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<div>Hi, I am a contributor of openSUSE and working on software.opensuse.org during last few months. openSUSE has a YaST One-Click Install implementation. Users click a link and download a XML file which is automatically opened by YaST software installer. However, this implementation has many limitation:<br /></div><ol><li>It is only works for openSUSE.<br /></li><li>It is not portable. You need a server to generate these XML files.<br /></li><li>It only works with YaST. While many users start to use GNOME Software or KDE Discover as software management tools.<br /></li></ol><div>Snap has its snap: URI protocol. Does PackageKit have similar implementation? And does it support additional repository? (like from openSUSE Build Services)<br /></div><div><br /></div><div>-- <br /></div><div>Guo Yunhe / @guoyunhe / guoyunhe.me<br /></div> </body>