[packagekit] Slackware backend

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Sun Dec 22 17:35:12 PST 2013

2013/12/22 Eugen Wissner <belka.ew at gmail.com>:
> When approximately is 0.9 coming out? Will there be 0.8.16 release as well?
> It is not a big problem, I've already installed PK from master and
> everything seems to work as expected; so I can use master if 0.9 is expected
> soon. If not it would really make sense to commit the same code to 0.8.x
> branch as well.
It is suprising that everything still works, since we broke some API
in 0.9 already. When 0.9 will be released is Richard's decision, but
from previous experience, I would guess that it will take until end or
mid-January at least, to give some more time to make important changes
on 0.9. After that, some more releases of 0.9 will follow to stabilize
PK, while the 0.8.x series will become the supported stable series,
with fewer releases and less changes.
So, if you want to use 0.9 depends on what "soon" is for you, and if
you plan a release with 0.9 soon - I would wait some time for 0.9 to
stabilize, before shipping it in stable distros, since client tools
like GPK and Apper will also need some adaptions (and possible other
stuff too).
I plan to ship 0.9 with the next Debian release (expected in Q1 of
2015, but as always it's done when it's done) and make it available in
Debian unstable as soon as GPK and Apper work with 0.9.

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