[Piglit] Versioned JSON results v3

Ilia Mirkin imirkin at alum.mit.edu
Fri Jun 20 13:01:47 PDT 2014

Just tested this out, still doesn't work:


Run it with this file. Note how it says 83394/84754 at the top,
instead of the ~8K tests -- this is an effect of some issue when
fixing up the subtests. This is also most likely the reason why it's
way slower.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com> wrote:
> This series is available on github:
> https://github.com/dcbaker/piglit.git versioned-results-v6
> On Friday, June 20, 2014 12:50:26 PM Dylan Baker wrote:
>> This is the third iteration of introducing versions to our results
>> files. This purpose of doing this is to ensure that the results look a
>> certain way, removing the need to to handle variations in the files at
>> run time (and allowing for improvements to be made without concern for
>> mixing multiple versions of results)
>> The way this series aproachs the problem is to read the old results in,
>> do transformations on the resulting data structure, then write that data
>> back out. When it does this it renames the old file, so that if
>> something goes wrong it's not lost. It also works through a series of
>> transformations, so version 1->5 would be handled by updating 1 -> 2, 2
>> -> 3, etc. this aproach makes testing easy, and since testing is easy it
>> makes it easy to ensure that everything works as expected. What this
>> isn't is particularly efficient, this is because the design of the
>> feature is that it is a one time cost to update results, done
>> transparently at load time.
>> Patches 1-5 Lay groundwork by changing the way environment variables are
>> handled by the framework. Essentially before these patches we set
>> environment variables gobally and then let them trickle down. After the
>> patches the environment variables are passed to subprocess.Popen
>> directly.
>> These patches are new in v3
>> Patches 6-11 lay additional groundwork by refactoring and cleaning
>> existing code
>> Patches 12-13 do the actual lifting of the series. Patch 12 adds results
>> versioning, and 13 removes workarounds from summary for dealing with
>> old versions.
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