License clarification

Matthias Klumpp matthias at
Sat Feb 10 16:50:55 UTC 2024

Am Sa., 10. Feb. 2024 um 11:15 Uhr schrieb David Boeger <dmboeger at>:
> Hello Matthias,
> It does! My use case involves generating rust bindings for packagekit-glib2. My understanding is that MIT-licensed rust code should be able to link to the LGPL-licensed interfaces, though it is of course my own responsibility to verify that is the case before I distribute such code.
> There seem to be at least a few people who have shared solutions on and GitHub, though none seem especially well maintained or documented, hence my attempt to do it on my own. Interestingly, Pop!-OS seems to have gone the route of using D-Bus directly. Perhaps there are other users I am not aware of, as I am very new to PackageKit in general.

Nice! :-)
Using DBus directly is a pretty terrible solution though, because the
library not only contains a lot of utility functions, but also a ton
of plumbing that you would need to recreate if you were using DBus
directly (especially on Debian related to Debconf).
So yeah, wrapping the library is IMHO the much safer route to take to
ensure the code is viable long-term and keeps up with any changes we
make in PK.
Mixing MIT and LGPL is also not an issue (as long as you dynamically link).

Good luck!

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