[packagekit] PackageKit support for Fedora modularity?

Stef Walter stefw at redhat.com
Thu Aug 3 11:32:14 UTC 2017

On 03.08.2017 12:35, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On 3 August 2017 at 11:30, Stef Walter <stefw at redhat.com> wrote:
>> dnf (and soon yum) is the local thing that understands the modularity
>> logic.
> We're patching yum to understand this?!

dnf-yum is a yum look and act alike. It will get closer and closer to
compatibility with yum.

>> So I guess this means talking directly with dnf and yum.
> Sure, going out-of-band to the underlying libdnf or just reading the
> metadata might be exactly the thing to do. I don't think I'm
> comfortable to suggest API additions to PackageKit at this stage --
> especially when I'm being pulled in 180 degrees in the other direction
> with the atomic + flatpak crowd.

Indeed, I can relate to being pulled away from earlier projects.

Fedora, RHEL operating systems are fundamentally changing they way they
build, package, and provide software, lifecycle. Think of modules as
rolling releases but with bigger units than just a package.

Modules are used to build flatpack's and containers as well, although in
those use cases they don't show up on the user's system.



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