[Piglit] ARB_copy_buffer

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Thu Jan 26 08:49:23 PST 2012

Oops.  This message was supposed to say "Here's a bunch of testing for
ARB_copy_buffer.  I took a copy of the spec, and deleted sections as I
tested them, and only this is left in my file:

On Wed, 25 Jan 2012 17:36:08 -0800, Eric Anholt <eric at anholt.net> wrote:
> New Tokens
>     Accepted by the target parameters of BufferSubData,
>     GetBufferSubData, GetBufferPointerv, MapBufferRange,
>     FlushMappedBufferRange, GetBufferParameteriv, BindBufferRange,
>     BindBufferBase:
>     COPY_READ_BUFFER                    0x8F36
>     COPY_WRITE_BUFFER                   0x8F37
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