[Piglit] [PATCH 0/1] Add comprehensive tests of builtin functions with uniform input.

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Sat Jul 23 08:32:31 PDT 2011

On Sat, 23 Jul 2011 01:45:38 -0700, Ian Romanick <idr at freedesktop.org> wrote:
> On 07/22/2011 02:00 PM, Paul Berry wrote:
> > [require]
> > GLSL >= 1.10
> > 
> > [vertex shader]
> > varying vec4 color;
> > uniform float arg0;
> > uniform float arg1;
> > uniform vec4 arg2;
> > 
> > void main()
> > {
> >   gl_Position = gl_Vertex;
> >   vec4 result = smoothstep(arg0, arg1, arg2);
> >   result -= -0.5;
> >   result *= 0.5;
> >   color = vec4(result);
> > }
> > 
> > [fragment shader]
> > varying vec4 color;
> > 
> > void main()
> > {
> >   gl_FragColor = color;
> > }
> > 
> > [test]
> > uniform float arg0 -1.9
> > uniform float arg1 -0.633333333333
> > uniform vec4 arg2 -2.0 -0.666666666667 0.666666666667 2.0
> > draw rect -1 -1 2 2
> > probe rgba 0 0 0.25 0.748979443068 0.75 0.75
> Checks like this are a big problem for shaders.  With 8-bit color
> outputs, checks that require any precision are doomed.  As you noticed,
> you can only validate answers on the range [0,1].  Moreover, you can
> only verify that the calculated answer is within 1/255 of correct.
> That's just not good enough for most things.
> Most of the time you want to check that a calculation is correct within
> a certain tolerance.  In those cases, you should do exactly that in the
> shader.  Some of the non-constant indexing tests that I wrote do this.
> In one of the cases, vs-varying-mat4-wr.shader_test, I want to check
> that a matrix passed to fragment shader has a varying had correct
> values.  I checked that by doing a calculation with that matrix and
> verifying the correctness of that result:
> void main()
> {
>     gl_FragColor = (abs(distance(dst_matrix * v, expect)) < 1e-6)
>         ? vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
> }

On the other hand, I was really happy to see that Paul did his tests
this way.  I don't like the error tolerance stuff for driver debugging.
I know, it makes sure that we're better than just 1/255 from the right
answer, but when it comes to debugging all you get told is "pass" or
"fail".  When you were debugging the matrix array access stuff, the bugs
would have jumped out at us sooner to see a value smashed to 1.0 instead
of approximately an expected color, or that just the zw channels were

Maybe we need to just be doing these tests into floating point FBOs?
Then we could do error tolerance in our probes instead of the draw, not
be limited in ranges, and not flash windows on the screen in -auto mode.
And we could do fancy presentation based on the probe expected values
for non-"-auto" mode.  Wouldn't that be awesome?
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