[Piglit] [PATCH 3/5] array-size-sequence-in-parenthesis: Invert expected result.

Fabian Bieler fabianbieler at fastmail.fm
Thu May 2 13:17:23 PDT 2013

The test incorectly stated that (5, 3) is not a grammatically correct

According to the GLSL 1.20 spec this is possible like so:

    conditional_expression: <---------------------------------------+
        [a bunch of logical & arithmetic binary expressions]:       |
            unary_expression:                                       |
                postfix_expression:                                 |
                    primary_expression:                             |
                        '(' expression ')' ------+                  |
                        INTCONSTANT              |                  |
                                                 |                  |
  +----------------------------------------------+                  |
  |                                                                 |
  V                                                                 |
expression:                                                         |
    assignment_expression                                           |
    expression ',' assignment_expression                            |
assignment_expression:                                              |
    conditional_expression  ----------------------------------------+

Invert expected result of test and check that correct operand of comma
operator is discarded.
 .../array-size-sequence-in-parenthesis.vert                         | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/structure-and-array-operations/array-size-sequence-in-parenthesis.vert b/tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/structure-and-array-operations/array-size-sequence-in-parenthesis.vert
index 8f3d42f..4fedd3f 100644
--- a/tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/structure-and-array-operations/array-size-sequence-in-parenthesis.vert
+++ b/tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/structure-and-array-operations/array-size-sequence-in-parenthesis.vert
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* [config]
- * expect_result: fail
+ * expect_result: pass
  * glsl_version: 1.20
  * [end config]
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
 #version 120
-uniform float a[(5,3)];
+uniform float a[(3,5)];
-void main() { gl_Position = vec4(0.0); }
+void main() { gl_Position = vec4(a[4]); }

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