packaging system, Entropy by 
Sabayon...) already has been included functions such as sharing of rating 
votes and comments about installed packages, accessible directly into the 
package manager by other users wanting to install the same components, and 
may be a good idea to formalize access to those addictional informations 
since early releases of PackageKit (so to avoid to do it later, with more 
effort in converge everything).

Differently from package managers abstraction, handling "social" data access 
may be provided by distribution-specific drivers (everyone, Fedora and Debian 
and so on, provides its own preferred database of comments and votes on the 
web, and implements interface for PackageKit), or on a "source of 
information" basis ("That came from KDE-apps.org, that from the Slackware's 
users wiki...").
Perhaps "Open Collaboration Services" specification ( 
http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services ) 
may be used as a reference for the definition of the common interface to be 
implemented by "distributions/sources drivers".

May this argument be interesting into the PackageKit development?
If the (until now, very superficial) idea likes, I can elaborate a more formal 
proposal to be discussed. Waiting for comments.

Roberto -MadBob- Guido

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