[Piglit] [PATCH] piglit_run: New overwrite options {next, no}

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Wed May 8 17:05:53 PDT 2013

Oops. My bad, ignore that last email. I understand now.


On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 4:52 PM, Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com> wrote:

> Have you tested this? When I try to run with just -o (nothing added after)
> it attempts to scoop up the next positional argument as the argument for
> -o, and fails.
> Also, instead of using \ escapes, line up the quotation marks on the left
> and python will magically concatenate the strings.
> Have you considered instead adding an exclusive argument as an alternative
> to --overwrite, something like --rename? these would just need to be simple
> 'store_true'/'store_false' sort of switches.
> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Ben Widawsky <ben at bwidawsk.net> wrote:
>> Some of us (ie. not just me) like to script piglit runs. As such we've
>> all baked in versions of our own auto result directory naming, or as an
>> alternative accidentally overwritten the results we've wanted.. To make
>> things easier for people, add two new options under the -o (overwrite)
>> flag.
>> [-o {yes,no,next}]
>> yes: default, and previous behavior. Just do it.
>> no: warn, and exit if you try to overwrite the results dir.
>> next: create a new results dir with an appended number.
>> For example, if one invokes:
>> > piglit-run.py -o next tests/igt.tests results/ppgtt-ctx
>> and results/ppgtt-ctx exists...
>> results would be written to results/ppgtt-ctx.1.
>> To keep the code relatively simple, it won't be smart if the user
>> specifies a number in their invocation. ie. if after doing the above,
>> > piglit-run.py -o next tests/igt.tests results/ppgtt-ctx.1
>> results/ppgtt-ctx.1.1 would be created.
>> CC: Kenneth Graunke <kenneth at whitecape.org>
>> Signed-off-by: Ben Widawsky <ben at bwidawsk.net>
>> ---
>>  piglit-run.py | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
>>  1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
>> diff --git a/piglit-run.py b/piglit-run.py
>> index 6d6ec77..175ee56 100755
>> --- a/piglit-run.py
>> +++ b/piglit-run.py
>> @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import sys, os
>>  import time
>>  import traceback
>>  import json
>> +import re
>>  sys.path.append(path.dirname(path.realpath(sys.argv[0])))
>>  import framework.core as core
>> @@ -72,6 +73,12 @@ def main():
>>                         action  = "append",
>>                         metavar = "<regex>",
>>                         help    = "Exclude matching tests (can be used
>> more than once)")
>> +       parser.add_argument("-o", "--overwrite",
>> +                       default = "yes",
>> +                       choices = ["yes", "no", "next"],
>> +                       help    = "Results directory overwrite options. "
>> \
>> +                                 "\"next\" will create a new directory
>> name " \
>> +                                 "based on the old similarly names ones")
>>         # The new option going forward should be --no-concurrency, but to
>>         # maintain backwards compatability the --c, --concurrent option
>> should
>> @@ -149,6 +156,22 @@ def main():
>>         else:
>>                 profileFilename = args.testProfile
>>                 resultsDir = args.resultsPath
>> +               if os.path.isdir(resultsDir):
>> +                       if args.overwrite == "no":
>> +                               sys.exit(resultsDir + " Already exists,
>> and overwrite was no")
>> +                       elif args.overwrite == "next":
>> +                               suffixes = [0] # If we found the dir, we
>> have at least 1
>> +
>> +                               # Find the highest numbered results dir
>> +                               pattern =
>> re.compile(os.path.basename(resultsDir) + "\.*(\d+)")
>> +                               parent =
>> os.path.abspath(os.path.join(resultsDir, os.pardir))
>> +                               for file in os.listdir(parent):
>> +                                       m = pattern.match(file)
>> +                                       if m:
>> +
>> suffixes.append(m.group(1))
>> +
>> +                               # Add 1 to the highest, and move along
>> +                               resultsDir += "." +
>> str((int(max(suffixes))+1))
>>         # Pass arguments into Environment
>>         env = core.Environment(concurrent=args.concurrency,
>> --
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