[Piglit] [PATCH 12/12] summary.py: Change skip to N/A for tests not run

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Thu May 9 23:09:26 PDT 2013

When comparing two test results the current behavior sets a status of
skip for tests that were not run in one set of results. This is
confusing and silly, so instead give them a status of N/A which gives a
clear understanding of what skipped, and what simply didn't run either
by exclusion or because it didn't exist yet.

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com>
 framework/summary.py | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/framework/summary.py b/framework/summary.py
index ecaa804..2d8cc42 100644
--- a/framework/summary.py
+++ b/framework/summary.py
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class BuildHTMLIndex(list):
                     self._testResult(each.name, key, each.tests[key]['result'])
                 except KeyError:
                     self.append({'type': 'other',
-                                 'text': '<td class="skip">skip</td>'})
+                                 'text': '<td class="skip">N/A</td>'})
     def _newRow(self):

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