[packagekit] PackageKit-Qt 0.8.8 released!

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu May 9 05:47:26 PDT 2013

Version 0.8.8
Released: 2013-05-09

New Features:
 - Adding Provides property to Daemon (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Adding some Meta information (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Adds the transactionFlags to the Transaction class (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Add TransactionFlags registration (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Implement connectNotify and disconnectNotify (Daniel Nicoletti)

 - Add missing declare enums (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Fix searchGroups() be iterating over the flaged values (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Ignore Interface isValid() check (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Improve error handling and make it easier for QML use it (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Make sure we set an error if we fail to contact PackageKit (Daniel Nicoletti)
 - Use the correct version of the LGPL library (Richard Hughes)

Tarballs available here: http://www.packagekit.org/releases/


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