[Piglit] [RFC 05/12] builtin_function_fp64.py: use split builtins

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 17:11:26 PST 2014

This patch converts builtin_function_fp64.py to use the shared modules
created by the previous patch.

It also merges some functionality previously in builtin_function_fp64
into these shared modules.

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <dylanx.c.baker at intel.com>
 generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt                     |  11 +-
 generated_tests/builtin_function_fp64.py           | 545 +++------------------
 generated_tests/builtins/generators.py             |   7 +-
 generated_tests/builtins/glsl_types.py             | 102 ++--
 generated_tests/gen_builtin_uniform_tests_fp64.py  |  42 +-
 .../gen_constant_array_size_tests_fp64.py          |  38 +-
 6 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 562 deletions(-)

diff --git a/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt b/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 96a551e..04913ae 100644
--- a/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -109,15 +109,20 @@ piglit_make_generated_tests(
-	builtin_function_fp64.py)
+	builtin_function_fp64.py
+	builtins/glsl_types.py
+	builtins/generators.py
+	builtins/math.py)
-	builtin_function_fp64.py)
+	builtin_function_fp64.py
+	builtins/glsl_types.py
+	builtins/generators.py
+	builtins/math.py)
diff --git a/generated_tests/builtin_function_fp64.py b/generated_tests/builtin_function_fp64.py
index 992323f..f13b7e7 100644
--- a/generated_tests/builtin_function_fp64.py
+++ b/generated_tests/builtin_function_fp64.py
@@ -21,254 +21,39 @@
-# This source file defines a set of test vectors that can be used to
-# test GLSL's built-in functions and operators.  It is intended to be
-# used by Python code that generates Piglit tests.
-# The key export is the dictionary test_suite.  It contains an entry
-# for each possible overload of every pure built-in function and
-# operator.  By iterating through this dictionary you can find a set
-# of test vectors for testing nearly every built-in GLSL function.
-# The following functions are not included, since they are not pure,
-# so they can't be tested using simple vectors:
-# - dFdx()
-# - dFdy()
-# - fwidth()
-# - ftransform()
-# - Increment and decrement operators
-# The following functions are not included, since they need to be
-# tested in specialized ways:
-# - modf(): not tested because it has an out parameter
-# - isnan() and isinf(): not tested because special effort is required
-#   to create values that cause these functions to return true.
-# Also not tested are array subscripting, field/method selection,
-# swizzling, the function call operator, assignment, and the sequence
-# operator.
+"""This source file defines a set of test vectors that can be used to test
+GLSL's built-in functions and operators.
+The key export is the dictionary test_suite.  It contains an entry
+for each possible overload of every pure built-in function and
+operator.  By iterating through this dictionary you can find a set
+of test vectors for testing nearly every built-in GLSL function.
+The following functions are not included, since they are not pure,
+so they can't be tested using simple vectors:
+- dFdx()
+- dFdy()
+- fwidth()
+- ftransform()
+- Increment and decrement operators
+The following functions are not included, since they need to be
+tested in specialized ways:
+- modf(): not tested because it has an out parameter
+- isnan() and isinf(): not tested because special effort is required
+  to create values that cause these functions to return true.
+Also not tested are array subscripting, field/method selection,
+swizzling, the function call operator, assignment, and the sequence
-import collections
 import itertools
-import numpy as np
-# Floating point types used by Python and numpy
-DOUBLE_TYPES = (float, np.float64, np.float32)
-class GlslBuiltinType(object):
-    """Class representing a GLSL built-in type."""
-    def __init__(self, name, base_type, num_cols, num_rows,
-                 version_introduced):
-        self.__name = name
-        if base_type is not None:
-            self.__base_type = base_type
-        else:
-            self.__base_type = self
-        self.__num_cols = num_cols
-        self.__num_rows = num_rows
-        self.__version_introduced = version_introduced
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        """The name of the type, as a string."""
-        return self.__name
-    @property
-    def base_type(self):
-        """For vectors and matrices, the type of data stored in each
-        element.  For scalars, equal to self.
-        """
-        return self.__base_type
-    @property
-    def num_cols(self):
-        """For matrices, the number of columns.  For vectors and
-        scalars, 1.
-        """
-        return self.__num_cols
-    @property
-    def num_rows(self):
-        """For vectors and matrices, the number of rows.  For scalars,
-        1.
-        """
-        return self.__num_rows
-    @property
-    def is_scalar(self):
-        return self.__num_cols == 1 and self.__num_rows == 1
-    @property
-    def is_vector(self):
-        return self.__num_cols == 1 and self.__num_rows != 1
-    @property
-    def is_matrix(self):
-        return self.__num_cols != 1
-    @property
-    def version_introduced(self):
-        """The earliest version of GLSL that this type appears in (as
-        a string, e.g. 110).
-        """
-        return self.__version_introduced
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.__name
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'glsl_{0}'.format(self.__name)
-# Concrete declarations of GlslBuiltinType
-glsl_bool   = GlslBuiltinType('bool',   None,       1, 1, 110)
-glsl_bvec2  = GlslBuiltinType('bvec2',  glsl_bool,  1, 2, 110)
-glsl_bvec3  = GlslBuiltinType('bvec3',  glsl_bool,  1, 3, 110)
-glsl_bvec4  = GlslBuiltinType('bvec4',  glsl_bool,  1, 4, 110)
-glsl_double = GlslBuiltinType('double', None,       1, 1, 400)
-glsl_dvec2  = GlslBuiltinType('dvec2', glsl_double,  1, 2, 400)
-glsl_dvec3  = GlslBuiltinType('dvec3', glsl_double,  1, 3, 400)
-glsl_dvec4  = GlslBuiltinType('dvec4', glsl_double,  1, 4, 400)
-glsl_dmat2   = GlslBuiltinType('dmat2', glsl_double, 2, 2, 400)
-glsl_dmat3   = GlslBuiltinType('dmat3', glsl_double, 3, 3, 400)
-glsl_dmat4   = GlslBuiltinType('dmat4', glsl_double, 4, 4, 400)
-glsl_dmat2x2 = glsl_dmat2
-glsl_dmat3x2 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat3x2', glsl_double, 3, 2, 400)
-glsl_dmat4x2 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat4x2', glsl_double, 4, 2, 400)
-glsl_dmat2x3 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat2x3', glsl_double, 2, 3, 400)
-glsl_dmat3x3 = glsl_dmat3
-glsl_dmat4x3 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat4x3', glsl_double, 4, 3, 400)
-glsl_dmat2x4 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat2x4', glsl_double, 2, 4, 400)
-glsl_dmat3x4 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat3x4', glsl_double, 3, 4, 400)
-glsl_dmat4x4 = glsl_dmat4
-# Named tuple representing the signature of a single overload of a
-# built-in GLSL function or operator:
-# - name is a name suitable for use in test filenames.  For functions,
-#   this is the name of the function.  For operators, it is a short
-#   description of the operator, beginning with "op", e.g. "op-plus".
-# - template is a Python format string that can be used to construct
-#   GLSL code that invokes the function or operator.
-# - version_introduced earliest version of GLSL the test applies to
-#   (as a string, e.g. 110).
-# - rettype is the return type of the function or operator (as a
-#   GlslBuiltinType).
-# - argtypes is a tuple containing the types of each parameter (as
-#   GlslBuiltinTypes).
-# For example, the function
-#   vec3 step(float edge, vec3 x)
-# has a signature of
-# Signature(name='step', template='step({0}, {1})',
-#           version_introduced=110, rettype='vec3',
-#           argtypes=('float', 'vec3'))
-Signature = collections.namedtuple(
-    'Signature',
-    ('name', 'template', 'version_introduced', 'extension', 'rettype', 'argtypes'))
-# Named tuple representing a single piece of test data for testing a
-# built-in GLSL function:
-# - arguments is a tuple containing the arguments to apply to the
-#   function.  Each argument is of a type native to numpy (e.g.
-#   numpy.float32 or numpy.ndarray)
-# - result is the value the function is expected to return.  It is
-#   also of a type native to numpy.
-# - tolerance is a float64 representing how much deviation from the
-#   result we expect, considering the floating point precision
-#   requirements of GLSL and OpenGL.  The value may be zero for test
-#   vectors involving booleans and integers.  If result is a vector or
-#   matrix, tolerance should be interpreted as the maximum permissible
-#   RMS error (as would be computed by the distance() function).
-TestVector = collections.namedtuple(
-    'TestVector', ('arguments', 'result', 'tolerance'))
-def glsl_type_of(value):
-    """Return the GLSL type corresponding to the given native numpy
-    value, as a GlslBuiltinType.
-    """
-    if isinstance(value, DOUBLE_TYPES):
-        return glsl_double
-    elif isinstance(value, (bool, np.bool_)):
-        return glsl_bool
-    else:
-        if len(value.shape) == 1:
-            # Vector
-            vector_length = value.shape[0]
-            assert 2 <= vector_length <= 4
-            if value.dtype in DOUBLE_TYPES:
-                return (glsl_dvec2, glsl_dvec3, glsl_dvec4)[vector_length - 2]
-            elif value.dtype == bool:
-                return (glsl_bvec2, glsl_bvec3, glsl_bvec4)[vector_length - 2]
-            else:
-                raise Exception(
-                    'Unexpected vector base type {0}'.format(value.dtype))
-        else:
-            # Matrix
-            assert value.dtype in DOUBLE_TYPES
-            assert len(value.shape) == 2
-            matrix_rows = value.shape[0]
-            assert 2 <= matrix_rows <= 4
-            matrix_columns = value.shape[1]
-            assert 2 <= matrix_columns <= 4
-            matrix_types = ((glsl_dmat2x2, glsl_dmat2x3, glsl_dmat2x4),
-                            (glsl_dmat3x2, glsl_dmat3x3, glsl_dmat3x4),
-                            (glsl_dmat4x2, glsl_dmat4x3, glsl_dmat4x4))
-            return matrix_types[matrix_columns - 2][matrix_rows - 2]
-def column_major_values(value):
-    """Given a native numpy value, return a list of the scalar values
-    comprising it, in column-major order."""
-    if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
-        return list(np.reshape(value, -1, 'F'))
-    else:
-        return [value]
-def glsl_constant(value):
-    """Given a native numpy value, return GLSL code that constructs
-    it."""
-    column_major = np.reshape(np.array(value), -1, 'F')
-    if column_major.dtype == bool:
-        values = ['true' if x else 'false' for x in column_major]
-    else:
-        values = ['{0}lf'.format(repr(x)) for x in column_major]
-    if len(column_major) == 1:
-        return values[0]
-    else:
-        return '{0}({1})'.format(glsl_type_of(value), ', '.join(values))
-def round_to_32_bits(value):
-    """If value is a floating point type, round it down to 32 bits.
-    Otherwise return it unchanged.
-    """
-    if isinstance(value, float):
-        return np.float32(value)
-    elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype == np.float64:
-        return np.array(value, dtype=np.float32)
-    else:
-        return value
+import numpy as np
-def extend_to_64_bits(value):
-    """If value is a floating point type, extend it to 64 bits.
-    Otherwise return it unchanged.
-    """
-    if isinstance(value, np.float32):
-        return np.float64(value)
-    elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype == np.float32:
-        return np.array(value, dtype=np.float64)
-    else:
-        return value
+from builtins import glsl_types, math, generators
 # Dictionary containing the test vectors.  Each entry in the
@@ -281,164 +66,12 @@ def extend_to_64_bits(value):
 test_suite = {}
-# Implementation
-# ==============
-# The functions below shouldn't be necessary to call from outside this
-# file.  They exist solely to populate test_suite with test vectors.
-# Functions that simulate GLSL built-in functions (in the cases where
-# the GLSL built-in functions have no python or numpy equivalent, or
-# in cases where there is a behavioral difference).  These functions
-# return None if the behavior of the GLSL built-in is undefined for
-# the given set of inputs.
-def _multiply(x, y):
-    x_type = glsl_type_of(x)
-    y_type = glsl_type_of(y)
-    if x_type.is_vector and y_type.is_vector:
-        # vector * vector is done componentwise.
-        return x * y
-    else:
-        # All other cases are standard linear algebraic
-        # multiplication, which numpy calls "dot".
-        return np.dot(x, y)
-def _divide(x, y):
-    if any(y_element == 0 for y_element in column_major_values(y)):
-        # Division by zero is undefined.
-        return None
-    return x / y
-def _modulus(x, y):
-    if any(x_element < 0 for x_element in column_major_values(x)):
-        # Modulus operation with a negative first operand is
-        # undefined.
-        return None
-    if any(y_element <= 0 for y_element in column_major_values(y)):
-        # Modulus operation with a negative or zero second operand is
-        # undefined.
-        return None
-    return x % y
-def _lshift(x, y):
-    if not all(0 <= y_element < 32 for y_element in column_major_values(y)):
-        # Shifts by less than 0 or more than the number of bits in the
-        # type being shifted are undefined.
-        return None
-    # When the arguments to << don't have the same signedness, numpy
-    # likes to promote them to int64.  To avoid this, convert y to be
-    # the same type as x.
-    y_orig = y
-    result = x << y
-    # Shifting should always produce a result with the same base type
-    # as the left argument.
-    assert glsl_type_of(result).base_type == glsl_type_of(x).base_type
-    return result
-def _rshift(x, y):
-    if not all(0 <= y_element < 32 for y_element in column_major_values(y)):
-        # Shifts by less than 0 or more than the number of bits in the
-        # type being shifted are undefined.
-        return None
-    # When the arguments to >> don't have the same signedness, numpy
-    # likes to promote them to int64.  To avoid this, convert y to be
-    # the same type as x.
-    y_orig = y
-    result = x >> y
-    # Shifting should always produce a result with the same base type
-    # as the left argument.
-    assert glsl_type_of(result).base_type == glsl_type_of(x).base_type
-    return result
-def _equal(x, y):
-    return all(column_major_values(x == y))
-def _not_equal(x, y):
-    return not _equal(x, y)
-def _arctan2(y, x):
-    if x == y == 0.0:
-        return None
-    return np.arctan2(y, x)
-def _pow(x, y):
-    if x < 0.0:
-        return None
-    if x == 0.0 and y <= 0.0:
-        return None
-    return np.power(x, y)
-def _exp2(x):
-    # exp2() is not available in versions of numpy < 1.3.0 so we
-    # emulate it with power().
-    return np.power(2, x)
-def _trunc(x):
-    # trunc() rounds toward zero.  It is not available in version
-    # 1.2.1 of numpy so we emulate it with floor(), sign(), and abs().
-    return np.sign(x) * np.floor(np.abs(x))
-def _clamp(x, minVal, maxVal):
-    if minVal > maxVal:
-        return None
-    return min(max(x, minVal), maxVal)
-# Inefficient, but obvious
-def _mid3(x, y, z):
-    return np.sort([x, y, z])[1]
-def _smoothstep(edge0, edge1, x):
-    if edge0 >= edge1:
-        return None
-    t = _clamp((x-edge0)/(edge1-edge0), 0.0, 1.0)
-    return t*t*(3.0-2.0*t)
-def _normalize(x):
-    return x/np.linalg.norm(x)
-def _faceforward(N, I, Nref):
-    if np.dot(Nref, I) < 0.0:
-        return N
-    else:
-        return -N
-def _reflect(I, N):
-    return I-2*np.dot(N, I)*N
-def _refract(I, N, eta):
-    k = 1.0-eta*eta*(1.0-np.dot(N, I)*np.dot(N, I))
-    if k < 0.0:
-        return I*0.0
-    else:
-        return eta*I-(eta*np.dot(N, I)+np.sqrt(k))*N
 def _argument_types_match(arguments, argument_indices_to_match):
     """Return True if all of the arguments indexed by
     argument_indices_to_match have the same GLSL type.
-    types = [glsl_type_of(arguments[i]) for i in argument_indices_to_match]
+    types = [glsl_types.glsl_type_of(arguments[i])
+             for i in argument_indices_to_match]
     return all(x == types[0] for x in types)
@@ -535,11 +168,13 @@ def _simulate_function(test_inputs, python_equivalent, tolerance_function):
     test_vectors = []
     for inputs in test_inputs:
-        expected_output = python_equivalent(*[extend_to_64_bits(x) for x in inputs])
+        expected_output = generators.extend_to_64_bits(python_equivalent(
+            *[generators.extend_to_64_bits(x) for x in inputs]))
         if expected_output is not None:
             tolerance = np.float64(
                 tolerance_function(inputs, expected_output))
-            test_vectors.append(TestVector(inputs, expected_output, tolerance))
+            test_vectors.append(
+                generators.TestVector(inputs, expected_output, tolerance))
     return test_vectors
@@ -603,7 +238,7 @@ def _vectorize_test_vectors(test_vectors, scalar_arg_indices, vector_length):
         result = np.array([tv.result for tv in test_vectors])
         tolerance = np.float64(
             np.linalg.norm([tv.tolerance for tv in test_vectors]))
-        return TestVector(arguments, result, tolerance)
+        return generators.TestVector(arguments, result, tolerance)
     vectorized_test_vectors = []
     groups = make_groups(test_vectors)
     for key in sorted(groups.keys()):
@@ -631,11 +266,12 @@ def _store_test_vector(test_suite_dict, name, glsl_version, extension, test_vect
         arg_indices = xrange(len(test_vector.arguments))
         template = '{0}({1})'.format(
             name, ', '.join('{{{0}}}'.format(i) for i in arg_indices))
-    rettype = glsl_type_of(test_vector.result)
-    argtypes = tuple(glsl_type_of(arg) for arg in test_vector.arguments)
+    rettype = glsl_types.glsl_type_of(test_vector.result)
+    argtypes = tuple(
+        glsl_types.glsl_type_of(arg) for arg in test_vector.arguments)
     adjusted_glsl_version = glsl_version
-    signature = Signature(
+    signature = generators.Signature(
         name, template, adjusted_glsl_version, extension, rettype, argtypes)
     if signature not in test_suite_dict:
         test_suite_dict[signature] = []
@@ -667,6 +303,9 @@ def make_arguments(input_generators):
     by taking the cartesian product of the input sequences.
+    input_generators = [
+        [generators.extend_to_64_bits(x) for x in seq]
+        for seq in input_generators]
     return list(itertools.product(*input_generators))
@@ -683,9 +322,6 @@ def _make_componentwise_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
         atan_inputs.append(-pow(10.0, exponent))
     # Make a similar set of inputs for acosh(), except don't use any
     # values < 1, since acosh() is only defined for x >= 1.
-    acosh_inputs = [1.0 + x for x in atan_inputs if x >= 0]
-    ints = [np.int32(x) for x in [-5, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 5]]
-    uints = [np.uint32(x) for x in [0, 1, 2, 5, 34]]
     bools = [True, False]
     def f(name, arity, python_equivalent,
@@ -742,7 +378,7 @@ def _make_componentwise_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
     f('abs', 1, np.abs, None, [np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 5)])
     f('sign', 1, np.sign, None, [np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 5)])
     f('floor', 1, np.floor, None, [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4)])
-    f('trunc', 1, _trunc, None, [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 8)])
+    f('trunc', 1, math.trunc, None, [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 8)])
     # Note: the direction of rounding used by round() is not specified
     # for half-integer values, so we test it over a range that doesn't
@@ -764,7 +400,7 @@ def _make_componentwise_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
       [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4), np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4)])
     f('max', 2, max, [1],
       [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4), np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4)])
-    f('clamp', 3, _clamp, [1, 2], [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4),
+    f('clamp', 3, math.clamp, [1, 2], [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4),
       np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 3), np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 3)])
     f('mix', 3, lambda x, y, a: x*(1-a)+y*a, [2],
       [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 2), np.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 2),
@@ -773,7 +409,7 @@ def _make_componentwise_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
       [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 2), np.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 2), bools])
     f('step', 2, lambda edge, x: 0.0 if x < edge else 1.0, [0],
       [np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4), np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4)])
-    f('smoothstep', 3, _smoothstep, [0, 1],
+    f('smoothstep', 3, math.smoothstep, [0, 1],
       [np.linspace(-1.9, 1.9, 4), np.linspace(-1.9, 1.9, 4),
        np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 4)])
@@ -861,8 +497,8 @@ def _make_vector_or_matrix_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
         vector/matrix with the same base type, or if they are the same
-        x_type = glsl_type_of(x)
-        y_type = glsl_type_of(y)
+        x_type = glsl_types.glsl_type_of(x)
+        y_type = glsl_types.glsl_type_of(y)
         if x_type.base_type != y_type.base_type:
             return False
         if x_type.is_scalar or y_type.is_scalar:
@@ -877,8 +513,8 @@ def _make_vector_or_matrix_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
         matrices with the same base type, and the vector/matrix sizes
         are properly matched.
-        x_type = glsl_type_of(x)
-        y_type = glsl_type_of(y)
+        x_type = glsl_types.glsl_type_of(x)
+        y_type = glsl_types.glsl_type_of(y)
         if x_type.base_type != y_type.base_type:
             return False
         if x_type.is_scalar or y_type.is_scalar:
@@ -908,11 +544,11 @@ def _make_vector_or_matrix_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
         first one is a vector and the second is a scalar.  Their base
         types need not be the same, but they both must be integral.
-        x_type = glsl_type_of(x)
-        y_type = glsl_type_of(y)
-        if x_type.base_type not in (glsl_int, glsl_uint):
+        x_type = glsl_types.glsl_type_of(x)
+        y_type = glsl_types.glsl_type_of(y)
+        if x_type.base_type not in (glsl_types.GLSL_INT, glsl_types.GLSL_UINT):
             return False
-        if y_type.base_type not in (glsl_int, glsl_uint):
+        if y_type.base_type not in (glsl_types.GLSL_INT, glsl_types.GLSL_UINT):
             return False
         if y_type.is_scalar:
             return True
@@ -936,66 +572,7 @@ def _make_vector_or_matrix_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
         np.array([ -1.333333333333333259, 0.66, 1.87]),
-    norm_doubles_dvecs = [_normalize(x) for x in nz_doubles_dvecs]
-    squaremats = [
-        np.array([[ 1.60,  0.76],
-                  [ 1.53, -1.00]]),  # mat2
-        np.array([[-0.13, -0.87],
-                  [-1.40,  1.40]]),  # mat2
-        np.array([[-1.11,  1.67, -0.41],
-                  [ 0.13,  1.09, -0.02],
-                  [ 0.56,  0.95,  0.24]]),  # mat3
-        np.array([[-1.69, -0.46, -0.18],
-                  [-1.09,  1.75,  2.00],
-                  [-1.53, -0.70, -1.47]]),  # mat3
-        np.array([[-1.00, -0.55, -1.08,  1.79],
-                  [ 1.77,  0.62,  0.48, -1.35],
-                  [ 0.09, -0.71, -1.39, -1.21],
-                  [-0.91, -1.82, -1.43,  0.72]]),  # mat4
-        np.array([[ 0.06,  1.31,  1.52, -1.96],
-                  [ 1.60, -0.32,  0.51, -1.84],
-                  [ 1.25,  0.45,  1.90, -0.72],
-                  [-0.16,  0.45, -0.88,  0.39]]),  # mat4
-        ]
-    mats = squaremats + [
-        np.array([[ 0.09,  1.30,  1.25],
-                  [-1.19,  0.08,  1.08]]),  # mat3x2
-        np.array([[-0.36, -1.08, -0.60],
-                  [-0.53,  0.88, -1.79]]),  # mat3x2
-        np.array([[-0.46,  1.94],
-                  [-0.45, -0.75],
-                  [ 1.03, -0.50]]),  # mat2x3
-        np.array([[ 1.38, -1.08],
-                  [-1.27,  1.83],
-                  [ 1.00, -0.74]]),  # mat2x3
-        np.array([[ 1.81, -0.87,  0.81,  0.65],
-                  [-1.16, -1.52,  0.25, -1.51]]),  # mat4x2
-        np.array([[ 1.93, -1.63,  0.29,  1.60],
-                  [ 0.49,  0.27,  0.14,  0.94]]),  # mat4x2
-        np.array([[ 0.16, -1.69],
-                  [-0.80,  0.59],
-                  [-1.74, -1.43],
-                  [-0.02, -1.21]]),  # mat2x4
-        np.array([[-1.02,  0.74],
-                  [-1.64, -0.13],
-                  [-1.59,  0.47],
-                  [ 0.30,  1.13]]),  # mat2x4
-        np.array([[-0.27, -1.38, -1.41, -0.12],
-                  [-0.17, -0.56,  1.47,  1.86],
-                  [-1.85, -1.29,  1.77,  0.01]]),  # mat4x3
-        np.array([[-0.47, -0.15,  1.97, -1.05],
-                  [-0.20,  0.53, -1.82, -1.41],
-                  [-1.39, -0.19,  1.62,  1.58]]),  # mat4x3
-        np.array([[ 1.42, -0.86,  0.27],
-                  [ 1.80, -1.74,  0.04],
-                  [-1.88, -0.37,  0.43],
-                  [ 1.37,  1.90,  0.71]]),  # mat3x4
-        np.array([[-1.72,  0.09,  0.45],
-                  [-0.31, -1.58,  1.92],
-                  [ 0.14,  0.18, -0.56],
-                  [ 0.40, -0.77,  1.76]]),  # mat3x4
-        ]
+    norm_doubles_dvecs = [math.normalize(x) for x in nz_doubles_dvecs]
     dsquaredmats = [
         np.array([[ 1.60,  0.76],
                   [ 1.53, -1.00]]),  # mat2
@@ -1104,11 +681,11 @@ def _make_vector_or_matrix_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
       template='({0} - {1})')
-    f('op-mult', 2, _multiply, match_multiply,
+    f('op-mult', 2, math.multiply, match_multiply,
       template='({0} * {1})')
-    f('op-div', 2, _divide, match_simple_binop,
+    f('op-div', 2, math.divide, match_simple_binop,
       template='({0} / {1})')
@@ -1118,12 +695,12 @@ def _make_vector_or_matrix_test_vectors(test_suite_dict):
     f('dot', 2, np.dot, match_args(0, 1), [doubles+dvecs, doubles+dvecs])
     f('cross', 2, np.cross, match_args(0, 1), [dvec3s, dvec3s],
-    f('normalize', 1, _normalize, None, [nz_doubles_dvecs])
-    f('faceforward', 3, _faceforward, match_args(0, 1, 2),
+    f('normalize', 1, math.normalize, None, [nz_doubles_dvecs])
+    f('faceforward', 3, math.faceforward, match_args(0, 1, 2),
       [doubles+dvecs, doubles+dvecs, doubles+dvecs])
-    f('reflect', 2, _reflect, match_args(0, 1),
+    f('reflect', 2, math.reflect, match_args(0, 1),
       [doubles+dvecs, norm_doubles_dvecs])
-    f('refract', 3, _refract, match_args(0, 1),
+    f('refract', 3, math.refract, match_args(0, 1),
       [norm_doubles_dvecs, norm_doubles_dvecs, [0.5, 2.0]])
     f('matrixCompMult', 2, lambda x, y: x*y, match_args(0, 1),
       [dmats, dmats])
diff --git a/generated_tests/builtins/generators.py b/generated_tests/builtins/generators.py
index b556e77..c3536a3 100644
--- a/generated_tests/builtins/generators.py
+++ b/generated_tests/builtins/generators.py
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ def glsl_constant(value):
         values = ['true' if x else 'false' for x in column_major]
     elif column_major.dtype in glsl_types.UINT32_TYPES:
         values = [repr(x) + 'u' for x in column_major]
+    elif column_major.dtype == np.float64:
+        values = [repr(x) + 'lf' for x in column_major]
         values = [repr(x) for x in column_major]
     if len(column_major) == 1:
@@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ def round_to_32_bits(value):
     """If value is a floating point type, round it down to 32 bits.
     Otherwise return it unchanged.
+    # numpy.float64 is a float
     if isinstance(value, float):
         return np.float32(value)
     elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype == np.float64:
@@ -116,7 +119,9 @@ def extend_to_64_bits(value):
     """If value is a floating point type, extend it to 64 bits.
     Otherwise return it unchanged.
-    if isinstance(value, np.float32):
+    # numpy.float32 is not float, so we need to explicitly check for that type
+    # and convert to float64
+    if isinstance(value, (float, np.float32)):
         return np.float64(value)
     elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype == np.float32:
         return np.array(value, dtype=np.float64)
diff --git a/generated_tests/builtins/glsl_types.py b/generated_tests/builtins/glsl_types.py
index 7d8e361..084dcda 100644
--- a/generated_tests/builtins/glsl_types.py
+++ b/generated_tests/builtins/glsl_types.py
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@
 import numpy as np
-# Floating point types used by Python and numpy
-FLOATING_TYPES = (float, np.float64, np.float32)
 # Due to a bug in the Windows implementation of numpy, there are
 # multiple int32 types (and multiple uint32 types).  So we have to
 # find them all when doing isinstance checks.  The following code will
@@ -109,40 +106,58 @@ class GlslBuiltinType(object):
 # Concrete declarations of GlslBuiltinType
 # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
-GLSL_BOOL   = GlslBuiltinType('bool',   None,       1, 1, 110)
-GLSL_INT    = GlslBuiltinType('int',    None,       1, 1, 110)
-GLSL_UINT   = GlslBuiltinType('uint',   None,       1, 1, 130)
-GLSL_FLOAT  = GlslBuiltinType('float',  None,       1, 1, 110)
-GLSL_VEC2   = GlslBuiltinType('vec2',   GLSL_FLOAT, 1, 2, 110)
-GLSL_VEC3   = GlslBuiltinType('vec3',   GLSL_FLOAT, 1, 3, 110)
-GLSL_VEC4   = GlslBuiltinType('vec4',   GLSL_FLOAT, 1, 4, 110)
-GLSL_BVEC2  = GlslBuiltinType('bvec2',  GLSL_BOOL,  1, 2, 110)
-GLSL_BVEC3  = GlslBuiltinType('bvec3',  GLSL_BOOL,  1, 3, 110)
-GLSL_BVEC4  = GlslBuiltinType('bvec4',  GLSL_BOOL,  1, 4, 110)
-GLSL_IVEC2  = GlslBuiltinType('ivec2',  GLSL_INT,   1, 2, 110)
-GLSL_IVEC3  = GlslBuiltinType('ivec3',  GLSL_INT,   1, 3, 110)
-GLSL_IVEC4  = GlslBuiltinType('ivec4',  GLSL_INT,   1, 4, 110)
-GLSL_UVEC2  = GlslBuiltinType('uvec2',  GLSL_UINT,  1, 2, 130)
-GLSL_UVEC3  = GlslBuiltinType('uvec3',  GLSL_UINT,  1, 3, 130)
-GLSL_UVEC4  = GlslBuiltinType('uvec4',  GLSL_UINT,  1, 4, 130)
-GLSL_MAT2   = GlslBuiltinType('mat2',   GLSL_FLOAT, 2, 2, 110)
-GLSL_MAT3   = GlslBuiltinType('mat3',   GLSL_FLOAT, 3, 3, 110)
-GLSL_MAT4   = GlslBuiltinType('mat4',   GLSL_FLOAT, 4, 4, 110)
-GLSL_MAT3X2 = GlslBuiltinType('mat3x2', GLSL_FLOAT, 3, 2, 120)
-GLSL_MAT4X2 = GlslBuiltinType('mat4x2', GLSL_FLOAT, 4, 2, 120)
-GLSL_MAT2X3 = GlslBuiltinType('mat2x3', GLSL_FLOAT, 2, 3, 120)
-GLSL_MAT4X3 = GlslBuiltinType('mat4x3', GLSL_FLOAT, 4, 3, 120)
-GLSL_MAT2X4 = GlslBuiltinType('mat2x4', GLSL_FLOAT, 2, 4, 120)
-GLSL_MAT3X4 = GlslBuiltinType('mat3x4', GLSL_FLOAT, 3, 4, 120)
+GLSL_BOOL    = GlslBuiltinType('bool',    None,        1, 1, 110)
+GLSL_INT     = GlslBuiltinType('int',     None,        1, 1, 110)
+GLSL_UINT    = GlslBuiltinType('uint',    None,        1, 1, 130)
+GLSL_FLOAT   = GlslBuiltinType('float',   None,        1, 1, 110)
+GLSL_VEC2    = GlslBuiltinType('vec2',    GLSL_FLOAT,  1, 2, 110)
+GLSL_VEC3    = GlslBuiltinType('vec3',    GLSL_FLOAT,  1, 3, 110)
+GLSL_VEC4    = GlslBuiltinType('vec4',    GLSL_FLOAT,  1, 4, 110)
+GLSL_BVEC2   = GlslBuiltinType('bvec2',   GLSL_BOOL,   1, 2, 110)
+GLSL_BVEC3   = GlslBuiltinType('bvec3',   GLSL_BOOL,   1, 3, 110)
+GLSL_BVEC4   = GlslBuiltinType('bvec4',   GLSL_BOOL,   1, 4, 110)
+GLSL_IVEC2   = GlslBuiltinType('ivec2',   GLSL_INT,    1, 2, 110)
+GLSL_IVEC3   = GlslBuiltinType('ivec3',   GLSL_INT,    1, 3, 110)
+GLSL_IVEC4   = GlslBuiltinType('ivec4',   GLSL_INT,    1, 4, 110)
+GLSL_UVEC2   = GlslBuiltinType('uvec2',   GLSL_UINT,   1, 2, 130)
+GLSL_UVEC3   = GlslBuiltinType('uvec3',   GLSL_UINT,   1, 3, 130)
+GLSL_UVEC4   = GlslBuiltinType('uvec4',   GLSL_UINT,   1, 4, 130)
+GLSL_MAT2    = GlslBuiltinType('mat2',    GLSL_FLOAT,  2, 2, 110)
+GLSL_MAT3    = GlslBuiltinType('mat3',    GLSL_FLOAT,  3, 3, 110)
+GLSL_MAT4    = GlslBuiltinType('mat4',    GLSL_FLOAT,  4, 4, 110)
+GLSL_MAT3X2  = GlslBuiltinType('mat3x2',  GLSL_FLOAT,  3, 2, 120)
+GLSL_MAT4X2  = GlslBuiltinType('mat4x2',  GLSL_FLOAT,  4, 2, 120)
+GLSL_MAT2X3  = GlslBuiltinType('mat2x3',  GLSL_FLOAT,  2, 3, 120)
+GLSL_MAT4X3  = GlslBuiltinType('mat4x3',  GLSL_FLOAT,  4, 3, 120)
+GLSL_MAT2X4  = GlslBuiltinType('mat2x4',  GLSL_FLOAT,  2, 4, 120)
+GLSL_MAT3X4  = GlslBuiltinType('mat3x4',  GLSL_FLOAT,  3, 4, 120)
+GLSL_DOUBLE  = GlslBuiltinType('double',  None,        1, 1, 400)
+GLSL_DVEC2   = GlslBuiltinType('dvec2',   GLSL_DOUBLE, 1, 2, 400)
+GLSL_DVEC3   = GlslBuiltinType('dvec3',   GLSL_DOUBLE, 1, 3, 400)
+GLSL_DVEC4   = GlslBuiltinType('dvec4',   GLSL_DOUBLE, 1, 4, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT2   = GlslBuiltinType('dmat2',   GLSL_DOUBLE, 2, 2, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT3   = GlslBuiltinType('dmat3',   GLSL_DOUBLE, 3, 3, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT4   = GlslBuiltinType('dmat4',   GLSL_DOUBLE, 4, 4, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT3X2 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat3x2', GLSL_DOUBLE, 3, 2, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT4X2 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat4x2', GLSL_DOUBLE, 4, 2, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT2X3 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat2x3', GLSL_DOUBLE, 2, 3, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT4X3 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat4x3', GLSL_DOUBLE, 4, 3, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT2X4 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat2x4', GLSL_DOUBLE, 2, 4, 400)
+GLSL_DMAT3X4 = GlslBuiltinType('dmat3x4', GLSL_DOUBLE, 3, 4, 400)
 def glsl_type_of(value):  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
     """Factory function that returns a GlslBuiltinType for native types."""
-    if isinstance(value, FLOATING_TYPES):
+    if isinstance(value, np.float32):
         return GLSL_FLOAT
+    elif isinstance(value, np.float64):
+        return GLSL_DOUBLE
     elif isinstance(value, (bool, np.bool_)):
         return GLSL_BOOL
     elif isinstance(value, INT32_TYPES):
@@ -150,13 +165,17 @@ def glsl_type_of(value):  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
     elif isinstance(value, UINT32_TYPES):
         return GLSL_UINT
+        assert type(value) != float, type(value)
         assert isinstance(value, np.ndarray)
         if len(value.shape) == 1:
             # Vector
             vector_length = value.shape[0]
             assert 2 <= vector_length <= 4
-            if value.dtype in FLOATING_TYPES:
+            if value.dtype == np.float32:
                 return (GLSL_VEC2, GLSL_VEC3, GLSL_VEC4)[vector_length - 2]
+            elif value.dtype == np.float64:
+                return (GLSL_DVEC2, GLSL_DVEC3, GLSL_DVEC4)[vector_length - 2]
             elif value.dtype == bool:
                 return (GLSL_BVEC2, GLSL_BVEC3, GLSL_BVEC4)[vector_length - 2]
             elif value.dtype in INT32_TYPES:
@@ -168,13 +187,20 @@ def glsl_type_of(value):  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
                     'Unexpected vector base type {0}'.format(value.dtype))
             # Matrix
-            assert value.dtype in FLOATING_TYPES
+            assert value.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64)
             assert len(value.shape) == 2
             matrix_rows = value.shape[0]
-            assert 2 <= matrix_rows <= 4
             matrix_columns = value.shape[1]
+            assert 2 <= matrix_rows <= 4
             assert 2 <= matrix_columns <= 4
-            matrix_types = ((GLSL_MAT2X2, GLSL_MAT2X3, GLSL_MAT2X4),
-                            (GLSL_MAT3X2, GLSL_MAT3X3, GLSL_MAT3X4),
-                            (GLSL_MAT4X2, GLSL_MAT4X3, GLSL_MAT4X4))
+            if value.dtype == np.float32:
+                matrix_types = ((GLSL_MAT2X2, GLSL_MAT2X3, GLSL_MAT2X4),
+                                (GLSL_MAT3X2, GLSL_MAT3X3, GLSL_MAT3X4),
+                                (GLSL_MAT4X2, GLSL_MAT4X3, GLSL_MAT4X4))
+            elif value.dtype == np.float64:
+                matrix_types = ((GLSL_DMAT2X2, GLSL_DMAT2X3, GLSL_DMAT2X4),
+                                (GLSL_DMAT3X2, GLSL_DMAT3X3, GLSL_DMAT3X4),
+                                (GLSL_DMAT4X2, GLSL_DMAT4X3, GLSL_DMAT4X4))
             return matrix_types[matrix_columns - 2][matrix_rows - 2]
diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_builtin_uniform_tests_fp64.py b/generated_tests/gen_builtin_uniform_tests_fp64.py
index ec12650..120e4bb 100644
--- a/generated_tests/gen_builtin_uniform_tests_fp64.py
+++ b/generated_tests/gen_builtin_uniform_tests_fp64.py
@@ -44,13 +44,15 @@
 # With the optional argument --names-only, it only outputs the names
 # of the files; it doesn't generate them.
-from builtin_function_fp64 import *
+from __future__ import absolute_import
 import abc
-import numpy
 import optparse
 import os
-import os.path
-import sys
+import numpy as np
+from builtins import glsl_types, generators
+import builtin_function_fp64
 def compute_offset_and_scale(test_vectors):
@@ -60,8 +62,8 @@ def compute_offset_and_scale(test_vectors):
     used to transform the test vectors so that their outputs can be
     stored in gl_FragColor without overflow.
-    low = min(numpy.min(tv.result) for tv in test_vectors)
-    hi = max(numpy.max(tv.result) for tv in test_vectors)
+    low = min(np.min(tv.result) for tv in test_vectors)
+    hi = max(np.max(tv.result) for tv in test_vectors)
     span = hi - low
     center = (hi + low)/2.0
     span *= 2.0
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ def shader_runner_type(glsl_type):
     Boolean values and vectors are converted to ints, and square
     matrices are written in "matNxN" form.
-    if glsl_type.base_type == glsl_bool:
+    if glsl_type.base_type == glsl_types.GLSL_BOOL:
         if glsl_type.is_scalar:
             return 'int'
@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ class BoolComparator(Comparator):
         floats representing the expected color produced by the test.
         value = value*1.0  # convert bools to floats
-        value = column_major_values(value)
+        value = generators.column_major_values(value)
         value += [0.0] * self.__padding
         return value
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ class BoolIfComparator(Comparator):
           output_var = vecp(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     def __init__(self, signature):
-        assert signature.rettype == glsl_bool
+        assert signature.rettype == glsl_types.GLSL_BOOL
         self.__padding = 4 - signature.rettype.num_rows
     def make_result_handler(self, invocation, output_var):
@@ -246,7 +248,8 @@ class IntComparator(Comparator):
     def make_result_test(self, test_num, test_vector, draw):
         test = 'uniform {0} expected {1}\n'.format(
-            shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result)))
+            shader_runner_format(
+                generators.column_major_values(test_vector.result)))
         test += draw
         test += 'probe rgba {0} 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0\n'.format(test_num)
         return test
@@ -313,7 +316,8 @@ class FloatComparator(Comparator):
     def make_result_test(self, test_num, test_vector, draw):
         test = 'uniform {0} expected {1}\n'.format(
-            shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result)))
+            shader_runner_format(
+                generators.column_major_values(test_vector.result)))
         test += 'uniform double tolerance {0}\n'.format(
         test += draw
@@ -345,9 +349,9 @@ class ShaderTest(object):
         self._test_vectors = test_vectors
         if use_if:
             self._comparator = BoolIfComparator(signature)
-        elif signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_bool:
+        elif signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_types.GLSL_BOOL:
             self._comparator = BoolComparator(signature)
-        elif signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_double:
+        elif signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_types.GLSL_DOUBLE:
             self._comparator = FloatComparator(signature)
             raise Exception('Unexpected rettype {0}'.format(signature.rettype))
@@ -444,7 +448,7 @@ class ShaderTest(object):
                 test += 'uniform {0} arg{1} {2}\n'.format(
                     i, shader_runner_format(
-                        column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i])))
+                        generators.column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i])))
             # Note: shader_runner uses a 250x250 window so we must
             # ensure that test_num <= 250.
             test += self._comparator.make_result_test(
@@ -622,12 +626,12 @@ class FragmentShaderTest(ShaderTest):
 def all_tests():
     for use_if in [False, True]:
-        for signature, test_vectors in sorted(test_suite.items()):
-            if use_if and signature.rettype != glsl_bool:
+        for signature, vectors in builtin_function_fp64.test_suite.iteritems():
+            if use_if and signature.rettype != glsl_types.GLSL_BOOL:
-            yield VertexShaderTest(signature, test_vectors, use_if)
-            yield GeometryShaderTest(signature, test_vectors, use_if)
-            yield FragmentShaderTest(signature, test_vectors, use_if)
+            yield VertexShaderTest(signature, vectors, use_if)
+            yield GeometryShaderTest(signature, vectors, use_if)
+            yield FragmentShaderTest(signature, vectors, use_if)
 def main():
diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_constant_array_size_tests_fp64.py b/generated_tests/gen_constant_array_size_tests_fp64.py
index a54598b..10e93d5 100644
--- a/generated_tests/gen_constant_array_size_tests_fp64.py
+++ b/generated_tests/gen_constant_array_size_tests_fp64.py
@@ -34,11 +34,14 @@
 # With the optional argument --names-only, it only outputs the names
 # of the files; it doesn't generate them.
-from builtin_function_fp64 import *
+from __future__ import absolute_import
 import abc
 import optparse
 import os
-import os.path
+from builtins import glsl_types, generators
+import builtin_function_fp64
 class ParserTest(object):
@@ -101,8 +104,8 @@ class ParserTest(object):
         correct result for the given test vector, and false if not.
         invocation = self.__signature.template.format(
-            *[glsl_constant(x) for x in test_vector.arguments])
-        if self.__signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_double:
+            *[generators.glsl_constant(x) for x in test_vector.arguments])
+        if self.__signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_types.GLSL_DOUBLE:
             # Test floating-point values within tolerance
             if self.__signature.name == 'distance':
                 # Don't use the distance() function to test itself.
@@ -119,15 +122,15 @@ class ParserTest(object):
                 for col in xrange(self.__signature.rettype.num_cols):
                     terms.append('(distance({0}[{1}], {2}) * distance({0}[{1}], {2}))'.format(
                         invocation, col,
-                        glsl_constant(test_vector.result[:, col])))
+                        generators.glsl_constant(test_vector.result[:, col])))
                 rss_distance = ' + '.join(terms)
                 sq_tolerance = test_vector.tolerance * test_vector.tolerance
                 return '{0} <= {1}'.format(
-                    rss_distance, glsl_constant(sq_tolerance))
+                    rss_distance, generators.glsl_constant(sq_tolerance))
                 return 'distance({0}, {1}) <= {2}'.format(
-                    invocation, glsl_constant(test_vector.result),
-                    glsl_constant(test_vector.tolerance))
+                    invocation, generators.glsl_constant(test_vector.result),
+                    generators.glsl_constant(test_vector.tolerance))
             # Test non-floating point values exactly
             assert not self.__signature.rettype.is_matrix
@@ -138,14 +141,14 @@ class ParserTest(object):
                 for row in xrange(self.__signature.rettype.num_rows):
                     terms.append('{0}[{1}] == {2}'.format(
                         invocation, row,
-                        glsl_constant(test_vector.result[row])))
+                        generators.glsl_constant(test_vector.result[row])))
                 return ' && '.join(terms)
             elif self.__signature.rettype.is_vector:
                 return 'all(equal({0}, {1}))'.format(
-                    invocation, glsl_constant(test_vector.result))
+                    invocation, generators.glsl_constant(test_vector.result))
                 return '{0} == {1}'.format(
-                    invocation, glsl_constant(test_vector.result))
+                    invocation, generators.glsl_constant(test_vector.result))
     def make_shader(self):
         """Generate the shader code necessary to test the built-in."""
@@ -193,8 +196,9 @@ class ParserTest(object):
         for test_vector in self.__test_vectors:
             parser_test += ' * {0} => {1}\n'.format(
-                    *[glsl_constant(arg) for arg in test_vector.arguments]),
-                glsl_constant(test_vector.result))
+                    *[generators.glsl_constant(arg)
+                      for arg in test_vector.arguments]),
+                generators.glsl_constant(test_vector.result))
         parser_test += ' */\n'
         parser_test += self.make_shader()
         filename = self.filename()
@@ -242,10 +246,10 @@ class FragmentParserTest(ParserTest):
 def all_tests():
-    for signature, test_vectors in sorted(test_suite.items()):
-        yield VertexParserTest(signature, test_vectors)
-        yield GeometryParserTest(signature, test_vectors)
-        yield FragmentParserTest(signature, test_vectors)
+    for signature, vectors in builtin_function_fp64.test_suite.iteritems():
+        yield VertexParserTest(signature, vectors)
+        yield GeometryParserTest(signature, vectors)
+        yield FragmentParserTest(signature, vectors)
 def main():

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