[packagekit] Installing PackageKit catalogs

Daniel Nicoletti dantti85-pk at yahoo.com.br
Tue Aug 17 07:32:24 PDT 2010

> I'm not worried about performance much, as installing themes is not a regular 
>occurrence. GTK2 engines, for example, don't install executable files in the 
>system path, so I can't use your suggested method to check whether it is already 
>installed. I could check to see if a certain file has been installed, but the 
>location of that file might be different with each distro, and I would have to 
>distribute another file along with the .catalog file to indicate where the 
>program files would be installed on each distro. It would be much handier to 
>just use the .catalog file instead.

hmm now that I know exactly what do you want I think it would make sense to have
installCatalog(... "ignore-if-installed");

This way it would silently check if installed and if not it would pop up.
I'll poke Richard when he get's back.

Daniel Nicoletti - KDE Developer
When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes;
all he expected from his power comes to nothing. Prov. 11:7


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