[Piglit] [PATCH v2 01/11] framework/summary.py: Replace Section heading with docstrings

Aaron Watry awatry at gmail.com
Sun May 19 18:54:32 PDT 2013

One small spelling error that can be fixed below, but otherwise the
series looks good to me (after the discussion for patch 5 gets
resolved).  I've tested this with a piglit CL test run, but I don't
see why that'd be any different from another GL/GLES/GLX run.


On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com> wrote:
> The sections headings are not really that useful, but they might as well
> be kept as class level docstrings instead of being thrown away.
> Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com>
> ---
>  framework/summary.py | 29 ++++++++++++++++-------------
>  1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/framework/summary.py b/framework/summary.py
> index 4ea1d9d..091329e 100644
> --- a/framework/summary.py
> +++ b/framework/summary.py
> @@ -23,10 +23,12 @@
>  import core
> -#############################################################################
> -##### Vector indicating the number of subtests that have passed/failed/etc.
> -#############################################################################
>  class PassVector:
> +    """
> +    Vector indicting the number of tests that have a particular status,


> +    pass/fail/skip/etc.
> +    """
> +
>      def __init__(self, p, w, f, s, c):
>          self.passnr = p
>          self.warnnr = w
> @@ -42,11 +44,10 @@ class PassVector:
>          self.crashnr += o.crashnr
> -#############################################################################
> -##### TestSummary: Summarize the results for one test across a
> -##### number of testruns
> -#############################################################################
>  class TestSummary:
> +    """
> +    Summarize the results for one test across a number of testruns
> +    """
>      def isRegression(self, statiList):
>          # Regression is:
>          # - if an item is neither 'pass' nor 'skip'
> @@ -102,10 +103,11 @@ results is an array of TestResult instances, one per testrun
>      def allTests(self):
>          return [self]
> -#############################################################################
> -##### GroupSummary: Summarize a group of tests
> -#############################################################################
> +
>  class GroupSummary:
> +    """
> +    Summarize a group of tests
> +    """
>      def createDummyGroup(self, result, test_name):
>          new_group = core.GroupResult()
>          new_group[' ' + test_name + '(All Tests)'] = result[test_name]
> @@ -225,10 +227,11 @@ Returns an array of all child TestSummary instances.
>  """
>          return [t for name in self.children for t in self.children[name].allTests()]
> -#############################################################################
> -##### Summary: Summarize an array of testruns
> -#############################################################################
> +
>  class Summary:
> +    """
> +    Summarize an array of testruns
> +    """
>      def __init__(self, testruns):
>          """\
>  testruns is an array of TestrunResult instances
> --
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