[Piglit] Python errors during test generation

Paul Berry stereotype441 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 12:18:05 PST 2012

On 9 November 2012 11:15, Chad Versace <chad.versace at linux.intel.com> wrote:

> Paul,
> I observed these Python errors during test generation. I haven't had a
> chance to look into them yet, but just wanted to inform you before I forgot
> about them.
> [87/1749] Generating builtin_uniform_tests.list
> /home/chad/proj/linux/graphics/v/master/src/piglit/generated_tests/builtin_function.py:1146:
> RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in uint_scalars
>   f('op-sub', 2, 110, lambda x, y: x - y, match_simple_binop,
> [floats+vecs+mats+ints+ivecs+uints+uvecs,
> floats+vecs+mats+ints+ivecs+uints+uvecs], template = '({0} - {1})')
> [127/1749] Generating constant_array_size_tests.list
> /home/chad/proj/linux/graphics/v/master/src/piglit/generated_tests/builtin_function.py:1146:
> RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in uint_scalars
>   f('op-sub', 2, 110, lambda x, y: x - y, match_simple_binop,
> [floats+vecs+mats+ints+ivecs+uints+uvecs,
> floats+vecs+mats+ints+ivecs+uints+uvecs], template = '({0} - {1})')

These are normal and nothing to be concerned about.  They happen because
we're trying to test proper overflow behaviour of 32-bit uints in GLSL.  In
order to generate the test vectors we have to overflow those values in
Python, and Python warns when you do that.

If it's bugging you, we could probably rewrite the python code so that it
does those computations without overflow (e.g. if y > x, instead of
computing x - y, compute 2^32 + x - y).
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