[packagekit] Dropping support for rollback?

Andres Vargas - zodman zodman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 09:12:40 PDT 2009

the backend conary of Packagekit will support rollbacks(im try to
work on it) .. i think not drop it.

On 9/3/09, Andres Vargas - zodman <zodman at gmail.com> wrote:
> yes conary support rollbacks :) its hard to code because internally the
> actions of conary divide on Jobs
> one job can be a set of actions (update/install/remove)
> So if i install packagekit
> it install packagekit:devel packagekit:runtime as a Job 1
> update packagekit:config as a Job 2
> So the rollbacks its not remove installed/updated packages its revert a set
> of jobs what as applied to system. for back to a before state of Job.
> Im have understand the rollbacks its controlled by packagekit reverting
> install/updates packages. Conary not depend from Packagekit for do a
> rollbacks. Depends of the Set of jobs applied.
> I think a feature for support rollbacks not doing for packagekit( send
> signals, but not do the actions. ) only by the backend will be great.
> other stuff is if conary install packages from cli (without help of
> packagekit) the packagekit database not updated. Because Packagekit its a
> GUI fronted of conary....
> Can code a some plugin for add packagekit integration with conary from
> conary cli. But its more work its pending.
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:46 AM, Mounir Lamouri
> <mounir.lamouri at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Richard Hughes<hughsient at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > I don't think any of the backends support rollback, even the conary
>> > one. There's quite a bit of code in the server and clients to support
>> > this, but if nothing is going to use it I think it makes sense to rip
>> > it out. Comments?
>> I don't really see the need of rollback for the user. For sure, it
>> can't be something to be used as easily as CTRL+Z (undo/redo). So if
>> it has to exit it can be something in a menu.
>> In addition, I don't see a lot of things that should be rollbacked:
>> installl/remove and enable/disable repository ? In this case, I think
>> the client can implement that himself. If the user install a package,
>> he can add in a menu: 'Uninstall foo'. If it has been uninstalled, it
>> will be'Reinstall foo'. The same thing for repositories.
>> What do you think about this ? :)
>> Mounir
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