[packagekit] Suggestion: Low priority for update processes

fdor at hispavista.com fdor at hispavista.com
Mon Feb 24 11:34:42 PST 2014

Hi, I'm re-posting here a suggestion for 
PackageKit that I posted at Fedora's bugzilla:


------ message 1 (mine) ------

If I launch the Fedora graphical updater 
(gpk-update-viewer), I see that it launches 
other commands (yumBackend.py, apply-delta-rpm, 
etc), and all of them run with normal priority 

While my system is being updated, I do other 
things (play music, edit files, etc), and I note 
that the update is eating cpu, because the 
things I'm doing are not too fluid.

So I would like to give the suggestion of 
changing the default priority of 
gpk-update-viewer (and the priority of all 
processes that are launched by it) to a low 
priority (for example, the equivalent of "nice 
-n 19 <command>"), in order to give more cpu to 
the user programs.

------ post 2 (Rex Dieter) ------

CPU priorities are already implemented, see 
/etc/PackageKit/PackageKit.conf entries for

Probably could do IO priorities too (not 
implemented as far as I'm aware).

Now, whether the defaults should be modified... 
especially in f19... the answer is likely no 
(bugzilla isnt really the place for decisions 
like this).

------ post 3 (mine) ------

Thank you for the info.

In my PackageKit.conf (fedora 19) the default 
values are:


I would set:


Could the default values be changed in future 
fedora releases? (fedora 21 for example)

Please re-post the suggestion at the adecuate 
forums, if bugzilla is not the correct place. If 
you can't, please let me know the forums and I 
will try to post there.

Thank you
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