[packagekit] [PATCH 0 of 4] Improve the PiSi backend

Ikey Doherty ikey at solusos.com
Sun Jun 9 05:44:34 PDT 2013

On 09/06/13 12:42, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
> Hi!
> 2013/6/8 Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com>:
>> On 8 June 2013 13:55, Ikey Doherty <ikey at solusos.com> wrote:
>>> Improve the PiSi backend, and make it work with the 0.8.9 release.
>> It sounds like you're offering to maintain the PiSi backend :) If
>> that's okay, if you create an account on gitorious and share the
>> username with me you can push all your patches, I don't need to review
>> backend changes at all.
> That was the motivation for my question ;-) I celebrate every new PK
> 0.8.x-compatible backend here anyway :P

> 2013/6/9 Ikey Doherty <ikey at solusos.com>:
>> [...]
>> I am indeed :) It's about some time it got some love, and it seems to me
>> from looking at the old code it was never up to scratch at any stage, just
>> there on the basis of "support".
>> [...]
> We can certainly and easily merge your branches, but Richard offered
> you to maintain the backend directly in the PackageKit master branch,
> meaning you will be able to push your patches to the PiSi backend
> directly. This makes sense, because you can judge wether the changes
> make sense for PiSi - I can't do that, because I never used it ^^
> If you want, you can also join #PackageKit on Freenode - some
> discussions happen there, and it is great for small questions.
> So, if you have an account on Gitorious, just ask Richard (hughsie) to
> add you as contributor.
> Cheers,
>     Matthias
More awesome :) I'll set that up tonight, and probably drop by in 
#PackageKit so I can clarify a few things (mainly advice on simulated 
transactions so that gpk-application actually informs me it's installed 
38 packages not one :))

- Ikey

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