[Piglit] Fwd: [PATCH] Test implicit type conversion of out parameters.
Paul Berry
stereotype441 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 11:50:54 PDT 2011
Whoops, forgot to copy the list on this email.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Berry <stereotype441 at gmail.com>
Date: 3 August 2011 07:48
Subject: Re: [Piglit] [PATCH] Test implicit type conversion of out parameters.
To: Ian Romanick <idr at freedesktop.org>
Cc: Chad Versace <chad at chad-versace.us>
On 2 August 2011 18:42, Ian Romanick <idr at freedesktop.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 08/02/2011 05:34 PM, Paul Berry wrote:
>> This patch adds four tests of the proper behavior of function out
>> parameters when used in a context that requires implicit type
>> conversion.
> Do all of these pass on other implementations?
Hmm, on my nVidia system they all fail with error messages like "error
C1113: actual parameter #1 must be same type as formal out parameter
The nVidia behavior seems nonconformant by my reading of the standard.
GLSL 1.30 says (in section 6.1: function definitions):
"If no exact match is found, then the implicit conversions in Section
4.1.10 “Implicit Conversions” will be applied to find a match.
Mismatched types on input parameters (in or inout or default) must
have a conversion from the calling argument type to the formal
parameter type. Mismatched types on output parameters (out or inout)
must have a conversion from the formal parameter type to the calling
argument type."
This message is from out-03.vert, so the formal parameter type is
"int" and the calling argument type is "float". Implicit conversion
from int to float should be allowed.
GLSL 1.20 is less specific:
"Otherwise, if no exact match is found, then the implicit conversions
in Section 4.1.10 “Implicit Conversions” will be applied to the
calling arguments if this can make their types match a signature."
It seems to me that the difference between GLSL 1.20 and GLSL 1.30 is
due to clarification, not to a deliberate attempt to specify different
behavior. So I wrote the tests using a "#version" directove of 120.
Incidentally, the tests still fail on nVidia if I change the
"#version" directive to 130.
Mesa passes these tests (if you apply the patch series I submitted
yesterday), but that's not saying much, since both the tests and the
code that passes them come from the same potentially biased brain
Chad, do you have a comment on this? My patches are standing on the
shoulders of some of yours (e.g.
8b3627fd7b52723102f070957d87f98073e92d7c "glsl: Fix implicit
conversions in non-constructor function calls").
I'd like to know what happens on other platforms. I have been meaning
to try to get piglit running on my MacOS system at home. This seems
like a good excuse to do that. I'll let you know what I discover.
>> ---
>> .../spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/qualifiers/out-03.vert | 17 ++++++++++
>> .../execution/qualifiers/vs-out-01.shader_test | 27 ++++++++++++++++
>> .../execution/qualifiers/vs-out-02.shader_test | 28 +++++++++++++++++
>> .../execution/qualifiers/vs-out-03.shader_test | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++
> I think it would be better for these to have long, descriptive names.
> How about:
> vs-out-int-to-float
> vs-out-int-to-float-return
> vs-out-int-int-float-to-float-float-float-return
> We don't have any out-parameter tests, and I feel like we should have a
> ton. Giving them descriptive names helps ensure that similar tests get
> grouped together. With numbers, we might add vs-out-57 that should be
> grouped next to vs-out-05.
> Even though I've created a lot of them, I find the foo-01 tests to be
> really unsatisfactory in piglit logs, especially when one of them fails.
> With the non-constant array tests (which I still need to push), it was
> really helpful, for example, to see that all of names with some certain
> pattern (e.g., vs-*-col-wr) failed. It helped focus debugging efforts.
That's a good point. I'll rename the tests.
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