[Piglit] [PATCH RFC v2] arb_shader_precision: add tests for floating point precision

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 15:20:05 PST 2014

I strongly object to adding another generator that does crazy string
concatenation to create tests. These are incredibly hard to read,
understand, and modify.  We have a mako dependency for this purpose.
Please use mako instead.


On Friday, November 07, 2014 05:01:41 PM Micah Fedke wrote:
> This generated_tests script creates a suite of tests that measure the
> floating point precision of most GLSL built-ins, according to
> ARB_shader_precision.  Test vectors come from builtin_function.py, but
> are filtered down to avoid non-float types.
> These tests are reporting precision errors in ceil, cross, mod,
> op-assign-div, op-assign-mult, div, mult, reflect and refract on
> Ivybridge.
> ---
> Updates since the first RFC:
> Moved tests from tests/spec/ to generated_tests/ for much less NIH.  The
> generator script creates fs, vs, gs and cs tests for all vectors that deal in
> floats (eg. op-add-float-float but not op-add-ivec3-int).  Trig functions and
> determinant() are excluded, as these do not have a required precision per
> ARB_shader_precision.
> I am concerned that the test vectors provided by builtin_function.py don't
> probe the limits of the floating point format sufficiently, as floating point
> error varies across the range of available floats, but this should be enough
> for a first swing.
> Note: I am new to the project and don't have commit access.
>  generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt                |   5 +
>  generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py | 610 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  tests/all.py                                  |  19 +
>  3 files changed, 634 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
> diff --git a/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt b/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
> index 6d27b3e..ee381ac 100644
> --- a/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
> +++ b/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
> @@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ piglit_make_generated_tests(
>  	gen_constant_array_size_tests.py
>  	builtin_function.py)
>  piglit_make_generated_tests(
> +	shader_precision_tests.list
> +	gen_shader_precision_tests.py
> +	builtin_function.py)
> +piglit_make_generated_tests(
>  	const_builtin_equal_tests.list
>  	gen_const_builtin_equal_tests.py)
>  piglit_make_generated_tests(
> @@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ add_custom_target(gen-tests ALL
>  		outerproduct_invalid_params.list
>  		builtin_uniform_tests.list
>  		constant_array_size_tests.list
> +		shader_precision_tests.list
>  		const_builtin_equal_tests.list
>  		builtin_cl_int_tests.list
>  		builtin_cl_math_tests.list
> diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py b/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..3f091a8
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
> +# coding=utf-8
> +#
> +# Copyright © 2011 Intel Corporation
> +#
> +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
> +# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
> +# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
> +# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
> +# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
> +# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> +#
> +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
> +# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
> +# Software.
> +#
> +
> +# Generate a set of shader_runner tests for every overloaded version
> +# of every built-in function, based on the test vectors computed by
> +# builtin_function.py.
> +#
> +# In each set of generated tests, one test exercises the built-in
> +# function in each type of shader (vertex, geometry, and fragment).
> +# In all cases, the inputs to the built-in function come from
> +# uniforms, so that the effectiveness of the test won't be
> +# circumvented by constant folding in the GLSL compiler.
> +#
> +# The tests operate by invoking the built-in function in the
> +# appropriate shader, applying a scale and offset so that the expected
> +# values are in the range [0.25, 0.75], and then outputting the result
> +# as a solid rgba color, which is then checked using shader_runner's
> +# "probe rgba" command.
> +#
> +# For built-in functions whose result type is a matrix, the test
> +# checks one column at a time.
> +#
> +# This program outputs, to stdout, the name of each file it generates.
> +# With the optional argument --names-only, it only outputs the names
> +# of the files; it doesn't generate them.
> +
> +from builtin_function import *
> +import abc
> +import numpy
> +import optparse
> +import os
> +import os.path
> +import sys
> +
> +
> +def shader_runner_format(values):
> +    """Format the given values for use in a shader_runner "uniform" or
> +    "probe rgba" command.  Bools are converted to 0's and 1's, and
> +    values are separated by spaces.
> +    """
> +    transformed_values = []
> +    for value in values:
> +        if isinstance(value, (bool, np.bool_)):
> +            transformed_values.append(int(value))
> +        else:
> +            transformed_values.append(value)
> +    return ' '.join(repr(x) for x in transformed_values)
> +
> +
> +def shader_runner_type(glsl_type):
> +    """Return the appropriate type name necessary for binding a
> +    uniform of the given type using shader_runner's "uniform" command.
> +    Boolean values and vectors are converted to ints, and square
> +    matrices are written in "matNxN" form.
> +    """
> +    if glsl_type.base_type == glsl_bool:
> +        if glsl_type.is_scalar:
> +            return 'int'
> +        else:
> +            return 'ivec{0}'.format(glsl_type.num_rows)
> +    elif glsl_type.is_matrix:
> +        return 'mat{0}x{1}'.format(glsl_type.num_cols, glsl_type.num_rows)
> +    else:
> +        return str(glsl_type)
> +
> +
> +class Comparator(object):
> +    """Base class which abstracts how we compare expected and actual
> +    values.
> +    """
> +    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
> +
> +    def make_additional_declarations(self):
> +        """Return additional declarations, if any, that are needed in
> +        the shader program.
> +        """
> +        return ''
> +
> +    @abc.abstractmethod
> +    def make_result_handler(self, invocation, output_var):
> +        """Return the shader code that is needed to produce the result
> +        and store it in output_var.
> +
> +        invocation is the GLSL code to compute the output of the
> +        built-in function.
> +        """
> +
> +    @abc.abstractmethod
> +    def make_result_test(self, test_num, test_vector):
> +        """Return the shader_runner test code that is needed to test a
> +        single test vector.
> +        """
> +
> +    def testname_suffix(self):
> +        """Return a string to be used as a suffix on the test name to
> +        distinguish it from tests using other comparators."""
> +        return ''
> +
> +
> +class FloatComparator(Comparator):
> +    """Comparator that tests functions returning floats or vecs using a
> +    strict equality test.
> +
> +    This comparator causes code to be generated in the following form:
> +
> +        rettype result = func(args);
> +        output_var = distance(result, expected) <= tolerance
> +                     ? vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
> +    """
> +    def __init__(self, signature):
> +        self.__signature = signature
> +
> +    def make_additional_declarations(self):
> +        decls = 'uniform float tolerance;\n'
> +        decls += 'uniform {0} expected;\n'.format(self.__signature.rettype)
> +        return decls
> +
> +    def make_indexers(self):
> +        """Build a list of strings which index into every possible
> +        value of the result.  For example, if the result is a vec2,
> +        then build the indexers ['[0]', '[1]'].
> +        """
> +        if self.__signature.rettype.num_cols == 1:
> +            col_indexers = ['']
> +        else:
> +            col_indexers = ['[{0}]'.format(i)
> +                            for i in xrange(self.__signature.rettype.num_cols)]
> +        if self.__signature.rettype.num_rows == 1:
> +            row_indexers = ['']
> +        else:
> +            row_indexers = ['[{0}]'.format(i)
> +                            for i in xrange(self.__signature.rettype.num_rows)]
> +        return [col_indexer + row_indexer
> +                for col_indexer in col_indexers
> +                for row_indexer in row_indexers]
> +
> +    def make_result_handler(self, invocation, output_var):
> +        statements = '  {0} result = {1};\n'.format(
> +            self.__signature.rettype, invocation)
> +        # need special handling when testing distance or when the rettype
> +        # is a matrix or vector
> +        if self.__signature.name == 'distance' or \
> +                self.__signature.rettype.is_matrix or self.__signature.rettype.is_vector:
> +            statements += '  int resultbits[{0}] = int[{0}]({1});\n'.format(
> +                self.__signature.rettype.num_cols*self.__signature.rettype.num_rows, ', '.join(
> +                    'floatBitsToInt(result{0})'.format(indexer) for indexer in self.make_indexers()))
> +            statements += '  int expectedbits[{0}] = int[{0}]({1});\n'.format(
> +                self.__signature.rettype.num_cols*self.__signature.rettype.num_rows, ', '.join(
> +                    'floatBitsToInt(expected{0})'.format(indexer) for indexer in self.make_indexers()))
> +            statements += '  bool signerr = {0};\n'.format(
> +                    ' || '.join(('(resultbits[{0}]>>31 != expectedbits[{0}]>>31)'.format(index) 
> +                        for index in range(0, self.__signature.rettype.num_cols*self.__signature.rettype.num_rows))))
> +            # use the equivalent length(p0-p1) when testing distance()
> +            if self.__signature.name == 'distance':
> +                statements += '  {0} ulps = {0}({1});\n'.format(
> +                        self.__signature.rettype, ', '.join(
> +                        'length(resultbits[{0}] - expectedbits[{0}])'.format(index) 
> +                        for index in range(0, self.__signature.rettype.num_cols*self.__signature.rettype.num_rows)))
> +            else:
> +                statements += '  {0} ulps = {0}({1});\n'.format(
> +                        self.__signature.rettype, ', '.join(
> +                        'distance(resultbits[{0}],expectedbits[{0}])'.format(index) 
> +                        for index in range(0, self.__signature.rettype.num_cols*self.__signature.rettype.num_rows)))
> +            indexers = self.make_indexers()
> +            statements += '  float max_error = {0}{1}{2}{3};\n'.format(
> +                   'max( ' if self.__signature.rettype.num_cols*self.__signature.rettype.num_rows > 2 else '',
> +                   'max('.join(
> +                       'ulps{0}, '.format(indexer)
> +                       for indexer in indexers[:len(indexers)-2]), 
> +                   'max(ulps{0}, ulps{1})'.format(indexers[len(indexers)-2], indexers[len(indexers)-1]),
> +                   ''.join(')'.format(index) for index in range(0, self.__signature.rettype.num_cols*self.__signature.rettype.num_rows-2)))
> +            condition = '!signerr && max_error <= tolerance'
> +        else:
> +            statements += '  int resultbits = floatBitsToInt(result);\n'
> +            statements += '  int expectedbits = floatBitsToInt(expected);\n'
> +            statements += '  bool signerr = resultbits>>31 != expectedbits>>31;\n'
> +            statements += '  float ulps = distance(resultbits, expectedbits);\n'
> +            condition = '!signerr && ulps <= tolerance'
> +        statements += '  {v} = {cond} ? {green} : {red};\n'.format(
> +            v=output_var, cond=condition, green='vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)',
> +            red='vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)')
> +        return statements
> +
> +    def make_result_test(self, test_num, test_vector, draw):
> +        test = 'uniform {0} expected {1}\n'.format(
> +            shader_runner_type(self.__signature.rettype),
> +            shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result)))
> +        override_tolerances = {'pow': 16.0, 
> +                               'exp': 3.0,
> +                               'exp2': 3.0,
> +                               'log': 3.0,
> +                               'log2': 3.0,
> +                               'sqrt': 3.0,
> +                               'inversesqrt': 2.0}
> +        if self.__signature.name in override_tolerances:
> +           override_tolerance = override_tolerances[self.__signature.name]
> +        else:
> +           override_tolerance = 0.0
> +        test += 'uniform float tolerance {0}\n'.format(
> +            override_tolerance)
> +        test += draw
> +        test += 'probe rgba {0} 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0\n'.format(test_num)
> +        return test
> +
> +
> +class ShaderTest(object):
> +    """Class used to build a test of a single built-in.  This is an
> +    abstract base class--derived types should override test_prefix(),
> +    make_vertex_shader(), make_fragment_shader(), and other functions
> +    if necessary.
> +    """
> +    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
> +
> +    def __init__(self, signature, test_vectors):
> +        """Prepare to build a test for a single built-in.  signature
> +        is the signature of the built-in (a key from the
> +        builtin_function.test_suite dict), and test_vectors is the
> +        list of test vectors for testing the given builtin (the
> +        corresponding value from the builtin_function.test_suite
> +        dict).
> +        """
> +        self._signature = signature
> +        self._test_vectors = test_vectors
> +        if signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_float or signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_bool:
> +            self._comparator = FloatComparator(signature)
> +        else:
> +            raise Exception('Unexpected rettype {0}'.format(signature.rettype))
> +
> +    def glsl_version(self):
> +        return self._signature.version_introduced
> +
> +    def draw_command(self):
> +        if self.glsl_version() >= 140:
> +            return 'draw arrays GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0 4\n'
> +        else:
> +            return 'draw rect -1 -1 2 2\n'
> +
> +    def make_additional_requirements(self):
> +        """Return a string that should be included in the test's
> +        [require] section.
> +        """
> +        return ''
> +
> +    @abc.abstractmethod
> +    def test_prefix(self):
> +        """Return the prefix that should be used in the test file name
> +        to identify the type of test, e.g. "vs" for a vertex shader
> +        test.
> +        """
> +
> +    def make_vertex_shader(self):
> +        """Return the vertex shader for this test (or None if this
> +        test doesn't require a vertex shader).  No need to
> +        reimplement this function in classes that don't use vertex
> +        shaders.
> +        """
> +        return None
> +
> +    def make_geometry_shader(self):
> +        """Return the geometry shader for this test (or None if this
> +        test doesn't require a geometry shader).  No need to
> +        reimplement this function in classes that don't use geometry
> +        shaders.
> +        """
> +        return None
> +
> +    def make_geometry_layout(self):
> +        """Return the geometry layout for this test (or None if this
> +        test doesn't require a geometry layout section).  No need to
> +        reimplement this function in classes that don't use geometry
> +        shaders.
> +        """
> +        return None
> +
> +    def make_fragment_shader(self):
> +        """Return the fragment shader for this test (or None if this
> +        test doesn't require a fragment shader).  No need to
> +        reimplement this function in classes that don't use fragment
> +        shaders.
> +        """
> +        return None
> +
> +    def make_compute_shader(self):
> +        """Return the compute shader for this test (or None if this test
> +        doesn't require a compute shader).  No need to reimplement
> +        this function in classes that don't use compute shaders.
> +        """
> +        return None
> +
> +    def make_test_shader(self, additional_declarations, prefix_statements,
> +                         output_var, suffix_statements):
> +        """Generate the shader code necessary to test the built-in.
> +        additional_declarations is a string containing any
> +        declarations that need to be before the main() function of the
> +        shader.  prefix_statements is a string containing any
> +        additional statements than need to be inside the main()
> +        function of the shader, before the built-in function is
> +        called.  output_var is the variable that the result of the
> +        built-in function should be assigned to, after conversion to a
> +        vec4.  suffix_statements is a string containing any additional
> +        statements that need to be inside the main() funciton of the
> +        shader, after the built-in function is called.
> +        """
> +        shader = ''
> +        if self._signature.extension:
> +            shader += '#extension GL_{0} : require\n'.format(self._signature.extension)
> +        shader += additional_declarations
> +        for i in xrange(len(self._signature.argtypes)):
> +            shader += 'uniform {0} arg{1};\n'.format(
> +                self._signature.argtypes[i], i)
> +        shader += self._comparator.make_additional_declarations()
> +        shader += '\n'
> +        shader += 'void main()\n'
> +        shader += '{\n'
> +        shader += prefix_statements
> +        invocation = self._signature.template.format(
> +            *['arg{0}'.format(i)
> +              for i in xrange(len(self._signature.argtypes))])
> +        shader += self._comparator.make_result_handler(invocation, output_var)
> +        shader += suffix_statements
> +        shader += '}\n'
> +        return shader
> +
> +    def make_test_init(self):
> +        """Generate initialization for the test.
> +        """
> +        return ''
> +
> +    def make_test(self):
> +        """Make the complete shader_runner test file, and return it as
> +        a string.
> +        """
> +        test = self.make_test_init()
> +        for test_num, test_vector in enumerate(self._test_vectors):
> +            for i in xrange(len(test_vector.arguments)):
> +                test += 'uniform {0} arg{1} {2}\n'.format(
> +                    shader_runner_type(self._signature.argtypes[i]),
> +                    i, shader_runner_format(
> +                        column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i])))
> +            # Note: shader_runner uses a 250x250 window so we must
> +            # ensure that test_num <= 250.
> +            test += self._comparator.make_result_test(
> +                test_num % 250, test_vector, self.draw_command())
> +        return test
> +
> +    def make_vbo_data(self):
> +        # Starting with GLSL 1.40/GL 3.1, we need to use VBOs and
> +        # vertex shader input bindings for our vertex data instead of
> +        # the piglit drawing utilities and gl_Vertex.
> +        if self.glsl_version() < 140:
> +            return ""
> +        vbo = '[vertex data]\n'
> +        vbo += 'piglit_vertex/float/2\n'
> +        vbo += '-1.0 -1.0\n'
> +        vbo += ' 1.0 -1.0\n'
> +        vbo += ' 1.0  1.0\n'
> +        vbo += '-1.0  1.0\n'
> +        vbo += '\n'
> +        return vbo
> +
> +    def filename(self):
> +        argtype_names = '-'.join(
> +            str(argtype) for argtype in self._signature.argtypes)
> +        if self._signature.extension:
> +            subdir = self._signature.extension.lower()
> +        else:
> +            subdir = 'glsl-{0:1.2f}'.format(float(self.glsl_version()) / 100)
> +        return os.path.join(
> +            'spec', subdir, 'precision', 'built-in-functions',
> +            '{0}-{1}-{2}{3}.shader_test'.format(
> +                self.test_prefix(), self._signature.name, argtype_names,
> +                self._comparator.testname_suffix()))
> +
> +    def generate_shader_test(self):
> +        """Generate the test and write it to the output file."""
> +        shader_test = '[require]\n'
> +        # ARB_shader_precision was introduced in GL 4.1 / GLSL 4.10
> +        shader_test += 'GLSL >= 4.10\n'
> +        shader_test += self.make_additional_requirements()
> +        shader_test += '\n'
> +        vs = self.make_vertex_shader()
> +        if vs:
> +            shader_test += '[vertex shader]\n'
> +            shader_test += vs
> +            shader_test += '\n'
> +        gs = self.make_geometry_shader()
> +        if gs:
> +            shader_test += '[geometry shader]\n'
> +            shader_test += gs
> +            shader_test += '\n'
> +        gl = self.make_geometry_layout()
> +        if gl:
> +            shader_test += '[geometry layout]\n'
> +            shader_test += gl
> +            shader_test += '\n'
> +        fs = self.make_fragment_shader()
> +        if fs:
> +            shader_test += '[fragment shader]\n'
> +            shader_test += fs
> +            shader_test += '\n'
> +        cs = self.make_compute_shader()
> +        if cs:
> +            shader_test += '[compute shader]\n'
> +            shader_test += cs
> +            shader_test += '\n'
> +        if vs:
> +            shader_test += self.make_vbo_data()
> +        shader_test += '[test]\n'
> +        shader_test += self.make_test()
> +        filename = self.filename()
> +        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
> +        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
> +            os.makedirs(dirname)
> +        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
> +            f.write(shader_test)
> +
> +
> +class VertexShaderTest(ShaderTest):
> +    """Derived class for tests that exercise the built-in in a vertex
> +    shader.
> +    """
> +    def test_prefix(self):
> +        return 'vs'
> +
> +    def make_vertex_shader(self):
> +        if self.glsl_version() >= 140:
> +            return self.make_test_shader(
> +                'in vec4 piglit_vertex;\n' +
> +                'out vec4 color;\n',
> +                '  gl_Position = piglit_vertex;\n',
> +                'color', '')
> +        else:
> +            return self.make_test_shader(
> +                'attribute vec4 piglit_vertex;\n' +
> +                'varying vec4 color;\n',
> +                '  gl_Position = piglit_vertex;\n',
> +                'color', '')
> +
> +    def make_fragment_shader(self):
> +        shader = '''varying vec4 color;
> +
> +void main()
> +{
> +  gl_FragColor = color;
> +}
> +'''
> +        return shader
> +
> +
> +class GeometryShaderTest(ShaderTest):
> +    """Derived class for tests that exercise the built-in in a
> +    geometry shader.
> +    """
> +    def test_prefix(self):
> +        return 'gs'
> +
> +    def glsl_version(self):
> +        return max(150, ShaderTest.glsl_version(self))
> +
> +    def make_vertex_shader(self):
> +        shader = ''
> +        shader += "in vec4 piglit_vertex;\n"
> +        shader += "varying vec4 vertex_to_gs;\n"
> +
> +        shader += "void main()\n"
> +        shader += "{\n"
> +        shader += "     vertex_to_gs = piglit_vertex;\n"
> +        shader += "}\n"
> +
> +        return shader
> +
> +    def make_geometry_shader(self):
> +        additional_declarations = ''
> +        additional_declarations += 'layout(triangles) in;\n'
> +        additional_declarations \
> +            += 'layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;\n'
> +        additional_declarations += 'in vec4 vertex_to_gs[3];\n'
> +        additional_declarations += 'out vec4 color;\n'
> +        return self.make_test_shader(
> +            additional_declarations,
> +            '  vec4 tmp_color;\n',
> +            'tmp_color',
> +            '  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n'
> +            '    gl_Position = vertex_to_gs[i];\n'
> +            '    color = tmp_color;\n'
> +            '    EmitVertex();\n'
> +            '  }\n')
> +
> +    def make_fragment_shader(self):
> +        shader = '''varying vec4 color;
> +
> +void main()
> +{
> +  gl_FragColor = color;
> +}
> +'''
> +        return shader
> +
> +
> +class FragmentShaderTest(ShaderTest):
> +    """Derived class for tests that exercise the built-in in a
> +    fragment shader.
> +    """
> +    def test_prefix(self):
> +        return 'fs'
> +
> +    def make_vertex_shader(self):
> +        shader = ""
> +        shader += "attribute vec4 piglit_vertex;\n"
> +        shader += "void main()\n"
> +        shader += "{\n"
> +        shader += "        gl_Position = piglit_vertex;\n"
> +        shader += "}\n"
> +
> +        return shader
> +
> +    def make_fragment_shader(self):
> +        return self.make_test_shader('', '', 'gl_FragColor', '')
> +
> +class ComputeShaderTest(ShaderTest):
> +    """Derived class for tests that exercise the built-in in a
> +    compute shader.
> +    """
> +    def test_prefix(self):
> +        return 'cs'
> +
> +    def glsl_version(self):
> +        return max(430, ShaderTest.glsl_version(self))
> +
> +    def make_compute_shader(self):
> +        additional_declarations = 'writeonly uniform image2D tex;\n'
> +        additional_declarations += 'layout(local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in;\n'
> +        return self.make_test_shader(
> +            additional_declarations,
> +            '  vec4 tmp_color;\n',
> +            'tmp_color',
> +            '  ivec2 coord = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);\n'
> +            '  imageStore(tex, coord, tmp_color);\n')
> +
> +    def make_test_init(self):
> +        return '''uniform int tex 0
> +texture rgbw 0 (16, 16)
> +image texture 0
> +fb tex 2d 0
> +'''
> +
> +
> +    def draw_command(self):
> +        return 'compute 1 1 1\n'
> +
> +
> +def all_tests():
> +    trig_names = ('sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'asin', 'acos', 'atan', 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh')
> +    for signature, test_vectors in sorted(test_suite.items()):
> +        # Create a bool list of all the arguments for this vector telling whether 
> +        # each is a float type (float, vec2, mat2, etc.) or not
> +        arg_float_check = tuple(
> +                        arg.base_type == glsl_float for arg in signature.argtypes)
> +        # Filter the test vectors down to only those which deal exclusively in float types
> +        #and are not trig functions or determinant()
> +        if signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_float and \
> +           arg_float_check and \
> +           all(arg_float_check) and \
> +           signature.name not in trig_names and \
> +           signature.name != 'determinant':
> +            yield VertexShaderTest(signature, test_vectors)
> +            yield GeometryShaderTest(signature, test_vectors)
> +            yield FragmentShaderTest(signature, test_vectors)
> +            yield ComputeShaderTest(signature, test_vectors)
> +
> +
> +def main():
> +    numpy.set_printoptions(precision=11)
> +    desc = 'Generate shader tests that test built-in functions using uniforms'
> +    usage = 'usage: %prog [-h] [--names-only]'
> +    parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc, usage=usage)
> +    parser.add_option(
> +        '--names-only',
> +        dest='names_only',
> +        action='store_true',
> +        help="Don't output files, just generate a list of filenames to stdout")
> +    options, args = parser.parse_args()
> +    for test in all_tests():
> +        if not options.names_only:
> +            test.generate_shader_test()
> +        print test.filename()
> +
> +
> +if __name__ == '__main__':
> +    main()
> diff --git a/tests/all.py b/tests/all.py
> index 3a2f4e2..d56582e 100644
> --- a/tests/all.py
> +++ b/tests/all.py
> @@ -1061,6 +1061,9 @@ spec['glsl-1.10']['built-in constants'] = PiglitGLTest('built-in-constants ' + o
>  spec['glsl-1.10']['api'] = {}
>  add_concurrent_test(spec['glsl-1.10']['api'], 'getactiveattrib 110');
> +spec['glsl-1.10']['precision'] = {}
> +add_shader_test_dir(spec['glsl-1.10']['precision'], os.path.join(generatedTestDir, 'spec', 'glsl-1.10', 'precision'),
> +                    recursive=True)
>  # Group spec/glsl-1.20
>  spec['glsl-1.20'] = {}
> @@ -1135,6 +1138,10 @@ add_concurrent_test(spec['glsl-1.20']['execution'], 'tex-miplevel-selection GL2:
>  add_concurrent_test(spec['glsl-1.20']['execution'], 'tex-miplevel-selection GL2:textureProj(bias) 1DShadow')
>  add_concurrent_test(spec['glsl-1.20']['execution'], 'tex-miplevel-selection GL2:textureProj(bias) 2DShadow')
> +spec['glsl-1.20']['precision'] = {}
> +add_shader_test_dir(spec['glsl-1.20']['precision'], os.path.join(generatedTestDir, 'spec', 'glsl-1.20', 'precision'),
> +                    recursive=True)
> +
>  # Group spec/glsl-1.30
>  spec['glsl-1.30'] = {}
> @@ -1386,6 +1393,10 @@ add_concurrent_test(spec['glsl-1.30']['execution'], 'tex-miplevel-selection text
>  add_concurrent_test(spec['glsl-1.30']['execution'], 'tex-miplevel-selection textureProjGradOffset 1DShadow')
>  add_concurrent_test(spec['glsl-1.30']['execution'], 'tex-miplevel-selection textureProjGradOffset 2DShadow')
> +spec['glsl-1.30']['precision'] = {}
> +add_shader_test_dir(spec['glsl-1.30']['precision'], os.path.join(generatedTestDir, 'spec', 'glsl-1.30', 'precision'),
> +                    recursive=True)
> +
>  # Group spec/glsl-1.40
>  spec['glsl-1.40'] = {}
>  import_glsl_parser_tests(spec['glsl-1.40'],
> @@ -1420,6 +1431,10 @@ for stage in ['vs', 'gs', 'fs']:
>                  'texelFetch offset 140 {0} {1}'.format(stage, sampler),
>                  run_concurrent=True)
> +spec['glsl-1.40']['precision'] = {}
> +add_shader_test_dir(spec['glsl-1.40']['precision'], os.path.join(generatedTestDir, 'spec', 'glsl-1.40', 'precision'),
> +                    recursive=True)
> +
>  spec['glsl-1.50'] = {}
>  import_glsl_parser_tests(spec['glsl-1.50'],
>                           os.path.join(testsDir, 'spec', 'glsl-1.50'),
> @@ -1498,6 +1513,10 @@ for output_layout in ['points', 'lines', 'lines_adjacency', 'triangles',
>                          'glsl-1.50-gs-output-layout-qualifiers {0}'.format(
>                              output_layout))
> +spec['glsl-1.50']['precision'] = {}
> +add_shader_test_dir(spec['glsl-1.50']['precision'], os.path.join(generatedTestDir, 'spec', 'glsl-1.50', 'precision'),
> +                    recursive=True)
> +
>  spec['glsl-3.30'] = {}
>  spec['glsl-3.30']['built-in constants'] = PiglitGLTest('built-in-constants ' + os.path.join(testsDir, 'spec/glsl-3.30/minimum-maximums.txt'), run_concurrent=True)
> -- 
> 2.1.2
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