[Piglit] [PATCH v2] Refactor PlainExecTest, GleanTest, and GTFTest to share code.

Kenneth Graunke kenneth at whitecape.org
Fri Jul 8 16:54:33 PDT 2011

Each of these classes are essentially the same, except for:
1. How to determine whether the test passed/failed
2. Setting up the command and options

All the logic for running the command and obtaining its output can be
shared, as well as the logic to determine if it trapped/aborted/etc.

This patch creates a new 'ExecTest' base class.  Subclasses can set the
exact command to run and options in their __init__ method, and must
supply an 'interpretResult' method which reads the output and sets
results['result'] to pass/fail (along with other desired annotations).
 framework/exectest.py  |   65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 framework/gleantest.py |   69 +++++++++--------------------------------------
 tests/gtf.tests        |   51 ++++++-----------------------------
 3 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

v2: Actually pass GleanTest.globalParams.  This is what makes quick.tests
    quick (and without it I was very sad).

diff --git a/framework/exectest.py b/framework/exectest.py
index c80c156..6959aa3 100644
--- a/framework/exectest.py
+++ b/framework/exectest.py
@@ -30,20 +30,18 @@ def add_plain_test(group, name):
 	group[name] = PlainExecTest([name, '-auto'])
-##### PlainExecTest: Simply run an executable
-##### Expect one line prefixed PIGLIT: in the output, which contains a
-##### result dictionary. The plain output is appended to this dictionary
+##### ExecTest: A shared based class for tests that simply run an executable.
-class PlainExecTest(Test):
+class ExecTest(Test):
 	def __init__(self, command):
 		self.command = command
-		# Prepend testBinDir to the path.
-		self.command[0] = testBinDir + self.command[0]
 		self.env = {}
-	def run(self):
+	def interpretResult(self, out, results):
+		raise NotImplementedError
+	def run(self):
 		fullenv = os.environ.copy()
 		for e in self.env:
 			fullenv[e] = str(self.env[e])
@@ -58,21 +56,10 @@ class PlainExecTest(Test):
 			out, err = proc.communicate()
-			outlines = out.split('\n')
-			outpiglit = map(lambda s: s[7:], filter(lambda s: s.startswith('PIGLIT:'), outlines))
 			results = TestResult()
-			if len(outpiglit) > 0:
-				try:
-					results.update(eval(''.join(outpiglit), {}))
-					out = '\n'.join(filter(lambda s: not s.startswith('PIGLIT:'), outlines))
-				except:
-					results['result'] = 'fail'
-					results['note'] = 'Failed to parse result string'
-			if 'result' not in results:
-				results['result'] = 'fail'
+			results['info'] = "@@@Returncode: %d\n\nErrors:\n%s\n\nOutput:\n%s" % (proc.returncode, err, out)
+			results['returncode'] = proc.returncode
+			results['command'] = ' '.join(self.command)
 			if proc.returncode == -5:
 				results['result'] = 'trap'
@@ -91,12 +78,15 @@ class PlainExecTest(Test):
 			elif proc.returncode != 0:
 				results['result'] = 'fail'
 				results['note'] = 'Returncode was %d' % (proc.returncode)
+			else:
+				self.interpretResult(out, results)
-			self.handleErr(results, err)
+			env = ''
+			for key in self.env:
+				env = env + key + '="' + self.env[key] + '" '
+			results['environment'] = env
-			results['info'] = "@@@Returncode: %d\n\nErrors:\n%s\n\nOutput:\n%s" % (proc.returncode, err, out)
-			results['returncode'] = proc.returncode
-			results['command'] = ' '.join(self.command)
+			self.handleErr(results, err)
 			results = TestResult()
 			if 'result' not in results:
@@ -105,3 +95,28 @@ class PlainExecTest(Test):
 		return results
+##### PlainExecTest: Run a "native" piglit test executable
+##### Expect one line prefixed PIGLIT: in the output, which contains a
+##### result dictionary. The plain output is appended to this dictionary
+class PlainExecTest(ExecTest):
+	def __init__(self, command):
+		ExecTest.__init__(self, command)
+		# Prepend testBinDir to the path.
+		self.command[0] = testBinDir + self.command[0]
+	def interpretResult(self, out, results):
+		outlines = out.split('\n')
+		outpiglit = map(lambda s: s[7:], filter(lambda s: s.startswith('PIGLIT:'), outlines))
+		if len(outpiglit) > 0:
+			try:
+				results.update(eval(''.join(outpiglit), {}))
+				out = '\n'.join(filter(lambda s: not s.startswith('PIGLIT:'), outlines))
+			except:
+				results['result'] = 'fail'
+				results['note'] = 'Failed to parse result string'
+		if 'result' not in results:
+			results['result'] = 'fail'
diff --git a/framework/gleantest.py b/framework/gleantest.py
index e4907b3..93b54a0 100644
--- a/framework/gleantest.py
+++ b/framework/gleantest.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import os
 import subprocess
 from core import checkDir, testBinDir, Test, TestResult
+from exectest import ExecTest
 ##### GleanTest: Execute a sub-test of Glean
@@ -35,68 +36,26 @@ def gleanExecutable():
 def gleanResultDir():
 	return os.path.join('.', 'results', 'glean')
-class GleanTest(Test):
+class GleanTest(ExecTest):
 	globalParams = []
 	def __init__(self, name):
-		Test.__init__(self)
-		self.name = name
-		self.command = \
-			[gleanExecutable(), "-r", os.path.join(gleanResultDir(), self.name),
+		ExecTest.__init__(self, \
+			[gleanExecutable(), "-r", os.path.join(gleanResultDir(), name),
 			"-v", "-v", "-v",
-			"-t", "+"+self.name]
-		self.env = {}
-	def run(self):
-		results = TestResult()
-		fullenv = os.environ.copy()
-		for e in self.env:
-			fullenv[e] = str(self.env[e])
+			"-t", "+"+name])
-		checkDir(os.path.join(gleanResultDir(), self.name), False)
+		checkDir(os.path.join(gleanResultDir(), name), False)
-		glean = subprocess.Popen(
-			self.command + GleanTest.globalParams,
-			stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-			stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-			env=fullenv,
-			universal_newlines=True
-		)
-		out, err = glean.communicate()
+		self.name = name
-		results['result'] = 'pass'
+	def run(self):
+                self.command += GleanTest.globalParams
+                return ExecTest.run(self)
-		if glean.returncode == -5:
-			results['result'] = 'trap'
-		elif glean.returncode == -6:
-			results['result'] = 'abort'
-		elif glean.returncode in (-8, -10, -11):
-			results['result'] = 'crash'
-		elif glean.returncode == -1073741819:
-			# 0xc0000005
-			results['result'] = 'crash'
-		elif glean.returncode == -1073741676:
-			# 0xc0000094
-			results['result'] = 'crash'
-		elif glean.returncode != 0 or out.find('FAIL') >= 0:
+	def interpretResult(self, out, results):
+		if out.find('FAIL') >= 0:
 			results['result'] = 'fail'
-		results['returncode'] = glean.returncode
-		results['command'] = ' '.join(self.command + GleanTest.globalParams)
-		env = ''
-		for key in self.env:
-			env = env + key + '="' + self.env[key] + '" ';
-		results['environment'] = env
-		self.handleErr(results, err)
-		results['info'] = "@@@Returncode: %d\n\nErrors:\n%s\n\nOutput:\n%s" % (glean.returncode, err, out)
-		return results
+		else:
+			results['result'] = 'pass'
diff --git a/tests/gtf.tests b/tests/gtf.tests
index c64c3c3..a71e97f 100644
--- a/tests/gtf.tests
+++ b/tests/gtf.tests
@@ -38,50 +38,17 @@ from framework.core import testBinDir
 # Chase the piglit/bin/GTF symlink to find where the tests really live.
 gtfroot = path.dirname(path.realpath(path.join(testBinDir, 'GTF')))
-class GTFTest(PlainExecTest):
+class GTFTest(ExecTest):
     pass_re = re.compile(r'Regression PASSED all 1 tests')
-    def __init__(self, command):
-        PlainExecTest.__init__(self, command)
-        self.env = dict()
+    def __init__(self, testpath):
+        ExecTest.__init__(self, [path.join(testBinDir, 'GTF'), '-noimagefileio', '-id=7', '-run=' + testpath])
-    def run(self):
-        fullenv = os.environ.copy()
-        for e in self.env:
-            fullenv[e] = str(self.env[e])
-        if self.command is not None:
-            proc = subprocess.Popen(
-                self.command,
-                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                env=fullenv,
-                universal_newlines=True
-                )
-            out, err = proc.communicate()
-            test_pass = GTFTest.pass_re.search(out) is not None
-            results = TestResult()
-            if test_pass:
-                results['result'] = 'pass'
-            else:
-                results['result'] = 'fail'
-            if proc.returncode != 0:
-                results['result'] = 'fail'
-                results['note'] = 'Returncode was %d' % (proc.returncode)
-            self.handleErr(results, err)
-            results['info'] = "@@@Returncode: %d\n\nErrors:\n%s\n\nOutput:\n%s" % (proc.returncode, err, out)
-            results['returncode'] = proc.returncode
-        else:
-            results = TestResult()
-            if 'result' not in results:
-                results['result'] = 'skip'
-        return results
+    def interpretResult(self, out, results):
+	if self.pass_re.search(out) is not None:
+		results['result'] = 'pass'
+	else:
+		results['result'] = 'fail'
 # Populate a group with tests in the given directory:
@@ -101,7 +68,7 @@ def populateTests(group, directory):
             name = entry[:-5]
             # Don't add example.test...it's not a real test.
             if name != 'example':
-                group[name] = GTFTest(['GTF', '-noimagefileio', '-id=7', '-run=' + pathname])
+                group[name] = GTFTest(pathname)
 # Create a new top-level 'gtf' category for all Khronos ES 2.0 tests
 gtf = Group()

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