[Piglit] [PATCH] Add a test of isinf() and isnan() functionality.
Paul Berry
stereotype441 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 08:45:07 PDT 2011
isinf() and isnan() are difficult to test, since the GLSL 1.30 spec
does not define when an implemenation is required to generate infinite
or NaN values; in fact, it explicitly allows for implementations that
do not even have a representation of infinity or NaN.
This test verifies that if the implementation does generate infinite
or NaN values, they behave in a consistent way, and that when it
claims that a value is finite, it truly is finite.
Tested on the nVidia proprietary Linux driver, which passes all
variants of the test except the "vs_xfb" variant (which is skipped
because the driver doesn't have the correct extension string to
indicate that it is capable of performing transform feedback).
tests/all.tests | 3 +
tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/CMakeLists.gl.txt | 1 +
tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/isinf-and-isnan.c | 554 ++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 558 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/isinf-and-isnan.c
diff --git a/tests/all.tests b/tests/all.tests
index 40bc92c..aca2c7f 100644
--- a/tests/all.tests
+++ b/tests/all.tests
@@ -853,6 +853,9 @@ spec['glsl-1.30']['linker'] = Group()
spec['glsl-1.30']['linker']['clipping'] = Group()
add_plain_test(spec['glsl-1.30']['linker']['clipping'], 'mixing-clip-distance-and-clip-vertex-disallowed')
add_plain_test(spec['glsl-1.30']['execution']['clipping'], 'max-clip-distances')
+for arg in ['vs_basic', 'vs_xfb', 'vs_fbo', 'fs_basic', 'fs_fbo']:
+ test_name = 'isinf-and-isnan ' + arg
+ spec['glsl-1.30']['execution'][test_name] = PlainExecTest(test_name + ' -auto')
spec['glsl-1.30']['execution']['clipping']['clip-plane-transformation pos'] = \
concurrent_test('clip-plane-transformation pos')
diff --git a/tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/CMakeLists.gl.txt b/tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/CMakeLists.gl.txt
index e569968..1a920ca 100644
--- a/tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/CMakeLists.gl.txt
+++ b/tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/CMakeLists.gl.txt
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ link_libraries (
add_executable (fs-textureSize-2D fs-textureSize-2D.c)
add_executable (fs-texelFetch-2D fs-texelFetch-2D.c)
add_executable (fs-texelFetchOffset-2D fs-texelFetchOffset-2D.c)
+add_executable (isinf-and-isnan isinf-and-isnan.c)
diff --git a/tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/isinf-and-isnan.c b/tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/isinf-and-isnan.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..601d36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spec/glsl-1.30/execution/isinf-and-isnan.c
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+ * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+ * Software.
+ *
+ */
+ * \file isinf-and-isnan.c
+ *
+ * Test that isinf() and isnan() built-in functions behave properly.
+ *
+ * The GLSL 1.30 spec does not define when an implementation is required to
+ * generate infinite or NaN values; in fact, it explicitly allows for
+ * implementations that do not even have a representation of infinity or Nan.
+ * Therefore, we cannot check that infinities and NaNs are created when we
+ * expect them. However, we can test: (a) that isnan() and isinf() return
+ * false for finite values, (b) that isinf() and isnan() behave consistently
+ * with each other, and (c) that when a floating-point value is read out the
+ * shader (using transform feedback or a floating point framebuffer) the
+ * behavior of isnan() and isinf() behave consistently with the value that is
+ * read out.
+ *
+ * This test operates by generating several expressions, some of which are
+ * likely to produce infinities, some of which are likely to produce NaN, and
+ * some of which are expected to produce finite values. For each expression,
+ * it does the following:
+ * - evaluates isinf(value) in the shader
+ * - evaluates isnan(value) in the shader
+ * - evaluates sign(value) in the shader
+ * - evaluates (value > 0) in the shader
+ * - reads the value out of the shader (using transform feedback or a floating
+ * point framebuffer)
+ * - feeds that value back into the shader (using a uniform); the shader
+ * subtracts this uniform from the originally computed value to produce a
+ * delta.
+ *
+ * And then it performs the following checks:
+ * - If the value was expected to be finite, verifies that isinf() and isnan()
+ * returned false.
+ * - If the value was expected to be +Inf or -Inf, verifies that the sign is
+ * correct, using both sign(value) and (value > 0). This check is skipped
+ * if isnan(value) is true, since it's possible that a conformant
+ * implementation might generate NaN instead of infinity, and NaN does not
+ * have a well-defined sign.
+ * - Checks that isinf() and isnan() didn't both return true.
+ * - Checks that the C isinf() and isnan() functions give the same result as
+ * the shader's isinf() and isnan() functions.
+ * - If the value is finite, checks that the delta is zero (to within
+ * tolerance).
+ *
+ * The last two checks are only performed when using a floating point
+ * framebuffer or transform feedback, because those are the only ways to get
+ * infinities and NaNs out of the shader and into C code.
+ *
+ * Note: the reason for the final check is to verify that a value claimed by
+ * the shader to be finite is truly behaving like a finite number. Without
+ * it, an implementation could pass all these tests by simply having isinf()
+ * and isnan() return false, and converting infinities and NaNs to finite
+ * values when they exit the shader.
+ *
+ * The output of the test is a table whose columns are:
+ * - The expression being tested (this expression may refer to the uniforms
+ * z=0, u_inf=+Inf, u_minus_inf=-Inf, and u_nan=NaN).
+ * - The expected behavior of the expression ("finite", "+Inf", "-Inf", or
+ * "NaN", indicating how the expression would be expected to evaluate on a
+ * fully IEEE 754 compliant architecture)
+ * - isinf(value), as computed by the shader
+ * - isnan(value), as computed by the shader
+ * - sign(value), as computed by the shader
+ * - (value > 0), as computed by the shader
+ * - value, as read out of the shader using transform feedback or a
+ * floating-point framebuffer
+ * - delta, the difference between the computed value and the value that was
+ * fed back into the shader.
+ * - A pass/fail indication.
+ *
+ * The test must be invoked with one of the following command-line arguments:
+ * - vs_basic: test the VS without reading values out of the shader.
+ * - fs_basic: test the FS without reading values out of the shader.
+ * - vs_fbo: test the VS, using a floating-point framebuffer to read values
+ * out of the shader.
+ * - vs_xfb: test the VS, using transform feedback to read values out of the
+ * shader.
+ * - fs_fbo: test the FS, using a floating-point framebuffer to read values
+ * out of the shader.
+ */
+#include "piglit-util.h"
+int piglit_width = 100;
+int piglit_height = 100;
+int piglit_window_mode = GLUT_RGB | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DOUBLE;
+GLint stock_vs;
+GLint stock_fs;
+GLuint xfb_buffer;
+ * True if we are using a floating-point framebuffer to read data out of the
+ * shader.
+ */
+bool use_fbo = false;
+ * True if we are using transform feedback to read data out of the shader.
+ */
+bool use_xfb = false;
+ * True if we are testing the fragment shader, false if we are testing the
+ * vertex shader.
+ */
+bool use_fs;
+ * True if we are reading data out of the shader using a mechanism that
+ * preserves the full 32-bit floating point value, so we can do additional
+ * checks.
+ */
+bool precise;
+static const char stock_vs_text[] =
+ "#version 130\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = gl_Vertex;\n"
+ "}\n";
+static const char stock_fs_text[] =
+ "#version 130\n"
+ "flat in vec4 data;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_FragColor = data;\n"
+ "}\n";
+static const char shader_template[] =
+ "#version 130\n"
+ "uniform float z;\n"
+ "uniform float u_inf;\n"
+ "uniform float u_minus_inf;\n"
+ "uniform float u_nan;\n"
+ "uniform float ref;\n"
+ "uniform int mode;\n"
+ "%s" /* Either vs_boilerplate or fs_boilerplate */
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " do_common_shader_operations();\n"
+ " float value = %s;\n" /* Expression to be tested */
+ " if (mode == 0) {\n"
+ " output_result(vec4(value,\n"
+ " isinf(value) ? 1 : 0,\n"
+ " isnan(value) ? 1 : 0,\n"
+ " (sign(value) + 1.0) / 2.0));\n"
+ " } else if (mode == 1) {\n"
+ " output_result(vec4(value > 0 ? 1 : 0,\n"
+ " value - ref,\n"
+ " 0.0,\n"
+ " 0.0));\n"
+ " } else {\n"
+ " /* Ensure all uniforms are used */\n"
+ " output_result(vec4(z + u_inf + u_minus_inf + u_nan));\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
+static const char vs_boilerplate[] =
+ "flat out vec4 data;\n"
+ "void do_common_shader_operations()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = gl_Vertex;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "void output_result(vec4 result)\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " data = result;\n"
+ "}\n";
+static const char fs_boilerplate[] =
+ "void do_common_shader_operations()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "void output_result(vec4 result)\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_FragColor = result;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ piglit_require_extension("GL_ARB_framebuffer_object");
+ piglit_require_extension("GL_ARB_texture_float");
+ GLuint fb = 0;
+ GLuint color_rb = 0;
+ GLenum fb_status;
+ glGenFramebuffers(1, &fb);
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fb);
+ /* Bind color attachment. */
+ glGenRenderbuffers(1, &color_rb);
+ glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, color_rb);
+ glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_RGBA32F,
+ piglit_width, piglit_height);
+ GL_RENDERBUFFER, color_rb);
+ piglit_check_gl_error(0, PIGLIT_FAIL);
+ fb_status = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER);
+ if (fb_status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
+ printf("error: FBO incomplete (status = 0x%04x)\n", fb_status);
+ piglit_report_result(PIGLIT_SKIP);
+ }
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, fb);
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fb);
+ piglit_require_extension("GL_EXT_transform_feedback");
+ glGenBuffers(1, &xfb_buffer);
+print_usage_and_exit(char *prog_name)
+ printf("Usage: %s <mode>\n"
+ " where <mode> is one of:\n"
+ " vs_basic\n"
+ " fs_basic\n"
+ " vs_fbo\n"
+ " vs_xfb\n"
+ " fs_fbo\n", prog_name);
+ exit(1);
+piglit_init(int argc, char **argv)
+ if (argc != 2)
+ print_usage_and_exit(argv[0]);
+ if (strcmp(argv[1], "vs_basic") == 0) {
+ use_fs = false;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "fs_basic") == 0) {
+ use_fs = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "vs_fbo") == 0) {
+ use_fs = false;
+ use_fbo = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "vs_xfb") == 0) {
+ use_fs = false;
+ use_xfb = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "fs_fbo") == 0) {
+ use_fs = true;
+ use_fbo = true;
+ } else {
+ print_usage_and_exit(argv[0]);
+ }
+ precise = use_fbo || use_xfb;
+ piglit_require_GLSL();
+ piglit_require_GLSL_version(130);
+ if (use_fbo) {
+ setup_fbo();
+ }
+ if (use_xfb) {
+ setup_xfb();
+ }
+ stock_vs = piglit_compile_shader_text(GL_VERTEX_SHADER,
+ stock_vs_text);
+ stock_fs = piglit_compile_shader_text(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER,
+ stock_fs_text);
+ * enum indicating how the expression would be expected to behave on a fully
+ * IEEE 754 compliant architecture. Note: since OpenGL implementations are
+ * not required to respect all of IEEE 754's rules for infinities and NaN's,
+ * we don't necessarily check all of these behaviors.
+ */
+enum behavior
+ B_NAN = 0, /* Expected to evaluate to NaN */
+ B_FINITE = 1, /* Expected to evaluate to a finite value */
+ B_POSINF = 2, /* Expected to evaluate to +Infinity */
+ B_NEGINF = 3, /* Expected to evaluate to -Infinity */
+struct expression_table_element
+ char *expression;
+ int expected_behavior;
+struct expression_table_element expressions[] = {
+ { "1000.0", B_FINITE },
+ { "1000.0+z", B_FINITE },
+ { "-1000.0", B_FINITE },
+ { "-1000.0+z", B_FINITE },
+ { "u_inf", B_POSINF },
+ { "exp(1000.0)", B_POSINF },
+ { "exp(1000.0+z)", B_POSINF },
+ { "u_minus_inf", B_NEGINF },
+ { "-exp(1000.0)", B_NEGINF },
+ { "-exp(1000.0+z)", B_NEGINF },
+ { "u_nan", B_NAN },
+ { "0/0", B_NAN },
+ { "z/z", B_NAN },
+ { "u_inf/u_minus_inf", B_NAN },
+ { "z*u_inf", B_NAN },
+ { "u_inf+u_minus_inf", B_NAN },
+ { "log(-1.0)", B_NAN },
+ { "log(-1.0+z)", B_NAN },
+ { "sqrt(-1.0)", B_NAN },
+ { "sqrt(-1.0+z)", B_NAN },
+ * Draw using the shader, and then read back values using either (a) the
+ * floating-point framebuffer, (b) transform feedback, or (c) pixel reads from
+ * the window. Note that pixel reads from the window are only accurate to one
+ * part in 255, so the caller must be careful not to rely on high precision in
+ * case (c).
+ */
+void draw_and_readback(float *readback)
+ if (use_xfb) {
+ glBindBufferBase(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, xfb_buffer);
+ glBeginTransformFeedback(GL_TRIANGLES);
+ }
+ piglit_draw_rect(-1, -1, 2, 2);
+ if (use_xfb) {
+ glEndTransformFeedback();
+ memcpy(readback,
+ 4*sizeof(float));
+ } else {
+ glReadPixels(0, 0, 1, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, readback);
+ }
+ * Test the given expression, to make sure its behavior is self-consistent and
+ * consistent with the expected behavior.
+ */
+bool test_expr(char *expression, int expected_behavior)
+ char shader_text[4096];
+ GLint shader;
+ GLint prog;
+ float readback[4];
+ float value;
+ bool isinf_in_shader;
+ bool isnan_in_shader;
+ int sign_in_shader;
+ float delta;
+ bool greater_than_zero;
+ bool pass = true;
+ char *expected_behavior_string;
+ /* Create and link a program specifically to test this expression */
+ prog = piglit_CreateProgram();
+ if (use_fs) {
+ sprintf(shader_text, shader_template, fs_boilerplate,
+ expression);
+ shader = piglit_compile_shader_text(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER,
+ shader_text);
+ piglit_AttachShader(prog, stock_vs);
+ piglit_AttachShader(prog, shader);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(shader_text, shader_template, vs_boilerplate,
+ expression);
+ shader = piglit_compile_shader_text(GL_VERTEX_SHADER,
+ shader_text);
+ piglit_AttachShader(prog, shader);
+ piglit_AttachShader(prog, stock_fs);
+ }
+ if (use_xfb) {
+ static const char *var_name = "data";
+ glTransformFeedbackVaryings(prog, 1, &var_name,
+ glBindBuffer(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, xfb_buffer);
+ }
+ piglit_LinkProgram(prog);
+ piglit_DeleteShader(shader);
+ piglit_UseProgram(prog);
+ /* Set up uniforms */
+ piglit_Uniform1f(piglit_GetUniformLocation(prog, "z"), 0.0);
+ piglit_Uniform1f(piglit_GetUniformLocation(prog, "u_inf"), 1.0/0.0);
+ piglit_Uniform1f(piglit_GetUniformLocation(prog, "u_minus_inf"),
+ -1.0/0.0);
+ piglit_Uniform1f(piglit_GetUniformLocation(prog, "u_nan"), 0.0/0.0);
+ /* Use one draw call to read out value, isinf(value), isnan(value),
+ * and sign(value).
+ */
+ piglit_Uniform1f(piglit_GetUniformLocation(prog, "ref"), 0.0);
+ piglit_Uniform1i(piglit_GetUniformLocation(prog, "mode"), 0);
+ draw_and_readback(readback);
+ value = readback[0];
+ isinf_in_shader = readback[1] > 0.5;
+ isnan_in_shader = readback[2] > 0.5;
+ sign_in_shader = (int) (2.0*readback[3] + 0.5) - 1;
+ /* Use a second draw call to feed value back into the shader, and read
+ * out (value > 0) and delta.
+ */
+ piglit_Uniform1f(piglit_GetUniformLocation(prog, "ref"), value);
+ piglit_Uniform1i(piglit_GetUniformLocation(prog, "mode"), 1);
+ draw_and_readback(readback);
+ greater_than_zero = readback[0] > 0.5;
+ delta = readback[1];
+ /* Check that the behavior was as expected */
+ switch (expected_behavior) {
+ case B_FINITE:
+ expected_behavior_string = "finite";
+ if (isinf_in_shader || isnan_in_shader) {
+ /* Expected finite, got Inf or NaN */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case B_POSINF:
+ expected_behavior_string = "+Inf";
+ if (!isnan_in_shader && sign_in_shader != 1.0) {
+ /* Expected positive or NaN, got <= 0 */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case B_NEGINF:
+ expected_behavior_string = "-Inf";
+ if (!isnan_in_shader && sign_in_shader != -1.0) {
+ /* Expected negative or NaN, got >= 0 */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ expected_behavior_string = "NaN";
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Do other sanity checks */
+ if (isnan_in_shader && isinf_in_shader) {
+ /* No value can be simultaneously Inf and NaN */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ if (!isnan_in_shader) {
+ if (sign_in_shader == -1 || sign_in_shader == 0) {
+ if (greater_than_zero) {
+ /* sign(value) inconsistent with (value>0) */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ } else if (sign_in_shader == 1) {
+ if (!greater_than_zero) {
+ /* sign(value) inconsistent with (value>0) */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Illegal return value for sign() */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we are using a high-precision technique to read data out of the
+ * shader (fbo or xfb), check the behavior of isinf and isnan against
+ * their C counterparts, and verify that delta ~= 0 for finite values.
+ */
+ if (precise) {
+ bool isinf_in_c = !!isinf(value);
+ bool isnan_in_c = !!isnan(value);
+ if (isinf_in_shader != isinf_in_c ||
+ isnan_in_shader != isnan_in_c) {
+ /* Result of isinf() and isnan() in the shader did not
+ * match the result in C code.
+ */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ if (!isinf_in_shader && !isnan_in_shader) {
+ float threshold = fabs(value * 1e-6);
+ if (isinf(delta) || isnan(delta) ||
+ fabs(delta) > threshold) {
+ /* The shader and C code agree that the value
+ * was finite, but it isn't behaving as a nice
+ * finite value should.
+ */
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Output a line for the results table */
+ printf("%17s %6s %5s %5s %4d %5s ",
+ expression,
+ expected_behavior_string,
+ isinf_in_shader ? "true" : "false",
+ isnan_in_shader ? "true" : "false",
+ sign_in_shader,
+ greater_than_zero ? "true" : "false");
+ if (precise) {
+ printf("%12f %12f ", value, delta);
+ }
+ printf("%s\n", pass ? "OK" : "FAIL");
+ piglit_UseProgram(0);
+ piglit_DeleteProgram(prog);
+ return pass;
+enum piglit_result
+ int i;
+ bool pass = true;
+ printf(" expression expect isinf isnan sign >0?");
+ if (precise)
+ printf(" value delta");
+ printf("\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(expressions)/sizeof(*expressions); ++i) {
+ pass = test_expr(expressions[i].expression,
+ expressions[i].expected_behavior) && pass;
+ }
+ return pass ? PIGLIT_PASS : PIGLIT_FAIL;
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