[Piglit] [PATCH 6/6] glsl, gles2: add glsl2/frag tests for gles2

Tom Gall tom.gall at linaro.org
Fri Dec 14 12:01:22 PST 2012

This is a set of trivial changes. In the appropriate set of
  tests/glslparsertests/glsl2/*.frag which are targeted for
  glsl_version 1.10 or 1.20, add glsles_version: 1.00 which
  identifies the test as appropriate for glsl es 1.0 which lines up
  with gles2.

Signed-off-by: Tom Gall <tom.gall at linaro.org>
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16384-consecutive-chars.frag            |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16385-consecutive-chars.frag            |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/17000-consecutive-chars-identifier.frag |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/array-length-110.frag                   |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-01.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-02.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-09.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-functions-110.frag              |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-texturematrix.frag              |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation-preprocessor.frag  |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation.frag               |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-01.frag                     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-02.frag                     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-03.frag                     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-04.frag                     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-05.frag                     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-110.frag                  |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise1.frag               |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise2.frag               |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise3.frag               |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise4.frag               |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-implicit-conversion.frag          |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-01.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-02.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-03.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-04.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-01.frag           |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-02.frag           |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-userfunction.frag                 |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-mat.frag                      |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-01.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-02.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-03.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-04.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-05.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-01.frag                    |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-08.frag                    |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-09.frag                    |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/function-08.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/glsl-pp-elif-no-expression-2.frag       |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bulge.frag                       |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bumper.frag                      |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-convolution.frag                 |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-difference.frag                  |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-fisheye.frag                     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-glass.frag                       |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-greedyh.frag                     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-hconv9.frag                      |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-interpolate.frag                 |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-threshold.frag              |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-to-curve.frag               |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mirror.frag                      |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mosaic-f.frag                    |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-multiply.frag                    |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-rgb-to-curve.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sin.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sobel.frag                       |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-square.frag                      |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-squeeze.frag                     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sum.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-i420-yv12.frag     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-yuy2-uyvy.frag     |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-ayuv.frag            |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-i420-yv12.frag       |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-yuy2-uyvy.frag       |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-texture-interp.frag              |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-tunnel.frag                      |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-twirl.frag                       |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-vconv9.frag                      |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-01.frag                  |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-02.frag                  |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-03.frag                  |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-01.frag                           |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-02.frag                           |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/loop-07.frag                            |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/norsetto-bumptbn_sh_fp.frag             |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/pragma-08.frag                          |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/preprocessor-01.frag                    |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion-2.frag                |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion.frag                  |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-qualifier.frag                   |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-01.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-02.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-03.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-04.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-05.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-06.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-01.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-02.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/struct-06.frag                          |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-01.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-02.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-03.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-04.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-05.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-06.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-07.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-08.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-09.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-10.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-11.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-12.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-13.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-01.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-02.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-03.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-04.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-05.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-06.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-07.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-08.frag                        |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/unary-plus.frag                         |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-d-omni.frag              |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-db-omni.frag             |    1 +
 tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-dbs-omni.frag            |    1 +
 115 files changed, 115 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16384-consecutive-chars.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16384-consecutive-chars.frag
index 868267d..d006fa7 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16384-consecutive-chars.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16384-consecutive-chars.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // [end config]
 /* 16384 consecutive characters without a newline. */
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16385-consecutive-chars.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16385-consecutive-chars.frag
index 32fdaef..91dbded 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16385-consecutive-chars.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/16385-consecutive-chars.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // [end config]
 /* 16385 consecutive characters without a newline. */
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/17000-consecutive-chars-identifier.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/17000-consecutive-chars-identifier.frag
index c1b0c49..1b2f0f9 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/17000-consecutive-chars-identifier.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/17000-consecutive-chars-identifier.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // [end config]
 void main()
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/array-length-110.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/array-length-110.frag
index 9302e00..3aa2707 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/array-length-110.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/array-length-110.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-01.frag
index d64228e..1a19002 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-02.frag
index 523b5f7..4d27c3a 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-09.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-09.frag
index 4f3a648..631c69e 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-09.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/bit-not-09.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // [end config]
 /* FAIL - bitwise operations aren't supported in 1.20. */
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-functions-110.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-functions-110.frag
index b16d0aa..b275f63 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-functions-110.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-functions-110.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-texturematrix.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-texturematrix.frag
index 1edb50f..fdfaaed 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-texturematrix.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/builtin-texturematrix.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation-preprocessor.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation-preprocessor.frag
index 4f84b0a..e03495f 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation-preprocessor.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation-preprocessor.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // [end config]
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation.frag
index ea39796..a868e75 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/comment-continuation.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-01.frag
index 98cfb1c..41f3162 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-02.frag
index 30319c9..b067186 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-03.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-03.frag
index f2eda8a..86091a2 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-03.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-03.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-04.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-04.frag
index 26f26a0..1873570 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-04.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-04.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-05.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-05.frag
index 675a33d..5af5e26 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-05.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-array-05.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-110.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-110.frag
index 53e21cd..b0a58eb 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-110.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-110.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise1.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise1.frag
index 1fc9281..5f8149f 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise1.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise1.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise2.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise2.frag
index 56442f2..73e0348 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise2.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise2.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise3.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise3.frag
index 5a45e0a..cf5ec3d 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise3.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise3.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise4.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise4.frag
index 960547e..c65d44b 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise4.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-builtin-noise4.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-implicit-conversion.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-implicit-conversion.frag
index 0411811..4aad94c 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-implicit-conversion.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-implicit-conversion.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-01.frag
index c037cdb..ff802b5 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-02.frag
index 22d7cfe..92a2f5b 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-03.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-03.frag
index f8668ae..59706f1 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-03.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-03.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-04.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-04.frag
index 7bcdeb8..aa87c72 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-04.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-mat-scalar-04.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-01.frag
index 4eade7c..addd38e 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-02.frag
index 71bc1e0..b47211c 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-matrix-multiply-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-userfunction.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-userfunction.frag
index 6c3bcc2..8db6019 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-userfunction.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-userfunction.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-mat.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-mat.frag
index d7bed88..e5d1c7f 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-mat.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-mat.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-01.frag
index f4957a2..c9920b3 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-02.frag
index a5f665d..760b79b 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-03.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-03.frag
index 5b15882..9f7d00f 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-03.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-03.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-04.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-04.frag
index 148e14b..0f085e8 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-04.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-04.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-05.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-05.frag
index c92e76e..ac7f3cd 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-05.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/const-vec-scalar-05.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-01.frag
index 562fcc2..f4f4a85 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-08.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-08.frag
index 50a2bff..51b723b 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-08.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-08.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-09.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-09.frag
index e048419..a8608ff 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-09.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/draw_buffers-09.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/function-08.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/function-08.frag
index ccdccdc..d784ae0 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/function-08.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/function-08.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/glsl-pp-elif-no-expression-2.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/glsl-pp-elif-no-expression-2.frag
index 3ac3add..0eb2a9a 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/glsl-pp-elif-no-expression-2.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/glsl-pp-elif-no-expression-2.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bulge.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bulge.frag
index 86980c3..307b428 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bulge.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bulge.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bumper.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bumper.frag
index 395428c..6d37912 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bumper.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-bumper.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-convolution.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-convolution.frag
index e21ea7a..7428548 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-convolution.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-convolution.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-difference.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-difference.frag
index 8bd25f4..05b874c 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-difference.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-difference.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-fisheye.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-fisheye.frag
index d63a17b..12b7eb2 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-fisheye.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-fisheye.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-glass.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-glass.frag
index c206012..98a26cd 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-glass.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-glass.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-greedyh.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-greedyh.frag
index 2a0817e..61c9995 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-greedyh.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-greedyh.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-hconv9.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-hconv9.frag
index 01afa31..995d2a3 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-hconv9.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-hconv9.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-interpolate.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-interpolate.frag
index 4402687..cd54e34 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-interpolate.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-interpolate.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-threshold.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-threshold.frag
index 8b1feae..1f6f8d5 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-threshold.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-threshold.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-to-curve.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-to-curve.frag
index 6b36af3..26abddf 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-to-curve.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-luma-to-curve.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mirror.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mirror.frag
index f770fc0..f48501d 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mirror.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mirror.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mosaic-f.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mosaic-f.frag
index a7667b4..1d82395 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mosaic-f.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-mosaic-f.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-multiply.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-multiply.frag
index 536f066..146d089 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-multiply.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-multiply.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-rgb-to-curve.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-rgb-to-curve.frag
index 1f6b641..846d78c 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-rgb-to-curve.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-rgb-to-curve.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sin.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sin.frag
index 4141e82..b47398e 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sin.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sin.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sobel.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sobel.frag
index fa797e6..aaf68ba 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sobel.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sobel.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-square.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-square.frag
index d6669a8..aadc203 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-square.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-square.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-squeeze.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-squeeze.frag
index 653307d..3ca0de2 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-squeeze.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-squeeze.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sum.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sum.frag
index 9737850..09c2ba8 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sum.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-sum.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-i420-yv12.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-i420-yv12.frag
index 65fb18d..adf7566 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-i420-yv12.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-i420-yv12.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-yuy2-uyvy.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-yuy2-uyvy.frag
index 9dbe97b..90198eb 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-yuy2-uyvy.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-download-yuy2-uyvy.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-ayuv.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-ayuv.frag
index 15a59ed..541ca78 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-ayuv.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-ayuv.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-i420-yv12.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-i420-yv12.frag
index f6b798a..f32e3f8 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-i420-yv12.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-i420-yv12.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-yuy2-uyvy.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-yuy2-uyvy.frag
index 93280db..09c8060 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-yuy2-uyvy.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-text-upload-yuy2-uyvy.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-texture-interp.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-texture-interp.frag
index 41bbdba..9fdb362 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-texture-interp.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-texture-interp.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-tunnel.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-tunnel.frag
index 70f80d0..c0d9cfd 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-tunnel.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-tunnel.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-twirl.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-twirl.frag
index bb75978..69945a6 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-twirl.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-twirl.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-vconv9.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-vconv9.frag
index e6cdeb1..f2eadcc 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-vconv9.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/gst-gl-vconv9.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-01.frag
index 0ceb4c9..beaa099 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-02.frag
index dc52f57..d5c67bf 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.20
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-03.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-03.frag
index 1ee171c..6fd3e3a 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-03.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/local-function-03.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-01.frag
index 334213b..48e87d6 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // [end config]
 /* Test short circuit evaluation: though the second argument isn't necessary
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-02.frag
index 198a54e..91f85ef 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/logic-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // [end config]
 /* Test short circuit evaluation: though the second argument isn't necessary
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/loop-07.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/loop-07.frag
index 7ff9da4..598af9f 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/loop-07.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/loop-07.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // [end config]
 void main()
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/norsetto-bumptbn_sh_fp.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/norsetto-bumptbn_sh_fp.frag
index ed90545..a57dfdb 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/norsetto-bumptbn_sh_fp.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/norsetto-bumptbn_sh_fp.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/pragma-08.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/pragma-08.frag
index 86973c8..2e494e4 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/pragma-08.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/pragma-08.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/preprocessor-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/preprocessor-01.frag
index a8bc55d..f9a9bd2 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/preprocessor-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/preprocessor-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion-2.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion-2.frag
index 5d9ce79..f97c28a 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion-2.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion-2.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion.frag
index a0be87a..e7bf841 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-conversion.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-qualifier.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-qualifier.frag
index 886d543..9ad8e2b 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-qualifier.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/return-qualifier.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-01.frag
index a6c54d2..1c8e40e 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-02.frag
index 62c03e5..2be2af2 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-03.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-03.frag
index e4a94d1..e46aa4c 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-03.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-03.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-04.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-04.frag
index 22b1b24..2c81931 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-04.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-04.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-05.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-05.frag
index 45cdf13..bb4e4f3 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-05.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-05.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-06.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-06.frag
index 76a2bbf..ad2ec67 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-06.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/sampler-06.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-01.frag
index d95fba7..042d4b8 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-02.frag
index b9f0774..36518d9 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/scoping-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/struct-06.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/struct-06.frag
index 21dc799..49db844 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/struct-06.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/struct-06.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-01.frag
index 9be11ba..641093e 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-02.frag
index f957360..25d5d7a 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-03.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-03.frag
index 0918db6..d535e8c 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-03.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-03.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-04.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-04.frag
index fe19563..96383c1 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-04.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-04.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-05.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-05.frag
index 3c6cf28..a55f53f 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-05.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-05.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-06.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-06.frag
index b50304f..2bd9989 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-06.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-06.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-07.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-07.frag
index 819b5d8..6794168 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-07.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-07.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-08.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-08.frag
index ed989b8..0a644a7 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-08.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-08.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-09.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-09.frag
index 13cbdbd..9a503b8 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-09.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-09.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-10.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-10.frag
index e337d2b..5c2f803 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-10.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-10.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-11.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-11.frag
index 6bc5d1f..d176ee1 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-11.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-11.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-12.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-12.frag
index 7a43cc6..1e7b824 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-12.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-12.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-13.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-13.frag
index 6b3ec4b..be5b29f 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-13.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_lod-13.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-01.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-01.frag
index bdddb49..b3719f8 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-01.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-01.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-02.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-02.frag
index 9a51cef..29cc70f 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-02.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-02.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: fail
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-03.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-03.frag
index ab2376a..0f4dfa6 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-03.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-03.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-04.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-04.frag
index d7bd22a..774c7bf 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-04.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-04.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-05.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-05.frag
index 5d547ed..417a5ee 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-05.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-05.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-06.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-06.frag
index 6bce4ca..d3997d8 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-06.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-06.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-07.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-07.frag
index 0a11314..f65a46b 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-07.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-07.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-08.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-08.frag
index a2d56e0..6a5ac9b 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-08.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/tex_rect-08.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/unary-plus.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/unary-plus.frag
index 1d41841..67cee53 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/unary-plus.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/unary-plus.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-d-omni.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-d-omni.frag
index e386e5b..5bd24df 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-d-omni.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-d-omni.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-db-omni.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-db-omni.frag
index e6e512f..016ce64 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-db-omni.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-db-omni.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
diff --git a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-dbs-omni.frag b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-dbs-omni.frag
index 5e08797..74f44ce 100644
--- a/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-dbs-omni.frag
+++ b/tests/glslparsertest/glsl2/xreal-lighting-dbs-omni.frag
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // [config]
 // expect_result: pass
 // glsl_version: 1.10
+// glsles_version: 1.00
 // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
 // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision

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