[packagekit] libpackagekit debconf issue

David Jordan david2 at system76.com
Mon Oct 30 16:50:03 UTC 2017

I've been trying to diagnose/fix an issue where the debconf-communicator
gui freezes instead of closing when running updates via packagekit (this
is how Elementary Appcenter/Pop Shop work).  It seems the process keeps
running after sending the hangup signal.  Only when the parent
application closes (or updates finish via terminal) does the debconf
window close.

I can end it by adding a command to kill the process with the client
helper recieves a hangup signal (see pk_client_helper_copy_conn_cb() in
pk-client-helper.c).  However, I'm not sure if this is reasonably
correct or likely to lead to issues or if there's a better way.

 * pk_client_helper_copy_conn_cb:
 static gboolean
 pk_client_helper_copy_conn_cb (GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition
 condition, PkClientHelper *client_helper)
 	PkClientHelperPrivate *priv = client_helper->priv;
 	gchar data[1024];
 	gsize len = 0;
 	GIOStatus status;
 	gsize written = 0;
 	gboolean ret = TRUE;
 	g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
 	/* package manager is done processing a package */
 	if ((condition & G_IO_HUP) > 0) {
 		g_debug ("socket hung up");
+               ret = kill (priv->child_pid, SIGQUIT);
 		ret = g_socket_close (priv->active_conn, &error);
 		if (!ret)
 			g_warning ("failed to close socket");
 		g_object_unref (priv->active_conn);
 		priv->active_conn = NULL;
 		return FALSE;

Right now Ubuntu avoids this issue by using the update-manager
application, which doesn't use packagekit, instead of gnome-software for
updates.  As far as I can tell, this is a pretty significant issue for
any debian-based distribution that wants to use packagekit for updates.

Would appreciate any assitance or suggestions here.

  David Jordan
  david2 at system76.com

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