[Piglit] [PATCH v3 6/7] Replaces getopt with argparse

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 11:46:43 PST 2013

This change gets us cleaner, more readable argument parsing code.
Another advantage of this approach is that it automatically generates
help menus, which means options will not be implemented without a help
entry (like --resume)

V2: - Does not remove deprecated options, only marks them as deprecated
V3: - Fixes deprecated warning for tests from V2 always being triggered

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com>
 piglit-print-commands.py |  98 +++++++------------
 piglit-run.py            | 249 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 2 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)

diff --git a/piglit-print-commands.py b/piglit-print-commands.py
index 3479ef1..9dd2290 100755
--- a/piglit-print-commands.py
+++ b/piglit-print-commands.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
+import argparse
 import os.path as path
 import re
 import sys, os
@@ -38,77 +38,51 @@ from framework.gleantest import GleanTest
 ##### Main program
-def usage():
-	USAGE = """\
-Usage: %(progName)s [options] [profile.tests]
-Prints a list of all the tests and how to run them.  Ex:
-   piglit test name ::: /path/to/piglit/bin/program <args>
-   glean test name ::: PIGLIT_TEST='...' /path/to/piglit/bin/glean -v -v -v ...
-  -h, --help                Show this message
-  -t regexp, --include-tests=regexp Run only matching tests (can be used more
-                            than once)
-  --tests=regexp            Run only matching tests (can be used more
-                            than once) DEPRICATED use --include-tests instead
-  -x regexp, --exclude-tests=regexp Exclude matching tests (can be used
-                            more than once)
-  %(progName)s tests/all.tests
-  %(progName)s -t basic tests/all.tests
-         Print tests whose path contains the word 'basic'
-  %(progName)s -t ^glean/ -t tex tests/all.tests
-         Print tests that are in the 'glean' group or whose path contains
-         the substring 'tex'
-	print USAGE % {'progName': sys.argv[0]}
-	sys.exit(1)
 def main():
-	env = core.Environment()
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(sys.argv)
+	parser.add_argument("-t", "--include-tests",
+			default = [],
+			action  = "append",
+			metavar = "<regex>",
+			help    = "Run only matching tests (can be used more than once)")
+	parser.add_argument("--tests",
+			default = [],
+			action  = "append",
+			metavar = "<regex>",
+			help    = "Run only matching tests (can be used more than once)" \
+					  "Deprecated")
+	parser.add_argument("-x", "--exclude-tests",
+			default = [],
+			action  = "append",
+			metavar = "<regex>",
+			help    = "Exclude matching tests (can be used more than once)")
+	parser.add_argument("testProfile",
+			metavar = "<Path to testfile>",
+			help    = "Path to results folder")
+	args = parser.parse_args()
-	try:
-		option_list = [
-			 "help",
-			 "tests=",
-			 "include-tests=",
-			 "exclude-tests=",
-			 ]
-		options, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ht:x:", option_list)
-	except GetoptError:
-		usage()
-	OptionName = ''
-	test_filter = []
-	exclude_filter = []
-	for name, value in options:
-		if name in ('-h', '--help'):
-			usage()
-		elif name in ('-t', '--include-tests'):
-			test_filter.append(value)
-			env.filter.append(re.compile(value))
-		elif name in ('--tests'):
-			test_filter.append(value)
-			env.filter.append(re.compile(value))
-			print "Warning: Option --tets is deprecated, " \
-					"use --include-tests instead"
-		elif name in ('-x', '--exclude-tests'):
-			exclude_filter.append(value)
-			env.exclude_filter.append(re.compile(value))
+	env = core.Environment()
-	if len(args) != 1:
-		usage()
+	# If --tests is called warn that it is deprecated
+	if args.tests is no []:
+		print "Warning: Option --tests is deprecated. Use --include-tests"
-	profileFilename = args[0]
+	# Append includes and excludes to env
+	for each in args.include_tests:
+		env.filter.append(re.compile(each))
+	for each in args.tests:
+		env.filter.append(re.compile(each))
+	for each in args.exclude_tests:
+		env.exclude_filter.append(re.compile(each))
 	# Change to the piglit's path
 	piglit_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
-	profile = core.loadTestProfile(profileFilename)
+	profile = core.loadTestProfile(args.testFile)
 	def getCommand(test):
 		command = ''
diff --git a/piglit-run.py b/piglit-run.py
index 599981d..2d0afc1 100755
--- a/piglit-run.py
+++ b/piglit-run.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
+import argparse
 import os.path as path
 import re
 import sys, os
@@ -37,123 +37,112 @@ from framework.threads import synchronized_self
 ##### Main program
-def usage():
-	USAGE = """\
-Usage: %(progName)s [options] [profile.tests] [results]
-       %(progName)s [options] -r [results]
-  -h, --help                Show this message
-  -d, --dry-run             Do not execute the tests
-  -t regexp, --include-tests=regexp Run only matching tests (can be used more
-                            than once)
-  --tests=regexp            Run only matching tests (can be used more
-							than once) DEPRICATED: use --include-tests instead
-  -x regexp, --exclude-tests=regexp Excludey matching tests (can be used
-                            more than once)
-  -n name, --name=name      Name of the testrun
-  -c bool, --concurrent=    Enable/disable concurrent test runs. Valid
-                            option values are: 0, 1, on, off.  (default: on)
-							DEPRICATED: use --no-concurrency to turn
-							concurrent test runs off
-  --no-concurrency          Disables concurrent test runs
-  --valgrind                Run tests in valgrind's memcheck.
-  -p platform, --platform=platform  Name of the piglit platform to use.
-  --resume                  Resume and interupted test run
-  %(progName)s tests/all.tests results/all
-         Run all tests, store the results in the directory results/all
-  %(progName)s -t basic tests/all.tests results/all
-         Run all tests whose path contains the word 'basic'
-  %(progName)s -t ^glean/ -t tex tests/all.tests results/all
-         Run all tests that are in the 'glean' group or whose path contains
-		 the substring 'tex'
-  %(progName)s -r -x bad-test results/all
-         Resume an interrupted test run whose results are stored in the
-         directory results/all, skipping bad-test.
-	print USAGE % {'progName': sys.argv[0]}
-	sys.exit(1)
 def main():
 	env = core.Environment()
-	try:
-		option_list = [
-			 "help",
-			 "dry-run",
-			 "resume",
-			 "valgrind",
-			 "include-tests=",
-			 "tests=",
-			 "name=",
-			 "exclude-tests=",
-			 "no-concurrency",
-			 "concurrent=",
-			 "platform=",
-			 ]
-		options, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hdrt:n:x:c:p:", option_list)
-	except GetoptError:
-		usage()
-	OptionName = ''
-	OptionResume = False
-	test_filter = []
-	exclude_filter = []
-	platform = None
-	for name, value in options:
-		if name in ('-h', '--help'):
-			usage()
-		elif name in ('-d', '--dry-run'):
-			env.execute = False
-		elif name in ('-r', '--resume'):
-			OptionResume = True
-		elif name in ('--valgrind'):
-			env.valgrind = True
-		elif name in ('-t', '--include-tests'):
-			test_filter.append(value)
-			env.filter.append(re.compile(value))
-		elif name in ('--tests'):
-			test_filter.append(value)
-			env.filter.append(re.compile(value))
-			print "Warning: Option --tests is deprecated, " \
-					"use --include-tests instead"
-		elif name in ('-x', '--exclude-tests'):
-			exclude_filter.append(value)
-			env.exclude_filter.append(re.compile(value))
-		elif name in ('-n', '--name'):
-			OptionName = value
-		elif name in ('--no-concurrency'):
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(sys.argv)
+	# Either require that a name for the test is passed or that
+	# resume is requested
+	excGroup1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+	excGroup1.add_argument("-n", "--name",
+			metavar = "<test name>",
+			default = None,
+			help    = "Name of this test run")
+	excGroup1.add_argument("-r", "--resume",
+			action  = "store_true",
+			help    = "Resume an interupted test run")
+	parser.add_argument("-d", "--dry-run",
+			action  = "store_true",
+			help    = "Do not execute the tests")
+	parser.add_argument("-t", "--include-tests",
+			default = [],
+			action  = "append",
+			metavar = "<regex>",
+			help    = "Run only matching tests (can be used more than once)")
+	parser.add_argument("--tests",
+			default = [],
+			action  = "append",
+			metavar = "<regex>",
+			help    = "Run only matching tests (can be used more than once) " \
+			          "DEPRECATED: use --include-tests instead")
+	parser.add_argument("-x", "--exclude-tests",
+			default = [],
+			action  = "append",
+			metavar = "<regex>",
+			help    = "Exclude matching tests (can be used more than once)")
+	# The new option going forward should be --no-concurrency, but to
+	# maintain backwards compatability the --c, --concurrent option should
+	# also be maintained. This code allows only one of the two options to be
+	# supplied, or it throws an error
+	excGroup2 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+	excGroup2.add_argument("--no-concurrency",
+			action  = "store_true",
+			help    = "Disable concurrent test runs")
+	excGroup2.add_argument("-c", "--concurrent",
+			action  = "store",
+			metavar = "<boolean>",
+			choices = ["1", "0", "on", "off"],
+			help    = "Deprecated: Turn concrrent runs on or off")
+	parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform",
+			choices = ["glx", "x11_egl", "wayland", "gbm"],
+			help    = "Name of windows system passed to waffle")
+	parser.add_argument("--valgrind",
+			action  =  "store_true",
+			help    = "Run tests in valgrind's memcheck")
+	parser.add_argument("testProfile",
+			metavar = "<Path to test profile>",
+			help    = "Path to testfile to run")
+	parser.add_argument("resultsPath",
+			metavar = "<Results Path>",
+			help    = "Path to results folder")
+	args = parser.parse_args()
+	# Set the platform to pass to waffle
+	if args.platform is not None:
+		os.environ['PIGLIT_PLATFORM'] = args.platform
+	# Set dry-run
+	if args.dry_run is True:
+		env.execute = False
+	# Set valgrind
+	if args.valgrind is True:
+		env.valgrind = True
+	# Turn concurency off if requested
+	# Deprecated
+	if args.concurrent is not None:
+		if (args.concurrent == '1' or args.concurrent == 'on'):
+			env.concurrent = True
+			print "Warning: Option -c, --concurrent is deprecated, " \
+					"concurrent test runs are on by default"
+		elif (args.concurrent == '0' or args.concurrent == 'off'):
 			env.concurrent = False
-		elif name in ('-c', '--concurrent'):
-			if value in ('1', 'on'):
-				env.concurrent = True
-				print "Warning: Option -c, --concurrent is deprecated, " \
-						"concurrent test runs are on by default"
-			elif value in ('0', 'off'):
-				env.concurrent = False
-				print "Warning: Option -c, --concurrent is deprecated, " \
-						"use --no-concurrency for non-concurrent test runs"
-			else:
-				usage()
-		elif name in ('-p, --platform'):
-			platform = value
-	if platform is not None:
-		os.environ['PIGLIT_PLATFORM'] = platform
-	if OptionResume:
-		if test_filter or OptionName:
-			print "-r is not compatible with -t or -n."
-			usage()
-		if len(args) != 1:
-			usage()
-		resultsDir = path.realpath(args[0])
+			print "Warning: Option -c, --concurrent is deprecated, " \
+					"use --no-concurrent for non-concurrent test runs"
+		# Ne need for else, since argparse restricts the arguments allowed
+	# Not deprecated
+	elif args.no_concurrency is True:
+		env.concurrent = False
+	# If the deprecated tests option was passed print a warning
+	if args.tests != []:
+		print "Warning: Option --tests is deprecated, use " \
+				"--include-tests instead"
+	# If resume is requested attempt to load the results file
+	# in the specified path
+	if args.resume is True:
+		resultsDir = path.realpath(args.resultsPath)
 		# Load settings from the old results JSON
 		old_results = core.loadTestResults(resultsDir)
@@ -164,14 +153,21 @@ def main():
 		for value in old_results.options['exclude_filter']:
-	else:
-		if len(args) != 2:
-			usage()
-		profileFilename = args[0]
-		resultsDir = path.realpath(args[1])
-	# Change to the piglit's path
+	# Otherwise parse additional settings from the command line
+	else:
+		profileFilename = args.testProfile
+		resultsDir = args.resultsPath
+		# Set the excluded and included tests regex
+		for each in args.include_tests:
+			env.filter.append(re.compile(each))
+		for each in args.tests:
+			env.filter.append(re.compile(each))
+		for each in args.exclude_tests:
+			env.exclude_filter.append(re.compile(each))
+	# Change working directory to the root of the piglit directory
 	piglit_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
@@ -180,10 +176,10 @@ def main():
 	results = core.TestrunResult()
 	# Set results.name
-	if OptionName is '':
-		results.name = path.basename(resultsDir)
+	if args.name is not None:
+		results.name = args.name
-		results.name = OptionName
+		results.name = path.basename(resultsDir)
 	# Begin json.
 	result_filepath = os.path.join(resultsDir, 'main')
@@ -196,9 +192,9 @@ def main():
 	json_writer.write_dict_item('profile', profileFilename)
-	result_file.write(json.dumps(test_filter))
+	result_file.write(json.dumps(args.include_tests))
-	result_file.write(json.dumps(exclude_filter))
+	result_file.write(json.dumps(args.exclude_tests))
 	json_writer.write_dict_item('name', results.name)
@@ -212,7 +208,7 @@ def main():
 	# If resuming an interrupted test run, re-write all of the existing
 	# results since we clobbered the results file.  Also, exclude them
 	# from being run again.
-	if OptionResume:
+	if args.resume is True:
 		for (key, value) in old_results.tests.items():
 			if os.path.sep != '/':
 				key = key.replace(os.path.sep, '/', -1)
@@ -236,5 +232,6 @@ def main():
 	print 'Thank you for running Piglit!'
 	print 'Results have been written to ' + result_filepath
 if __name__ == "__main__":

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