[Piglit] [PATCH 04/12] tests/all.py: load glean glsl, frag, and vert tests internally

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Mon Dec 23 16:51:41 PST 2013

This patch converts the glesn glsl1, fragPrgo1, and vertProg1 tests from
external files that are called by execfile into lists of arguements, and
uses a loop to add the tests.

This removes test files that are not in fact loadable test files, and
lack a TestProfile instance, which means they will not be importable.

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com>
 tests/all.tests             | 394 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 tests/glean-fragProg1.tests |  52 ------
 tests/glean-glsl1.tests     | 255 ----------------------------
 tests/glean-vertProg1.tests |  42 -----
 4 files changed, 363 insertions(+), 380 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/glean-fragProg1.tests
 delete mode 100644 tests/glean-glsl1.tests
 delete mode 100644 tests/glean-vertProg1.tests

diff --git a/tests/all.tests b/tests/all.tests
index 38c0f5d..1cd3c79 100644
--- a/tests/all.tests
+++ b/tests/all.tests
@@ -15,21 +15,16 @@ from framework.gleantest import GleanTest
 from framework.glsl_parser_test import GLSLParserTest, add_glsl_parser_test, import_glsl_parser_tests
 from framework.shader_test import add_shader_test_dir
-# Blacklisted tests are removed from the test profile.
-blacklist = [
-	]
 # Path to tests dir, correct even when not running from the top directory.
 testsDir = path.dirname(__file__)
 # Find the generated_tests directory, by looking either in
 # $PIGLIT_BUILD_DIR (if that environment variable exists) or in the
 # parent directory of the directory containing this file.
-generatedTestDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
-	os.environ.get(
-		os.path.join(testsDir, '..')),
-	'generated_tests'))
+generatedTestDir = path.normpath(path.join(
+    os.environ.get('PIGLIT_BUILD_DIR',
+                   path.join(testsDir, '..')),
+                   'generated_tests'))
 # Quick wrapper for PlainExecTest for our usual concurrent args.
 def plain_test(args):
@@ -149,23 +144,365 @@ glean['texUnits'] = GleanTest('texUnits')
 glean['vertArrayBGRA'] = GleanTest('vertArrayBGRA')
 glean['vertattrib'] = GleanTest('vertattrib')
-def add_glsl1(name):
-    testname = 'glsl1-' + name
-    glean[testname] = GleanTest('glsl1')
-    glean[testname].env['PIGLIT_TEST'] = name
-execfile(testsDir + '/glean-glsl1.tests')
-def add_fp1(name):
-    testname = 'fp1-' + name
-    glean[testname] = GleanTest('fragProg1')
-    glean[testname].env['PIGLIT_TEST'] = name
-execfile(testsDir + '/glean-fragProg1.tests')
-def add_vp1(name):
-    testname = 'vp1-' + name
-    glean[testname] = GleanTest('vertProg1')
-    glean[testname].env['PIGLIT_TEST'] = name
-execfile(testsDir + '/glean-vertProg1.tests')
+glean_glsl1_tests = ['Directly set fragment color',
+                     'Directly set vertex color',
+                     'Pass-through vertex color',
+                     'Primary plus secondary color',
+                     'Empty blocks ({}), nil (;) statements',
+                     'Global vars and initializers',
+                     'Global vars and initializers (2)',
+                     'Integer Literals',
+                     'Float Literals',
+                     'Swizzle',
+                     'Swizzle (rgba)',
+                     'Swizzle (stpq)',
+                     'Writemask',
+                     'Swizzled writemask',
+                     'Swizzled writemask (2)',
+                     'Swizzled writemask (rgba)',
+                     'Swizzled writemask (stpq)',
+                     'Swizzled expression',
+                     'Swizzle in-place',
+                     'Swizzled swizzle',
+                     'Swizzled swizzled swizzle',
+                     'gl_FragDepth writing',
+                     'Addition',
+                     'vec4, scalar arithmetic',
+                     'Negation',
+                     'Negation2',
+                     'chained assignment',
+                     'integer, float arithmetic',
+                     'unary negation',
+                     'integer division',
+                     'integer division with uniform var',
+                     'assignment operators',
+                     'post increment (x++)',
+                     'pre increment (++x)',
+                     'post decrement (x--)',
+                     'pre decrement (--x)',
+                     'dot product',
+                     'length() function',
+                     'sqrt(vec4) function',
+                     'sqrt(vec2) function',
+                     'clamp() function',
+                     'clamp() function, vec4',
+                     'sin(vec4) function',
+                     'cos(vec4) function',
+                     'asin(vec4) function',
+                     'acos(vec4) function',
+                     'atan(vec4) function',
+                     'pow(vec4) function',
+                     'exp(vec4) function',
+                     'exp2(vec4) function',
+                     'log(vec4) function',
+                     'log2(vec4) function',
+                     'length() functions',
+                     'normalize(vec3) function',
+                     'cross() function',
+                     'cross() function, in-place',
+                     'abs() function',
+                     'sign() function',
+                     'floor() function',
+                     'ceil() function',
+                     'fract() function',
+                     'mod() function',
+                     'min() function',
+                     'max() function',
+                     'step() function',
+                     'smoothstep() function',
+                     'mix(vec4) function',
+                     'mix(float) function',
+                     'precision exp2',
+                     'precision log2',
+                     'simple if statement, fragment shader',
+                     'simple if statement, vertex shader',
+                     'simple if statement (scalar test)',
+                     'simple if-else statement, fragment shader',
+                     'simple if-else statement, vertex shader',
+                     'while-loop',
+                     'do-loop',
+                     'for-loop',
+                     'while-loop with continue',
+                     'for-loop with continue',
+                     'do-loop with break',
+                     'do-loop with continue and break',
+                     'discard statement (1)',
+                     'discard statement (2)',
+                     'discard statement in for loop',
+                     'conditional expression',
+                     'conditional expression (2)',
+                     'sequence (comma) operator',
+                     'constant array with constant indexing, fragment shader',
+                     'temp array with constant indexing, fragment shader',
+                     'constant array with constant indexing, vertex shader',
+                     'temp array with constant indexing, vertex shader',
+                     'temp array with variable indexing, fragment shader',
+                     'temp array with variable indexing, vertex shader',
+                     'constant array with variable indexing, vertex shader',
+                     'constant array of vec4 with variable indexing, vertex shader',
+                     'constant array with variable indexing, vertex shader (2)',
+                     'temp array with swizzled variable indexing',
+                     'vector subscript *=',
+                     'equality (float, pass)',
+                     'equality (float, fail)',
+                     'inequality (float, pass)',
+                     'inequality (float, fail)',
+                     'equality (vec2, pass)',
+                     'equality (vec2, fail)',
+                     'inequality (vec2, pass)',
+                     'inequality (vec2, fail)',
+                     'equality (vec3, pass)',
+                     'equality (vec3, fail)',
+                     'inequality (vec3, pass)',
+                     'inequality (vec3, fail)',
+                     'equality (vec4, pass)',
+                     'equality (vec4, fail)',
+                     'inequality (vec4, pass)',
+                     'inequality (vec4, fail)',
+                     '&& operator (1)',
+                     '&& operator (2)',
+                     '&& operator, short-circuit',
+                     '|| operator (1)',
+                     '|| operator (2)',
+                     '|| operator, short-circuit',
+                     '^^ operator (1)',
+                     '^^ operator (2)',
+                     '! (not) operator (1, pass)',
+                     '! (not) operator (1, fail)',
+                     '! (not) operator (2, pass)',
+                     '! (not) operator (2, fail)',
+                     'uniform variable (fragment shader)',
+                     'uniform variable (vertex shader)',
+                     'varying variable',
+                     'varying variable read-write',
+                     'GL state variable reference (gl_FrontMaterial.ambient)',
+                     'GL state variable reference (gl_LightSource[0].diffuse)',
+                     'GL state variable reference (diffuse product)',
+                     'GL state variable reference (point size)',
+                     'GL state variable reference (point attenuation)',
+                     'linear fog',
+                     'built-in constants',
+                     'gl_FrontFacing var (1)',
+                     'gl_FrontFacing var (2)',
+                     'texture2D()',
+                     'texture2D(), computed coordinate',
+                     'texture2D(), with bias',
+                     '2D Texture lookup with explicit lod (Vertex shader)',
+                     'texture2DProj()',
+                     'texture1D()',
+                     'texture3D()',
+                     'texture3D(), computed coord',
+                     'shadow2D(): 1',
+                     'shadow2D(): 2',
+                     'shadow2D(): 3',
+                     'shadow2D(): 4',
+                     'simple function call',
+                     'function call with inout params',
+                     'function call with in, out params',
+                     'function with early return (1)',
+                     'function with early return (2)',
+                     'function with early return (3)',
+                     'function with early return (4)',
+                     'nested function calls (1)',
+                     'nested function calls (2)',
+                     'nested function calls (3)',
+                     'function prototype',
+                     'TPPStreamCompiler::assignOperands',
+                     'matrix column check (1)',
+                     'matrix column check (2)',
+                     'matrix, vector multiply (1)',
+                     'matrix, vector multiply (2)',
+                     'matrix, vector multiply (3)',
+                     'uniform matrix',
+                     'uniform matrix, transposed',
+                     'vector relational (vec4 ==)',
+                     'vector relational (vec4 !=)',
+                     'vector relational (vec4 <=)',
+                     'vector relational (vec4 >=)',
+                     'vector relational (vec4 <)',
+                     'vector relational (vec4 >)',
+                     'vector relational (bvec2 <,<=)',
+                     'vector relational (bvec2 >,>=)',
+                     'vector relational (bvec2 ==,!=)',
+                     'any() function',
+                     'all() function',
+                     'struct (1)',
+                     'struct (2)',
+                     'struct (3)',
+                     'struct (4)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 1 (#if 0)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 2 (#if 1)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 3 (#if ==)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 4 (#if 1, #define macro)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 5 (#if 1, #define macro)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 6 (#if 0, #define macro)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 7 (multi-line #define)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 8 (#ifdef)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 9 (#ifndef)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 10 (#if defined())',
+                     'Preprocessor test 11 (#elif)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 12 (#elif)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 13 (nested #if)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 14 (nested #if)',
+                     'Preprocessor test 15 (nested #if, #elif)',
+                     'Preprocessor test (extension test 1)',
+                     'Preprocessor test (extension test 2)',
+                     'Preprocessor test (extension test 3)',
+                     'Preprocessor test (11)',
+                     'Comment test (1)',
+                     'Comment test (2)',
+                     'Comment test (3)',
+                     'Comment test (4)',
+                     'Comment test (5)',
+                     'undefined variable',
+                     'if (boolean-scalar) check',
+                     'break with no loop',
+                     'continue with no loop',
+                     'illegal assignment',
+                     'syntax error check (1)',
+                     'syntax error check (2)',
+                     'syntax error check (3)',
+                     'TIntermediate::addUnaryMath',
+                     'mat2x4 construct',
+                     'mat4x2 construct',
+                     'mat2x3 construct',
+                     'mat3x2 construct',
+                     'mat4x3 construct',
+                     'mat3x4 construct',
+                     'vec4 * mat3x4 multiply',
+                     'mat4x2 * vec4',
+                     'mat4x2 * mat2x4',
+                     'vec2 * mat4x2 multiply',
+                     'vec3 * mat4x3 multiply',
+                     'uniform matrix 2x4',
+                     'uniform matrix 2x4, transposed',
+                     'uniform matrix 4x3',
+                     'uniform matrix 4x3, transposed',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 arrays',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array constructor 1',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array constructor 2',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array constructor 3',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array constructor 4',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array constructor 5',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array constructor 6',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array constructor 7',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array constructor 8',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 const array constructor 1',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 const array constructor 2',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 uniform array constructor',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array.length()',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 array error check',
+                     'GLSL 1.30 precision qualifiers',
+                     'GLSL 1.20 invariant, centroid qualifiers',
+                     'Divide by zero',
+                     'gl_Position not written check',
+                     'varying var mismatch',
+                     'varying read but not written',
+                     'texcoord varying']
+glean_frag_tests = ['ABS test',
+                    'ADD test',
+                    'ADD with saturation',
+                    'ADD an immediate',
+                    'ADD negative immediate',
+                    'ADD negative immediate (2)',
+                    'CMP test',
+                    'COS test',
+                    'COS test 2',
+                    'DP3 test',
+                    'DP3 test (2)',
+                    'DP4 test',
+                    'DPH test',
+                    'DST test',
+                    'EX2 test',
+                    'FLR test',
+                    'FRC test',
+                    'LG2 test',
+                    'LIT test 1',
+                    'LIT test 2 (degenerate case: 0 ^ 0 -> 1)',
+                    'LIT test 3 (case x < 0)',
+                    'MAD test',
+                    'MAX test',
+                    'MIN test',
+                    'MOV test',
+                    'MUL test',
+                    'masked MUL test',
+                    'POW test (exponentiation)',
+                    'RCP test (reciprocal)',
+                    'RCP test 2 (reciprocal)',
+                    'RSQ test 1 (reciprocal square root)',
+                    'RSQ test 2 (reciprocal square root of negative value)',
+                    'SCS test',
+                    'SGE test',
+                    'SIN test',
+                    'SIN test 2',
+                    'SLT test',
+                    'SUB test (with swizzle)',
+                    'SUB with saturation',
+                    'SWZ test',
+                    'swizzled move test',
+                    'swizzled add test',
+                    'XPD test 1',
+                    'Z-write test',
+                    'Divide by zero test',
+                    'Infinity and nan test',
+                    'ARB_fog_linear test',
+                    'Computed fog linear test',
+                    'ARB_fog_exp test',
+                    'Computed fog exp test',
+                    'ARB_fog_exp2 test',
+                    'Computed fog exp2 test']
+glean_vert_tests = ['ABS test',
+                    'ADD test',
+                    'ARL test',
+                    'DP3 test',
+                    'DP4 test',
+                    'DPH test',
+                    'DST test',
+                    'EX2 test',
+                    'EXP test',
+                    'FLR test',
+                    'FRC test',
+                    'LG2 test',
+                    'LIT test 1',
+                    'LIT test 2 (degenerate case: 0 ^ 0 -> 1)',
+                    'LIT test 3 (case x < 0)',
+                    'LOG test',
+                    'MAD test',
+                    'MAX test',
+                    'MIN test',
+                    'MOV test (with swizzle)',
+                    'MUL test (with swizzle and masking)',
+                    'POW test (exponentiation)',
+                    'RCP test (reciprocal)',
+                    'RSQ test 1 (reciprocal square root)',
+                    'RSQ test 2 (reciprocal square root of negative value)',
+                    'SGE test',
+                    'SLT test',
+                    'SUB test (with swizzle)',
+                    'SWZ test 1',
+                    'SWZ test 2',
+                    'SWZ test 3',
+                    'SWZ test 4',
+                    'SWZ test 5',
+                    'XPD test 1',
+                    'XPD test 2 (same src and dst arg)',
+                    'Position write test (compute position from texcoord)',
+                    'Z-write test',
+                    'State reference test 1 (material ambient)',
+                    'State reference test 2 (light products)',
+                    'State reference test 3 (fog params)',
+                    'Divide by zero test',
+                    'Infinity and nan test']
+for pairs in [(['glsl1'], glean_glsl1_tests),
+              (['fragProg1'], glean_frag_tests),
+              (['vertProg1'], glean_vert_tests)]:
+    for prefix, name in itertools.product(*pairs):
+        groupname = "glean/{0}-{1}".format(prefix, name)
+        profile.tests[groupname] = GleanTest(prefix)
+        profile.tests[groupname].env['PIGLIT_TEST'] = name
 def add_fbo_formats_tests(path, extension, suffix=''):
     profile.tests[path + '/fbo-generatemipmap-formats' + suffix] = concurrent_test('fbo-generatemipmap-formats ' + extension)
@@ -3371,8 +3708,3 @@ profile.tests['security'] = security
 profile.tests['spec'] = spec
 if platform.system() is not 'Windows':
     profile.tests['glx'] = glx
-# Remove blacklisted tests
-for test_path in blacklist:
-    profile.remove_test(test_path)
diff --git a/tests/glean-fragProg1.tests b/tests/glean-fragProg1.tests
deleted file mode 100644
index 65e1718..0000000
--- a/tests/glean-fragProg1.tests
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-add_fp1('ABS test')
-add_fp1('ADD test')
-add_fp1('ADD with saturation')
-add_fp1('ADD an immediate')
-add_fp1('ADD negative immediate')
-add_fp1('ADD negative immediate (2)')
-add_fp1('CMP test')
-add_fp1('COS test')
-add_fp1('COS test 2')
-add_fp1('DP3 test')
-add_fp1('DP3 test (2)')
-add_fp1('DP4 test')
-add_fp1('DPH test')
-add_fp1('DST test')
-add_fp1('EX2 test')
-add_fp1('FLR test')
-add_fp1('FRC test')
-add_fp1('LG2 test')
-add_fp1('LIT test 1')
-add_fp1('LIT test 2 (degenerate case: 0 ^ 0 -> 1)')
-add_fp1('LIT test 3 (case x < 0)')
-add_fp1('MAD test')
-add_fp1('MAX test')
-add_fp1('MIN test')
-add_fp1('MOV test')
-add_fp1('MUL test')
-add_fp1('masked MUL test')
-add_fp1('POW test (exponentiation)')
-add_fp1('RCP test (reciprocal)')
-add_fp1('RCP test 2 (reciprocal)')
-add_fp1('RSQ test 1 (reciprocal square root)')
-add_fp1('RSQ test 2 (reciprocal square root of negative value)')
-add_fp1('SCS test')
-add_fp1('SGE test')
-add_fp1('SIN test')
-add_fp1('SIN test 2')
-add_fp1('SLT test')
-add_fp1('SUB test (with swizzle)')
-add_fp1('SUB with saturation')
-add_fp1('SWZ test')
-add_fp1('swizzled move test')
-add_fp1('swizzled add test')
-add_fp1('XPD test 1')
-add_fp1('Z-write test')
-add_fp1('Divide by zero test')
-add_fp1('Infinity and nan test')
-add_fp1('ARB_fog_linear test')
-add_fp1('Computed fog linear test')
-add_fp1('ARB_fog_exp test')
-add_fp1('Computed fog exp test')
-add_fp1('ARB_fog_exp2 test')
-add_fp1('Computed fog exp2 test')
diff --git a/tests/glean-glsl1.tests b/tests/glean-glsl1.tests
deleted file mode 100644
index db091ef..0000000
--- a/tests/glean-glsl1.tests
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-add_glsl1('Directly set fragment color')
-add_glsl1('Directly set vertex color')
-add_glsl1('Pass-through vertex color')
-add_glsl1('Primary plus secondary color')
-add_glsl1('Empty blocks ({}), nil (;) statements')
-add_glsl1('Global vars and initializers')
-add_glsl1('Global vars and initializers (2)')
-add_glsl1('Integer Literals')
-add_glsl1('Float Literals')
-add_glsl1('Swizzle (rgba)')
-add_glsl1('Swizzle (stpq)')
-add_glsl1('Swizzled writemask')
-add_glsl1('Swizzled writemask (2)')
-add_glsl1('Swizzled writemask (rgba)')
-add_glsl1('Swizzled writemask (stpq)')
-add_glsl1('Swizzled expression')
-add_glsl1('Swizzle in-place')
-add_glsl1('Swizzled swizzle')
-add_glsl1('Swizzled swizzled swizzle')
-add_glsl1('gl_FragDepth writing')
-add_glsl1('vec4, scalar arithmetic')
-add_glsl1('chained assignment')
-add_glsl1('integer, float arithmetic')
-add_glsl1('unary negation')
-add_glsl1('integer division')
-add_glsl1('integer division with uniform var')
-add_glsl1('assignment operators')
-add_glsl1('post increment (x++)')
-add_glsl1('pre increment (++x)')
-add_glsl1('post decrement (x--)')
-add_glsl1('pre decrement (--x)')
-add_glsl1('dot product')
-add_glsl1('length() function')
-add_glsl1('sqrt(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('sqrt(vec2) function')
-add_glsl1('clamp() function')
-add_glsl1('clamp() function, vec4')
-add_glsl1('sin(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('cos(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('asin(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('acos(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('atan(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('pow(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('exp(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('exp2(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('log(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('log2(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('length() functions')
-add_glsl1('normalize(vec3) function')
-add_glsl1('cross() function')
-add_glsl1('cross() function, in-place')
-add_glsl1('abs() function')
-add_glsl1('sign() function')
-add_glsl1('floor() function')
-add_glsl1('ceil() function')
-add_glsl1('fract() function')
-add_glsl1('mod() function')
-add_glsl1('min() function')
-add_glsl1('max() function')
-add_glsl1('step() function')
-add_glsl1('smoothstep() function')
-add_glsl1('mix(vec4) function')
-add_glsl1('mix(float) function')
-add_glsl1('precision exp2')
-add_glsl1('precision log2')
-add_glsl1('simple if statement, fragment shader')
-add_glsl1('simple if statement, vertex shader')
-add_glsl1('simple if statement (scalar test)')
-add_glsl1('simple if-else statement, fragment shader')
-add_glsl1('simple if-else statement, vertex shader')
-add_glsl1('while-loop with continue')
-add_glsl1('for-loop with continue')
-add_glsl1('do-loop with break')
-add_glsl1('do-loop with continue and break')
-add_glsl1('discard statement (1)')
-add_glsl1('discard statement (2)')
-add_glsl1('discard statement in for loop')
-add_glsl1('conditional expression')
-add_glsl1('conditional expression (2)')
-add_glsl1('sequence (comma) operator')
-add_glsl1('constant array with constant indexing, fragment shader')
-add_glsl1('temp array with constant indexing, fragment shader')
-add_glsl1('constant array with constant indexing, vertex shader')
-add_glsl1('temp array with constant indexing, vertex shader')
-add_glsl1('temp array with variable indexing, fragment shader')
-add_glsl1('temp array with variable indexing, vertex shader')
-add_glsl1('constant array with variable indexing, vertex shader')
-add_glsl1('constant array of vec4 with variable indexing, vertex shader')
-add_glsl1('constant array with variable indexing, vertex shader (2)')
-add_glsl1('temp array with swizzled variable indexing')
-add_glsl1('vector subscript *=')
-add_glsl1('equality (float, pass)')
-add_glsl1('equality (float, fail)')
-add_glsl1('inequality (float, pass)')
-add_glsl1('inequality (float, fail)')
-add_glsl1('equality (vec2, pass)')
-add_glsl1('equality (vec2, fail)')
-add_glsl1('inequality (vec2, pass)')
-add_glsl1('inequality (vec2, fail)')
-add_glsl1('equality (vec3, pass)')
-add_glsl1('equality (vec3, fail)')
-add_glsl1('inequality (vec3, pass)')
-add_glsl1('inequality (vec3, fail)')
-add_glsl1('equality (vec4, pass)')
-add_glsl1('equality (vec4, fail)')
-add_glsl1('inequality (vec4, pass)')
-add_glsl1('inequality (vec4, fail)')
-add_glsl1('&& operator (1)')
-add_glsl1('&& operator (2)')
-add_glsl1('&& operator, short-circuit')
-add_glsl1('|| operator (1)')
-add_glsl1('|| operator (2)')
-add_glsl1('|| operator, short-circuit')
-add_glsl1('^^ operator (1)')
-add_glsl1('^^ operator (2)')
-add_glsl1('! (not) operator (1, pass)')
-add_glsl1('! (not) operator (1, fail)')
-add_glsl1('! (not) operator (2, pass)')
-add_glsl1('! (not) operator (2, fail)')
-add_glsl1('uniform variable (fragment shader)')
-add_glsl1('uniform variable (vertex shader)')
-add_glsl1('varying variable')
-add_glsl1('varying variable read-write')
-add_glsl1('GL state variable reference (gl_FrontMaterial.ambient)')
-add_glsl1('GL state variable reference (gl_LightSource[0].diffuse)')
-add_glsl1('GL state variable reference (diffuse product)')
-add_glsl1('GL state variable reference (point size)')
-add_glsl1('GL state variable reference (point attenuation)')
-add_glsl1('linear fog')
-add_glsl1('built-in constants')
-add_glsl1('gl_FrontFacing var (1)')
-add_glsl1('gl_FrontFacing var (2)')
-add_glsl1('texture2D(), computed coordinate')
-add_glsl1('texture2D(), with bias')
-add_glsl1('2D Texture lookup with explicit lod (Vertex shader)')
-add_glsl1('texture3D(), computed coord')
-add_glsl1('shadow2D(): 1')
-add_glsl1('shadow2D(): 2')
-add_glsl1('shadow2D(): 3')
-add_glsl1('shadow2D(): 4')
-add_glsl1('simple function call')
-add_glsl1('function call with inout params')
-add_glsl1('function call with in, out params')
-add_glsl1('function with early return (1)')
-add_glsl1('function with early return (2)')
-add_glsl1('function with early return (3)')
-add_glsl1('function with early return (4)')
-add_glsl1('nested function calls (1)')
-add_glsl1('nested function calls (2)')
-add_glsl1('nested function calls (3)')
-add_glsl1('function prototype')
-add_glsl1('matrix column check (1)')
-add_glsl1('matrix column check (2)')
-add_glsl1('matrix, vector multiply (1)')
-add_glsl1('matrix, vector multiply (2)')
-add_glsl1('matrix, vector multiply (3)')
-add_glsl1('uniform matrix')
-add_glsl1('uniform matrix, transposed')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (vec4 ==)')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (vec4 !=)')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (vec4 <=)')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (vec4 >=)')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (vec4 <)')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (vec4 >)')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (bvec2 <,<=)')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (bvec2 >,>=)')
-add_glsl1('vector relational (bvec2 ==,!=)')
-add_glsl1('any() function')
-add_glsl1('all() function')
-add_glsl1('struct (1)')
-add_glsl1('struct (2)')
-add_glsl1('struct (3)')
-add_glsl1('struct (4)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 1 (#if 0)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 2 (#if 1)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 3 (#if ==)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 4 (#if 1, #define macro)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 5 (#if 1, #define macro)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 6 (#if 0, #define macro)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 7 (multi-line #define)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 8 (#ifdef)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 9 (#ifndef)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 10 (#if defined())')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 11 (#elif)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 12 (#elif)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 13 (nested #if)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 14 (nested #if)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test 15 (nested #if, #elif)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test (extension test 1)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test (extension test 2)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test (extension test 3)')
-add_glsl1('Preprocessor test (11)')
-add_glsl1('Comment test (1)')
-add_glsl1('Comment test (2)')
-add_glsl1('Comment test (3)')
-add_glsl1('Comment test (4)')
-add_glsl1('Comment test (5)')
-add_glsl1('undefined variable')
-add_glsl1('if (boolean-scalar) check')
-add_glsl1('break with no loop')
-add_glsl1('continue with no loop')
-add_glsl1('illegal assignment')
-add_glsl1('syntax error check (1)')
-add_glsl1('syntax error check (2)')
-add_glsl1('syntax error check (3)')
-add_glsl1('mat2x4 construct')
-add_glsl1('mat4x2 construct')
-add_glsl1('mat2x3 construct')
-add_glsl1('mat3x2 construct')
-add_glsl1('mat4x3 construct')
-add_glsl1('mat3x4 construct')
-add_glsl1('vec4 * mat3x4 multiply')
-add_glsl1('mat4x2 * vec4')
-add_glsl1('mat4x2 * mat2x4')
-add_glsl1('vec2 * mat4x2 multiply')
-add_glsl1('vec3 * mat4x3 multiply')
-add_glsl1('uniform matrix 2x4')
-add_glsl1('uniform matrix 2x4, transposed')
-add_glsl1('uniform matrix 4x3')
-add_glsl1('uniform matrix 4x3, transposed')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 arrays')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array constructor 1')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array constructor 2')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array constructor 3')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array constructor 4')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array constructor 5')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array constructor 6')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array constructor 7')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array constructor 8')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 const array constructor 1')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 const array constructor 2')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 uniform array constructor')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array.length()')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 array error check')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.30 precision qualifiers')
-add_glsl1('GLSL 1.20 invariant, centroid qualifiers')
-add_glsl1('Divide by zero')
-add_glsl1('gl_Position not written check')
-add_glsl1('varying var mismatch')
-add_glsl1('varying read but not written')
-add_glsl1('texcoord varying')
diff --git a/tests/glean-vertProg1.tests b/tests/glean-vertProg1.tests
deleted file mode 100644
index 6428b06..0000000
--- a/tests/glean-vertProg1.tests
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-add_vp1('ABS test')
-add_vp1('ADD test')
-add_vp1('ARL test')
-add_vp1('DP3 test')
-add_vp1('DP4 test')
-add_vp1('DPH test')
-add_vp1('DST test')
-add_vp1('EX2 test')
-add_vp1('EXP test')
-add_vp1('FLR test')
-add_vp1('FRC test')
-add_vp1('LG2 test')
-add_vp1('LIT test 1')
-add_vp1('LIT test 2 (degenerate case: 0 ^ 0 -> 1)')
-add_vp1('LIT test 3 (case x < 0)')
-add_vp1('LOG test')
-add_vp1('MAD test')
-add_vp1('MAX test')
-add_vp1('MIN test')
-add_vp1('MOV test (with swizzle)')
-add_vp1('MUL test (with swizzle and masking)')
-add_vp1('POW test (exponentiation)')
-add_vp1('RCP test (reciprocal)')
-add_vp1('RSQ test 1 (reciprocal square root)')
-add_vp1('RSQ test 2 (reciprocal square root of negative value)')
-add_vp1('SGE test')
-add_vp1('SLT test')
-add_vp1('SUB test (with swizzle)')
-add_vp1('SWZ test 1')
-add_vp1('SWZ test 2')
-add_vp1('SWZ test 3')
-add_vp1('SWZ test 4')
-add_vp1('SWZ test 5')
-add_vp1('XPD test 1')
-add_vp1('XPD test 2 (same src and dst arg)')
-add_vp1('Position write test (compute position from texcoord)')
-add_vp1('Z-write test')
-add_vp1('State reference test 1 (material ambient)')
-add_vp1('State reference test 2 (light products)')
-add_vp1('State reference test 3 (fog params)')
-add_vp1('Divide by zero test')
-add_vp1('Infinity and nan test')

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