[Piglit] test KHR_gl_image v2

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Tue Jan 15 14:12:50 PST 2013

Abdiel Janulgue <abdiel.janulgue at linux.intel.com> writes:

> This test is a bit more comprehensive and now adds cubemap
> support. I've also tried to address the comments.
> Let me know if I still overlooked something. :)

So, this is a good start on testing this extension.  Other things we
definitely want:

- Test all those error cases.

- Test using the texture EGL image as a render target on the consumer
  side (both EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES() and
  EGLImageTextureTarget2DOES()), and then rendering with it as a texture
  again on the producer side.

- Do the above test for GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT and GL_DEPTH_STENCIL textures
  as well.

- Test that glTexSubImage() and friends don't orphan the image
  (especially if the TexSubImage happens to be the whole width/height of
  the texture level).

- Test that glTexImage() and friends actually do orphan the image,
  particularly if pixels == NULL and the width/height stay the same.

- Test orphaning behavior of glGenerateMipmaps() and GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP.
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