[Piglit] [Patch v2 4/5] framework: refactor the log module

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 00:13:13 PDT 2014

This refactors the log module away from a single class that does
everything to having two classes. The first class LogFactory, is a state
manager that returns BaseLog derived objects when it's get() method is
called. However, it mainly acts as a shared state manager.

The BaseLog derived classes provide three public methods; start(),
log(), summary().

This makes the interfaces much cleaner, just 3 public methods that are
fairly obvious and clearly documented. It uses inheritance for more
shared code, and is just generally much less complex than the previous

v2: - Fix summary line in the verbose logger to support using '\r'. This
      works by printing the summary at the end of start() and log()
    - add -v/--verbose option back (Ilia)

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com>
 framework/core.py            |   5 +-
 framework/exectest.py        |   7 +-
 framework/log.py             | 301 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 framework/profile.py         |  10 +-
 framework/programs/run.py    |  34 +++--
 framework/results.py         |   6 +-
 framework/tests/log_tests.py | 177 +++++++++++++++++--------
 7 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/core.py b/framework/core.py
index 675b7aa..b4ba54a 100644
--- a/framework/core.py
+++ b/framework/core.py
@@ -71,13 +71,11 @@ class Options(object):
     exclude_filter -- list of compiled regex which exclude tests that match
     valgrind -- True if valgrind is to be used
     dmesg -- True if dmesg checking is desired. This forces concurrency off
-    verbose -- verbosity level.
     env -- environment variables set for each test before run
     def __init__(self, concurrent=True, execute=True, include_filter=None,
-                 exclude_filter=None, valgrind=False, dmesg=False,
-                 verbose=False):
+                 exclude_filter=None, valgrind=False, dmesg=False):
         self.concurrent = concurrent
         self.execute = execute
         self.filter = [re.compile(x) for x in include_filter or []]
@@ -85,7 +83,6 @@ class Options(object):
         self.exclude_tests = set()
         self.valgrind = valgrind
         self.dmesg = dmesg
-        self.verbose = verbose
         # env is used to set some base environment variables that are not going
         # to change across runs, without sending them to os.environ which is
         # fickle as easy to break
diff --git a/framework/exectest.py b/framework/exectest.py
index 7d08774..c27be90 100644
--- a/framework/exectest.py
+++ b/framework/exectest.py
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class Test(object):
             Fully qualified test name as a string.  For example,
-        log_current = log.pre_log(path if self.OPTS.verbose else None)
+        log.start(path)
         # Run the test
         if self.OPTS.execute:
@@ -104,11 +104,10 @@ class Test(object):
                 self.result['traceback'] = "".join(
-            log.log(path, self.result['result'], log_current)
+            log.log(self.result['result'])
             json_writer.write_dict_item(path, self.result)
-            log.log(path, 'dry-run', log_current)
+            log.log('dry-run')
     def command(self):
diff --git a/framework/log.py b/framework/log.py
index 02b3526..9b9805f 100644
--- a/framework/log.py
+++ b/framework/log.py
@@ -18,136 +18,241 @@
+""" Module for terminal logging
+This module provides a class LogManager, which acts as a state manager
+returning BaseLog derived instances to individual tests.
 import sys
+import abc
+import itertools
+import threading
 import collections
-from .threads import synchronized_self
+__all__ = ['LogManager']
-class Log(object):
-    """ Print Progress to stdout
+class BaseLog(object):
+    """ Abstract base class for Log objects
-    total -- The total number of tests to run.
+    state -- the state dict from LogManager
-    def __init__(self, total, verbose):
-        self.__total = total
-        self.__complete = 0
-        self.__running = []
-        self.__generator = (x for x in xrange(self.__total))
-        self.__pad = len(str(self.__total))
-        self.__summary_keys = set(['pass', 'fail', 'warn', 'crash', 'skip',
-                                   'dmesg-warn', 'dmesg-fail', 'dry-run',
-                                   'timeout'])
-        self.__summary = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-        self.__lastlength = 0
-        self.__tty = sys.stdout.isatty()
-        self.__output = "[{percent}] {summary} {running}"
-        # Some automation tools (e.g, Jenkins) will buffer all output until
-        # newline, so don't use carriage return character if the stdout is not
-        # a TTY.
-        if self.__tty:
-            self.__output += "\r"
-        else:
-            self.__output += "\n"
+    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+    SUMMARY_KEYS = set([
+        'pass', 'fail', 'warn', 'crash', 'skip', 'dmesg-warn', 'dmesg-fail',
+        'dry-run', 'timeout'])
+    _LOCK = threading.RLock()
+    def __init__(self, state):
+        self._state = state
+        self._pad = len(str(state['total']))
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def start(self, name):
+        """ Called before test run starts
+        This method is used to print things before the test starts
+        """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def log(self, status):
+        """ Print the result of the test
-        if verbose:
-            self.__output = "{result} :: {name}\n" + self.__output
+        This method is run after the test completes, and is used to log the
+        actual result of the test
-        self.__summary_output = "[{percent}] {summary}\n"
+        """
-    def _write_output(self, output):
-        """ write the output to stdout, ensuring any previous line is cleared """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def summary(self):
+        """ Print a final summary
-        if self.__tty:
-            length = len(output)
-            if self.__lastlength > length:
-                output = "{0}{1}{2}".format(output[:-1],
-                                            " " * (self.__lastlength - length),
-                                            output[-1])
+        This method is run at the end of the test run, and is used to print a
+        final summary of the run
-            self.__lastlength = length
+        """
-        sys.stdout.write(output)
-        # Need to flush explicitly, otherwise it all gets buffered without a
-        # newline.
-        sys.stdout.flush()
+class QuietLog(BaseLog):
+    """ A logger providing minimal status output
-    def _format_summary(self):
-        """ return a summary of the statuses """
-        return ", ".join("{0}: {1}".format(k, self.__summary[k])
-                         for k in sorted(self.__summary))
+    This logger provides only a ninja like [x/y] pass: z, fail: w ... output.
-    def _format_running(self):
-        """ return running tests """
-        return "Running Test(s): {}".format(
-            " ".join([str(x).zfill(self.__pad) for x in self.__running]))
+    It uses \r to print over the same line when printing to a tty. If
+    sys.stdout is not a tty then it prints \n at the end of the line instead
-    def _format_percent(self):
-        """ return the percentage of tess completed """
-        return "{0}/{1}".format(str(self.__complete).zfill(self.__pad),
-                                str(self.__total).zfill(self.__pad))
+    Arguments:
+    status -- the status to print
-    def __print(self, name, result):
-        """ Do the actual printing """
-        self._write_output(self.__output.format(
-            percent=self._format_percent(),
-            running=self._format_running(),
-            summary=self._format_summary(),
-            name=name,
-            result=result))
+    """
+    _test_counter = itertools.count()
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(QuietLog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    @synchronized_self
-    def log(self, name, result, value):
-        """ Print to the screen
+        # If the output is a tty we can use '\r' (return, no linebreak) to
+        # print over the existing line, if stdout isn't a tty that will not
+        # work (and can break systems like jenkins), so we print a \n instead
+        if sys.stdout.isatty():
+            self._endcode = '\r'
+        else:
+            self._endcode = '\n'
-        Works by moving the cursor back to the front of the line and printing
-        over it.
+        self.__counter = self._test_counter.next()
+        self._state['running'].append(self.__counter)
+    def start(self, name):
+        pass
+    def log(self, status):
+        # increment complete
+        self._state['complete'] += 1
+        # Add to the summary dict
+        assert status in self.SUMMARY_KEYS
+        self._state['summary'][status] += 1
+        self._print_summary()
+        self._state['running'].remove(self.__counter)
+    def summary(self):
+        self._print_summary()
-        Arguments:
-        name -- the name of the test
-        result -- the result of the test
-        value -- the number of the test to remove
+    def _print_summary(self):
+        """ Print the summary result
+        this prints '[done/total] {status}', it is a private method hidden from
+        the children of this class (VerboseLog)
-        assert result in self.__summary_keys
-        self.__print(name, result)
+        out = '[{done}/{total}] {status} Running Test(s): {running}'.format(
+            done=str(self._state['complete']).zfill(self._pad),
+            total=str(self._state['total']).zfill(self._pad),
+            status=', '.join('{0}: {1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in
+                             sorted(self._state['summary'].iteritems())),
+            running=" ".join(str(x) for x in self._state['running'])
+        )
+        self._print(out)
+    def _print(self, out):
+        """ Shared print method that ensures any bad lines are overwritten """
+        with self._LOCK:
+            # If the new line is shorter than the old one add trailing
+            # whitespace
+            pad = self._state['lastlength'] - len(out)
+            sys.stdout.write(out)
+            if pad > 0:
+                sys.stdout.write(' ' * pad)
+            sys.stdout.write(self._endcode)
+            sys.stdout.flush()
-        # Mark running complete
-        assert value in self.__running
-        self.__running.remove(value)
+        # Set the length of the line just printed (minus the spaces since we
+        # don't care if we leave whitespace) so that the next line will print
+        # extra whitespace if necissary
+        self._state['lastlength'] = len(out)
-        # increment the number of completed tests
-        self.__complete += 1
-        assert result in self.__summary_keys
-        self.__summary[result] += 1
+class VerboseLog(QuietLog):
+    """ A more verbose version of the QuietLog
+    This logger works like the quiet logger, except it doesn't overwrite the
+    previous line, ever. It also prints an additional line at the start of each
+    test, which the quite logger doesn't do.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(VerboseLog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.__name = None    # the name needs to be printed by start and log
-    @synchronized_self
-    def pre_log(self, running=None):
-        """ Hook to run before log()
+    def _print(self, out, newline=False):
+        """ Print to the console, add a newline if necissary
-        Returns a new number to know what processes are running, if running is
-        set it will print a running message for the test
+        For the verbose logger there are times that one wants both an
+        overwritten line, and a line that is static. This method adds the
+        ability to print a newline charcater at the end of the line.
-        Keyword Arguments:
-        running -- the name of a test to print is running. If Falsy then
-                   nothing will be printed. Default: None
+        This is useful for the non-status lines (running: <name>, and <status>:
+        <name>), since these lines should be be overwritten, but the running
+        status line should.
-        if running:
-            self.__print(running, 'running')
+        with self._LOCK:
+            super(VerboseLog, self)._print(out)
+            if newline:
+                sys.stdout.write('\n')
+                sys.stdout.flush()
-        x = self.__generator.next()
-        self.__running.append(x)
-        return x
+    def start(self, name):
+        """ Print the test that is being run next
-    def summary(self):
-        self._write_output(self.__summary_output.format(
-            percent=self._format_percent(),
-            summary=self._format_summary()))
+        This printings a running: <testname> message before the test run
+        starts.
+        """
+        with self._LOCK:
+            self._print('running: {}'.format(name), newline=True)
+        self.__name = name
+        self._print_summary()
+    def log(self, value):
+        """ Print a message after the test finishes
+        This method prints <status>: <name>. It also does a little bit of magic
+        before calling super() to print the status line.
+        """
+        with self._LOCK:
+            self._print('{0}: {1}'.format(value, self.__name), newline=True)
+            # Set lastlength to 0, this prevents printing worthless pad in
+            # super()
+            self._state['lastlength'] = 0
+            super(VerboseLog, self).log(value)
+class LogManager(object):
+    """ Creates new log objects
+    Each of the log objects it creates have two accessible methods: start() and
+    log(); neither method should return anything, and they must be thread safe.
+    log() should accept a single argument, which is the status the test
+    returned. start() should also take a single argument, the name of the test
+    When the LogManager is initialized it is initialized with an argument which
+    determines which Log class it will return (they are set via the LOG_MAP
+    dictionary, which maps string names to class callables), it will return
+    these as long as it exists.
+    Arguments:
+    logger -- a string name of a logger to use
+    total -- the total number of test to run
+    """
+    LOG_MAP = {
+        'quiet': QuietLog,
+        'verbose': VerboseLog,
+    }
+    def __init__(self, logger, total):
+        assert logger in self.LOG_MAP
+        self._log = self.LOG_MAP[logger]
+        self._state = {
+            'total': total,
+            'summary': collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0),
+            'lastlength': 0,
+            'complete': 0,
+            'running': [],
+        }  # XXX Does access to this dict need locking?
+    def get(self):
+        """ Return a new log instance """
+        return self._log(self._state)
diff --git a/framework/profile.py b/framework/profile.py
index 5428890..02b0ef0 100644
--- a/framework/profile.py
+++ b/framework/profile.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import multiprocessing.dummy
 import importlib
 from framework.dmesg import get_dmesg
-from framework.log import Log
+from framework.log import LogManager
 import framework.exectest
 __all__ = [
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class TestProfile(object):
-    def run(self, opts, json_writer):
+    def run(self, opts, logger, json_writer):
         """ Runs all tests using Thread pool
         When called this method will flatten out self.tests into
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class TestProfile(object):
         chunksize = 1
-        log = Log(len(self.test_list), opts.verbose)
+        log = LogManager(logger, len(self.test_list))
         def test(pair):
             """ Function to call test.execute from .map
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class TestProfile(object):
             name, test = pair
-            test.execute(name, log, json_writer, self.dmesg)
+            test.execute(name, log.get(), json_writer, self.dmesg)
         def run_threads(pool, testlist):
             """ Open a pool, close it, and join it """
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class TestProfile(object):
             run_threads(single, (x for x in self.test_list.iteritems()
                                  if not x[1].run_concurrent))
-        log.summary()
+        log.get().summary()
diff --git a/framework/programs/run.py b/framework/programs/run.py
index c1a2658..ada88ad 100644
--- a/framework/programs/run.py
+++ b/framework/programs/run.py
@@ -85,10 +85,20 @@ def run(input_):
                         help="Capture a difference in dmesg before and "
                              "after each test. Implies -1/--no-concurrency")
-    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",
-                        action="store_true",
-                        help="Produce a line of output for each test before "
-                             "and after it runs")
+    log_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    log_parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
+                            action='store_const',
+                            const='verbose',
+                            default='quiet',
+                            dest='log_level',
+                            help='DEPRECATED! Print more information during '
+                                 'test runs. Use -l/--log-level instead')
+    log_parser.add_argument("-l", "--log-level",
+                            dest="log_level",
+                            action="store",
+                            choices=['quiet', 'verbose', 'dummy'],
+                            default='quiet',
+                            help="Set the logger verbosity level")
                         metavar="<Path to one or more test profile(s)>",
@@ -137,8 +147,8 @@ def run(input_):
-                        dmesg=args.dmesg,
-                        verbose=args.verbose)
+                        dmesg=args.dmesg)
     # Set the platform to pass to waffle
     if args.platform:
@@ -170,7 +180,8 @@ def run(input_):
     if args.platform:
         options['platform'] = args.platform
     json_writer.initialize_json(options, results.name,
-                                core.collect_system_info())
+                                core.collect_system_info(),
+                                log_level=args.log_level)
@@ -182,7 +193,7 @@ def run(input_):
     # Set the dmesg type
     if args.dmesg:
         profile.dmesg = args.dmesg
-    profile.run(opts, json_writer)
+    profile.run(opts, args.log_level, json_writer)
     time_end = time.time()
@@ -211,9 +222,8 @@ def resume(input_):
-                        dmesg=results.options['dmesg'],
-                        verbose=results.options['verbose'])
+                        dmesg=results.options['dmesg'])
     if results.options.get('platform'):
         opts.env['PIGLIT_PLATFORM'] = results.options['platform']
@@ -235,7 +245,7 @@ def resume(input_):
         profile.dmesg = opts.dmesg
     # This is resumed, don't bother with time since it wont be accurate anyway
-    profile.run(opts, json_writer)
+    profile.run(opts, results.options['log_level'], json_writer)
diff --git a/framework/results.py b/framework/results.py
index 4b5fb30..a13f8cc 100644
--- a/framework/results.py
+++ b/framework/results.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import os
 import sys
+import itertools
 from cStringIO import StringIO
     import simplejson as json
@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ class JSONWriter(object):
         # is popped and written into the json
         self._open_containers = []
-    def initialize_json(self, options, name, env):
+    def initialize_json(self, options, name, env, **more):
         """ Write boilerplate json code
         This writes all of the json except the actual tests.
@@ -151,7 +152,8 @@ class JSONWriter(object):
-        for key, value in options.iteritems():
+        for key, value in itertools.chain(options.iteritems(),
+                                          more.iteritems()):
             # Loading a NoneType will break resume, and are a bug
             assert value is not None, "Value {} is NoneType".format(key)
             self.write_dict_item(key, value)
diff --git a/framework/tests/log_tests.py b/framework/tests/log_tests.py
index 333ba35..a71f3ca 100644
--- a/framework/tests/log_tests.py
+++ b/framework/tests/log_tests.py
@@ -20,76 +20,139 @@
 """ Module provides tests for log.py module """
-from types import *  # This is a special * safe module
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import collections
 import nose.tools as nt
-from framework.log import Log
+import framework.log as log
 import framework.tests.utils as utils
-valid_statuses = ('pass', 'fail', 'crash', 'warn', 'dmesg-warn',
-                  'dmesg-fail', 'skip', 'dry-run')
+TEST_STATE = {'total': 0, 'complete': 0, 'lastlength': 0, 'running': [],
+              'summary': collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)}
-def test_initialize_log_terse():
-    """ Test that Log initializes with verbose=False """
-    log = Log(100, False)
-    assert log
+ at utils.nose_generator
+def test_initialize():
+    """ Generate tests for class initializiation """
+    check_initialize = lambda c, *a: c(*a)
+    for name, class_ in [('QuiteLog', log.QuietLog),
+                         ('VerboseLog', log.VerboseLog)]:
+        check_initialize.description = "{} initializes".format(name)
+        yield check_initialize, class_, TEST_STATE
+    check_initialize.description = "LogManager initializes"
+    yield check_initialize, log.LogManager, 'quiet', 100
+def test_log_factory_returns_log():
+    """ LogManager.get() returns a BaseLog derived instance """
+    logger = log.LogManager('quiet', 100)
+    log_inst = logger.get()
+    assert isinstance(log_inst, log.BaseLog)
+ at utils.nose_generator
+def test_quietlog_log_state_update():
+    """ QuiteLog.log() updates shared state managed by LogManager """
+    logger = log.LogManager('quiet', 100)
+    log_inst = logger.get()
+    log_inst.log('pass')
+    # This lambda is necissary, without it description cannot be set
+    check = lambda x, y: nt.assert_equal(x, y)
+    for name, value in [('total', 100), ('summary', {'pass': 1}),
+                        ('complete', 1)]:
+        check.description = \
+            'State value {0} is incremented by QuiteLog.log()'.format(
+                name, value)
+        yield check, logger._state[name], value
+def check_for_output(func, args, file_=sys.stdout):
+    """ Test that a test produced output to either stdout or stderr
+    Arguments:
+    func -- a callable that will produce output
+    args -- any arguments to be passed to func as a container with a splat
+    KeywordArguments:
+    file -- should be either sys.stdout or sys.stderr. default: sys.stdout
+    """
+    func(*args)
+    # In nose sys.stdout and sys.stderr is a StringIO object, it returns a
+    # string of everything after the tell. If the tell is at the end of the
+    # file an empty
+    assert file_.read() == ''
+ at utils.nose_generator
+def test_print_when_expected():
+    """ Generator that creates tests that ensure that methods print
+    For most logger classes <class>.log() and <class>.summary() should print
+    something, for some classes <class>.start() should print.
+    This doesn't try to check what they are printing, just that they are
+    printing, since 1) the output is very implementation dependent, and 2) it
+    is subject to change.
-def test_initialize_log_verbose():
-    """ Test that Log initializes with verbose=True """
-    log = Log(100, True)
-    assert log
+    """
+    # a list of tuples which element 1 is the name of the class and method
+    # element 2 is a callable, and element 3 is a list of arguments to be
+    # passed to that callable. it needs to work with the splat operator
+    printing = []
+    # Test QuietLog
+    quiet = log.QuietLog(TEST_STATE)
+    printing.append(('QuietLog.log', quiet.log, ['pass']))
+    printing.append(('QuietLog.summary', quiet.summary, []))
-def test_pre_log_return():
-    """ Test that pre_log returns a number """
-    log = Log(100, False)
+    # Test VerboseLog
+    verbose = log.VerboseLog(TEST_STATE)
+    printing.append(('VerboseLog.start', verbose.start, ['a test']))
+    printing.append(('VerboseLog.log', verbose.log, ['pass']))
+    printing.append(('VerboseLog.summary', verbose.summary, []))
-    ret = log.pre_log()
-    nt.assert_true(isinstance(ret, (IntType, FloatType, LongType)),
-                   msg="Log.pre_log() didn't return a numeric type!")
+    for name, func, args in printing:
+        check_for_output.description = "{} produces output".format(name)
+        yield check_for_output, func, args
-def test_log_increment_complete():
-    """ Tests that Log.log() increments self.__complete """
-    log = Log(100, False)
-    ret = log.pre_log()
-    log.log('test', 'pass', ret)
-    nt.assert_equal(log._Log__complete, 1,
-                    msg="Log.log() did not properly incremented Log.__current")
+def check_no_output(func, args, file_=sys.stdout):
+    """ file should not be written into
+    This is the coralary of check_for_ouput, it takes the same arguments and
+    behaves the same way. See its docstring for more info
-def check_log_increment_summary(stat):
-    """ Test that passing a result to log works correctly """
-    log = Log(100, False)
-    ret = log.pre_log()
-    log.log('test', stat, ret)
-    print log._Log__summary
-    nt.assert_equal(log._Log__summary[stat], 1,
-                    msg="Log.__summary[{}] was not properly "
-                        "incremented".format(stat))
+    """
+    func(*args)
+    assert file_.tell() == 0
-def test_log_increment_summary():
-    """ Generator that creates tests for self.__summary """
-    for stat in valid_statuses:
-        check_log_increment_summary.description = \
-            "Test that Log.log increments self._summary[{}]".format(stat)
-        yield check_log_increment_summary, stat
-def test_log_removes_complete():
-    """ Test that Log.log() removes finished tests from __running """
-    log = Log(100, False)
-    ret = log.pre_log()
-    log.log('test', 'pass', ret)
-    nt.assert_not_in(ret, log._Log__running,
-                     msg="Running tests not removed from running list")
- at nt.raises(AssertionError)
-def test_log_increment_summary_bad():
-    """ Only statuses in self.__summary_keys are valid for log """
-    log = Log(100, False)
-    ret = log.pre_log()
-    log.log('test', 'fails', ret)
+def test_noprint_when_expected():
+    """ Generate tests for methods that shouldn't print
+    some methods shouldn't print anything, ensure that they don't
+    """
+    # a list of tuples which element 1 is the name of the class and method
+    # element 2 is a callable, and element 3 is a list of arguments to be
+    # passed to that callable. it needs to work with the splat operator
+    printing = []
+    # Test QuietLog
+    quiet = log.QuietLog(TEST_STATE)
+    printing.append(('QuietLog.start', quiet.start, ['name']))
+    # Test DummyLog
+    dummy = log.DummyLog(TEST_STATE)
+    printing.append(('DummyLog.start', dummy.start, ['name']))
+    printing.append(('DummyLog.log', dummy.log, ['pass']))
+    printing.append(('DummyLog.summary', dummy.summary, []))
+    for name, func, args in printing:
+        check_no_output.description = "{} produces no output".format(name)
+        yield check_no_output, func, args

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