[Piglit] [PATCH RFC v3] arb_shader_precision: add tests for floating point precision

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 15:18:25 PST 2014

I have a few nitpicky comments, I didn't look at every example, but most
of them probably apply to all 3 templates.

This requires GL 4.00, so it should require GLSL 400 right? Ian?
If this does require 4.00 then you should also test with fp64 data from

On Friday, November 21, 2014 04:37:05 PM Micah Fedke wrote:
> This generated_tests script creates a suite of tests that measure the
> floating point precision of most GLSL built-ins, according to
> ARB_shader_precision.  Test vectors come from builtin_function.py, but
> are filtered down to avoid non-float types.
> These tests are reporting precision errors in ceil, cross, mod,
> op-assign-div, op-assign-mult, div, mult, reflect and refract on
> Ivybridge.
> ---
> Updates since the previous RFC (v2): 
> Addressed comments from Dylan Baker
>  - discarded the procedural string concatenation and implemented Mako templates
> Addressed comments from Chris Forbes (off-list)
>  - generated files are now placed in generated_tests/spec/arb_shader_precision/
>  - updated the description in the generator script
> Additional fixes
>  - the conditional that selects the comparison type (multi-value or 
>    single-value style) was incorrectly including the single-valued
>    distance-float-float in the multi-value branch
> Concerns about the utility of the test vectors supplied by builtin_function.py 
> still remain.  I cannot currently see how to add tests to the test_suite dict 
> generated by builtin_function.py in a clean manner - one needs to either hammer 
> out each test by hand (which is error prone considering the compounding nature 
> of the parameters) or gain access to/copy the private generator functions
> within builtin_function.py.  builtin_function.py could be turned into a class,
> or it could be modified to accept operators and/or test vectors from an
> external file, however either option threatens to modify something many tests 
> rely on, so discussion on this point is welcome.
> Note: I am new to the project and don't have commit access.
>  generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt                     |   7 +-
>  generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py      | 151 ++++++++++++++++++
>  generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/fs.mako | 160 +++++++++++++++++++
>  generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/gs.mako | 173 +++++++++++++++++++++
>  generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/vs.mako | 169 ++++++++++++++++++++
>  5 files changed, 659 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>  create mode 100644 generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
>  create mode 100644 generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/fs.mako
>  create mode 100644 generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/gs.mako
>  create mode 100644 generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/vs.mako
> diff --git a/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt b/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
> index 6d27b3e..3ccf69c 100644
> --- a/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
> +++ b/generated_tests/CMakeLists.txt
> @@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ piglit_make_generated_tests(
>  	constant_array_size_tests_fp64.list
>  	gen_constant_array_size_tests_fp64.py
>  	builtin_function_fp64.py)
> +piglit_make_generated_tests(
> +	shader_precision_tests.list
> +	gen_shader_precision_tests.py
> +	builtin_function.py)

The templates should be added as dependencies, no?

>  # Add a "gen-tests" target that can be used to generate all the
>  # tests without doing any other compilation.
> @@ -113,4 +117,5 @@ add_custom_target(gen-tests ALL
>  		uniform-initializer_tests.list
>  		interpolation-qualifier-built-in-variable.list
>  		builtin_uniform_tests_fp64.list
> -		constant_array_size_tests_fp64.list)
> +		constant_array_size_tests_fp64.list
> +      shader_precision_tests.list)

Stray space? 

> diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py b/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..c93f811
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
> +# coding=utf-8
> +#
> +# Copyright © 2014 Intel Corporation
> +#
> +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
> +# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
> +# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
> +# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
> +# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
> +# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> +#
> +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
> +# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
> +# Software.
> +#
> +

This should be formatted as a module docstring. Use triple quotes
instead of # comments

> +# Generate a set of shader_runner tests for overloaded versions of every
> +# built-in function specified in arb_shader_precision, based on the test
> +# vectors computed by builtin_function.py, and structured according to the mako
> +# templates in shader_precision_templates/.
> +#
> +# The vertex, geometry, and fragment shader types are exercised by each test.
> +# In all cases, the inputs to the built-in functions come from uniforms, so
> +# that the effectiveness of the test won't be circumvented by constant folding
> +# in the GLSL compiler.
> +#
> +# The tests operate by invoking the built-in function in the appropriate
> +# shader, calculating any deviance from the expected value (in ulps), comparing
> +# the deviance to a supplied tolerance (according to those specified in
> +# arb_shader_precision), and then outputting the pass/fail result as a solid
> +# rgba color which is then checked using shader_runner's "probe rgba" command.
> +#
> +# For built-in functions whose result type is multi-valued (vec or mat), the
> +# tests calculate the error in ulps for each element separately, but compare
> +# only the largest error value to the tolerance.  This accounts for cases where
> +# error varies among the elements of a vec or mat result.
> +#
> +# This program outputs, to stdout, the name of each file it generates.
> +
> +from builtin_function import * 
> +import mako.template 
> +import os 
> +import os.path
> +
> +tolerances = {'pow': 16.0, 
> +              'exp': 3.0,
> +              'exp2': 3.0,
> +              'log': 3.0,
> +              'log2': 3.0,
> +              'sqrt': 3.0,
> +              'inversesqrt': 2.0}
> +
> +trig_builtins = ('sin', 'cos', 'tan', 
> +                 'asin', 'acos', 'atan', 
> +                 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 
> +                 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh')
> +
> +def make_indexers(signature):
> +   """Build a list of strings which index into every possible
> +   value of the result.  For example, if the result is a vec2,
> +   then build the indexers ['[0]', '[1]'].
> +   """
> +   if signature.rettype.num_cols == 1:
> +      col_indexers = ['']
> +   else:
> +      col_indexers = ['[{0}]'.format(i) for i in xrange(signature.rettype.num_cols)]
> +   if signature.rettype.num_rows == 1:
> +      row_indexers = ['']
> +   else:
> +      row_indexers = ['[{0}]'.format(i) for i in xrange(signature.rettype.num_rows)]
> +   return [col_indexer + row_indexer 
> +           for col_indexer in col_indexers for row_indexer in row_indexers]
> +
> +def shader_runner_type(glsl_type):
> +    """Return the appropriate type name necessary for binding a
> +    uniform of the given type using shader_runner's "uniform" command.
> +    Boolean values and vectors are converted to ints, and square
> +    matrices are written in "matNxN" form.
> +    """
> +    if glsl_type.base_type == glsl_bool:
> +        if glsl_type.is_scalar:
> +            return 'int'
> +        else:
> +            return 'ivec{0}'.format(glsl_type.num_rows)
> +    elif glsl_type.is_matrix:
> +        return 'mat{0}x{1}'.format(glsl_type.num_cols, glsl_type.num_rows)
> +    else:
> +        return str(glsl_type)
> +
> +def shader_runner_format(values):
> +    """Format the given values for use in a shader_runner "uniform" or
> +    "probe rgba" command.  Bools are converted to 0's and 1's, and
> +    values are separated by spaces.
> +    """
> +    transformed_values = []
> +    for value in values:
> +        if isinstance(value, (bool, np.bool_)):
> +            transformed_values.append(int(value))
> +        else:
> +            transformed_values.append(value)
> +    return ' '.join(repr(x) for x in transformed_values)
> +
> +def main():
> +    """ Main function """
> +
> +    for signature, test_vectors in sorted(test_suite.items()):

use iteritems here.

> +        arg_float_check = tuple(
> +                        arg.base_type == glsl_float for arg in signature.argtypes)
> +        # Filter the test vectors down to only those which deal exclusively in float types
> +        #and are not trig functions or determinant()
> +        indexers = make_indexers(signature)
> +        num_elements = signature.rettype.num_cols*signature.rettype.num_rows
> +        invocation = signature.template.format( *['arg{0}'.format(i) 
> +                                                for i in xrange(len(signature.argtypes))])
> +        if signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_float and \
> +           arg_float_check and \
> +           all(arg_float_check) and \
> +           signature.name not in trig_builtins and \
> +           signature.name != 'determinant': 

Use parens instead of \ here

> +            for shader_stage in ('vs', 'fs', 'gs'):

stray extra space?

> +                input_filename = 'shader_precision_templates/{0}.mako'.format(shader_stage)
> +                template = mako.template.Template(filename=input_filename)
> +                output_filename = os.path.join( 'spec', 'arb_shader_precision',
> +                                                '{0}-{1}-{2}.shader_test'.format(
> +                                                shader_stage, signature.name, 
> +                                                '-'.join(str(argtype) 
> +                                                for argtype in signature.argtypes)))
> +                print(output_filename)
> +                dirname = os.path.dirname(output_filename)
> +                if not os.path.exists(dirname):
> +                    os.makedirs(dirname)
> +                with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:
> +                    f.write(template.render_unicode( signature=signature, 
> +                                                     test_vectors=test_vectors,
> +                                                     tolerances=tolerances,
> +                                                     invocation=invocation,
> +                                                     num_elements=num_elements,
> +                                                     indexers=indexers,
> +                                                     shader_runner_type=shader_runner_type,
> +                                                     shader_runner_format=shader_runner_format,
> +                                                     column_major_values=column_major_values ))
> +
> +if __name__ == "__main__":
> +    main()
> diff --git a/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/fs.mako b/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/fs.mako
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..cf9ff64
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/fs.mako
> @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
> +[require]
> +GLSL >= 3.30
> +
> +[vertex shader]
> +attribute vec4 piglit_vertex;
> +void main()
> +{
> +        gl_Position = piglit_vertex;
> +}
> +
> +[fragment shader]
> +% if signature.extension:
> +#extension GL_${signature.extension} : require
> +% endif
> +% for i in xrange(len(signature.argtypes)):

The more pythonic way to handle this would be with enumerate
% for i, arg in enumerate(signature.argtypes):
uniform ${arg} arg${i};
% endfor

> +uniform ${signature.argtypes[i]} arg${i};
> +% endfor
> +uniform float tolerance;
> +uniform ${signature.rettype} expected;
> +
> +void main()
> +{
> +  ##
> +  ## perform the operation being tested
> +  ##
> +  ${signature.rettype} result = ${invocation};
> +  ##
> +  ## compare the result(s) to the expected value(s)
> +  ##
> +  % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
> +    ##
> +    ## build an array of bit-level representations of the floating point results calculated above
> +    ##
> +  int resultbits[${num_elements}] = int[${num_elements}](\
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers):
> +floatBitsToInt(result${indexer})\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != len(indexers)-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif

Honestly I'd just use a join generator here:
${', '.join('floatBitsToInt(result{})'.format(i) for i in indexers)}
I think this is easier to read than the mako with \ escaping, but it's
just a suggestion.

> +    % endfor
> +);
> +    ##
> +    ## build an array of bit-level representations of the passed-in floating point expected results
> +    ##
> +  int expectedbits[${num_elements}] = int[${num_elements}](\
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers):
> +floatBitsToInt(expected${indexer})\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != len(indexers)-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif
> +    % endfor
> +);
> +  ##
> +  ## check for differences in the sign bit for each result
> +  ##
> +  bool signerr = \
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements):


> +(resultbits[${i}]>>31 != expectedbits[${i}]>>31)\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != num_elements-1:
> + || \
> +      % endif
> +    % endfor
> +;
> +  ##
> +  ## calculate the difference between the generated value and the expected value in ulps
> +  ##
> +  ${signature.rettype} ulps = ${signature.rettype}(\
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements):

xrange instead of range

> +      % if signature.name != 'distance':
> +distance(resultbits[${i}],expectedbits[${i}])\
> +      % else:
> +      ##  special case - can't use distance() to test distance()
> +abs(resultbits[${i}] - expectedbits[${i}])\
> +      % endif
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != num_elements-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif
> +      % endfor
> +);
> +  ##
> +  ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
> +  ##
> +  float max_error = \
> +    ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
> +    ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
> +    % if num_elements > 2:
> +max( \
> +    % endif
> +    ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
> +ulps${indexer}, \
> +    % if i != len(indexers)-3:
> +max(\
> +    % endif
> +    ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
> +    % endfor
> +max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
> +    ## fill in completing parens
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):


> +)\
> +    % endfor
> +;
> +  % else:
> +    ##
> +    ## if there is only a single result value generated, compare it directly
> +    ##
> +  int resultbits = floatBitsToInt(result);
> +  int expectedbits = floatBitsToInt(expected);
> +  bool signerr = resultbits>>31 != expectedbits>>31;
> +    % if signature.name != 'distance':
> +  float ulps = distance(resultbits, expectedbits);
> +    % else:
> +  float ulps = abs(resultbits - expectedbits);
> +    % endif
> +  % endif
> +  ##
> +  ## the test passes if there were no sign errors and the ulps are within tolerance
> +  ##
> +  gl_FragColor = \
> +  % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
> +!signerr && max_error <= tolerance\
> +  % else:
> +!signerr && ulps <= tolerance\
> +  % endif
> + ? vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
> +}
> +
> +% if signature.version_introduced >= 140:
> +[vertex data]
> +piglit_vertex/float/2
> +-1.0 -1.0
> + 1.0 -1.0
> + 1.0  1.0
> +-1.0  1.0
> +% endif\
> +
> +[test]
> +% for test_num, test_vector in enumerate(test_vectors):
> +  % for i in xrange(len(test_vector.arguments)):
> +uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.argtypes[i])} arg${i} ${shader_runner_format( column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i]))}
> +  % endfor
> +uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.rettype)} expected ${shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result))}
> +uniform float tolerance \
> +  % if signature.name in tolerances:
> +${tolerances[signature.name]}
> +  % else:
> +0.0

As a suggestion you could use dict.get here:
${tolerances.get(signature.name, 0.0)}

> +  % endif
> +  % if signature.version_introduced >= 140:
> +draw arrays GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0 4
> +  % else:
> +draw rect -1 -1 2 2
> +  % endif
> +## shader_runner uses a 250x250 window so we must ensure that test_num <= 250.
> +probe rgba ${test_num % 250} 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
> +% endfor
> diff --git a/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/gs.mako b/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/gs.mako
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..a87186e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/gs.mako
> @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
> +[require]
> +GLSL >= 3.30
> +
> +[vertex shader]
> +in vec4 piglit_vertex;
> +varying vec4 vertex_to_gs;
> +void main()
> +{
> +     vertex_to_gs = piglit_vertex;
> +}
> +
> +[geometry shader]
> +% if signature.extension:
> +#extension GL_${signature.extension} : require
> +% endif
> +layout(triangles) in;
> +layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;
> +in vec4 vertex_to_gs[3];
> +out vec4 color;
> +% for i in xrange(len(signature.argtypes)):
> +uniform ${signature.argtypes[i]} arg${i};
> +% endfor
> +uniform float tolerance;
> +uniform ${signature.rettype} expected;
> +
> +void main()
> +{
> +  vec4 tmp_color;
> +  ##
> +  ## perform the operation being tested
> +  ##
> +  ${signature.rettype} result = ${invocation};
> +  ##
> +  ## compare the result(s) to the expected value(s)
> +  ##
> +  % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
> +    ##
> +    ## build an array of bit-level representations of the floating point results calculated above
> +    ##
> +  int resultbits[${num_elements}] = int[${num_elements}](\
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers):
> +floatBitsToInt(result${indexer})\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != len(indexers)-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif
> +    % endfor
> +);
> +    ##
> +    ## build an array of bit-level representations of the passed-in floating point expected results
> +    ##
> +  int expectedbits[${num_elements}] = int[${num_elements}](\
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers):
> +floatBitsToInt(expected${indexer})\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != len(indexers)-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif
> +    % endfor
> +);
> +  ##
> +  ## check for differences in the sign bit for each result
> +  ##
> +  bool signerr = \
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements):


> +(resultbits[${i}]>>31 != expectedbits[${i}]>>31)\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != num_elements-1:
> + || \
> +      % endif
> +    % endfor
> +;
> +  ##
> +  ## calculate the difference between the generated value and the expected value in ulps
> +  ##
> +  ${signature.rettype} ulps = ${signature.rettype}(\
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements):


> +      % if signature.name != 'distance':
> +distance(resultbits[${i}],expectedbits[${i}])\
> +      % else:
> +      ##  special case - can't use distance() to test distance()
> +abs(resultbits[${i}] - expectedbits[${i}])\
> +      % endif
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != num_elements-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif
> +      % endfor
> +);
> +  ##
> +  ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
> +  ##
> +  float max_error = \
> +    ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
> +    ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
> +    % if num_elements > 2:
> +max( \
> +    % endif
> +    ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
> +ulps${indexer}, \
> +    % if i != len(indexers)-3:
> +max(\
> +    % endif
> +    ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
> +    % endfor
> +max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
> +    ## fill in completing parens
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):


> +)\
> +    % endfor
> +;
> +  % else:
> +    ##
> +    ## if there is only a single result value generated, compare it directly
> +    ##
> +  int resultbits = floatBitsToInt(result);
> +  int expectedbits = floatBitsToInt(expected);
> +  bool signerr = resultbits>>31 != expectedbits>>31;
> +    % if signature.name != 'distance':
> +  float ulps = distance(resultbits, expectedbits);
> +    % else:
> +  float ulps = abs(resultbits - expectedbits);
> +    % endif
> +  % endif
> +  ##
> +  ## the test passes if there were no sign errors and the ulps are within tolerance
> +  ##
> +  tmp_color = \
> +  % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
> +!signerr && max_error <= tolerance\
> +  % else:
> +!signerr && ulps <= tolerance\
> +  % endif
> + ? vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
> +  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
> +    gl_Position = vertex_to_gs[i];
> +    color = tmp_color;
> +    EmitVertex();
> +  }
> +}
> +
> +[fragment shader]
> +varying vec4 color;
> +
> +void main()
> +{
> +  gl_FragColor = color;
> +}
> +
> +[vertex data]
> +piglit_vertex/float/2
> +-1.0 -1.0
> + 1.0 -1.0
> + 1.0  1.0
> +-1.0  1.0
> +
> +[test]
> +% for test_num, test_vector in enumerate(test_vectors):
> +  % for i in xrange(len(test_vector.arguments)):
> +uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.argtypes[i])} arg${i} ${shader_runner_format( column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i]))}
> +  % endfor
> +uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.rettype)} expected ${shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result))}
> +uniform float tolerance \
> +  % if signature.name in tolerances:
> +${tolerances[signature.name]}
> +  % else:
> +0.0
> +  % endif
> +draw arrays GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0 4
> +## shader_runner uses a 250x250 window so we must ensure that test_num <= 250.
> +probe rgba ${test_num % 250} 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
> +% endfor
> diff --git a/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/vs.mako b/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/vs.mako
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..40558f9
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/generated_tests/shader_precision_templates/vs.mako
> @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
> +[require]
> +GLSL >= 3.30
> +
> +[vertex shader]
> +% if signature.extension:
> +#extension GL_${signature.extension} : require
> +% endif
> +% if signature.version_introduced >= 140:
> +in vec4 piglit_vertex;
> +out vec4 color;
> +% else:
> +attribute vec4 piglit_vertex;
> +varying vec4 color;
> +%endif
> +% for i in xrange(len(signature.argtypes)):
> +uniform ${signature.argtypes[i]} arg${i};
> +% endfor
> +uniform float tolerance;
> +uniform ${signature.rettype} expected;
> +
> +void main()
> +{
> +  gl_Position = piglit_vertex;
> +  ##
> +  ## perform the operation being tested
> +  ##
> +  ${signature.rettype} result = ${invocation};
> +  ##
> +  ## compare the result(s) to the expected value(s)
> +  ##
> +  % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
> +    ##
> +    ## build an array of bit-level representations of the floating point results calculated above
> +    ##
> +  int resultbits[${num_elements}] = int[${num_elements}](\
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers):
> +floatBitsToInt(result${indexer})\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != len(indexers)-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif
> +    % endfor
> +);
> +    ##
> +    ## build an array of bit-level representations of the passed-in floating point expected results
> +    ##
> +  int expectedbits[${num_elements}] = int[${num_elements}](\
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers):
> +floatBitsToInt(expected${indexer})\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != len(indexers)-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif
> +    % endfor
> +);
> +  ##
> +  ## check for differences in the sign bit for each result
> +  ##
> +  bool signerr = \
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements):


> +(resultbits[${i}]>>31 != expectedbits[${i}]>>31)\
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != num_elements-1:
> + || \
> +      % endif
> +    % endfor
> +;
> +  ##
> +  ## calculate the difference between the generated value and the expected value in ulps
> +  ##
> +  ${signature.rettype} ulps = ${signature.rettype}(\
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements):


> +      % if signature.name != 'distance':
> +distance(resultbits[${i}],expectedbits[${i}])\
> +      % else:
> +      ##  special case - can't use distance() to test distance()
> +abs(resultbits[${i}] - expectedbits[${i}])\
> +      % endif
> +      ## handle separators, ala python's .join
> +      % if i != num_elements-1:
> +, \
> +      % endif
> +      % endfor
> +);
> +  ##
> +  ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
> +  ##
> +  float max_error = \
> +    ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
> +    ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
> +    % if num_elements > 2:
> +max( \
> +    % endif
> +    ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
> +    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
> +ulps${indexer}, \
> +    % if i != len(indexers)-3:
> +max(\
> +    % endif
> +    ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
> +    % endfor
> +max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
> +    ## fill in completing parens
> +    % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):


> +)\
> +    % endfor
> +;
> +  % else:
> +    ##
> +    ## if there is only a single result value generated, compare it directly
> +    ##
> +  int resultbits = floatBitsToInt(result);
> +  int expectedbits = floatBitsToInt(expected);
> +  bool signerr = resultbits>>31 != expectedbits>>31;
> +    % if signature.name != 'distance':
> +  float ulps = distance(resultbits, expectedbits);
> +    % else:
> +  float ulps = abs(resultbits - expectedbits);
> +    % endif
> +  % endif
> +  ##
> +  ## the test passes if there were no sign errors and the ulps are within tolerance
> +  ##
> +  color = \
> +  % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
> +!signerr && max_error <= tolerance\
> +  % else:
> +!signerr && ulps <= tolerance\
> +  % endif
> + ? vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
> +}
> +
> +[fragment shader]
> +varying vec4 color;
> +
> +void main()
> +{
> +  gl_FragColor = color;
> +}
> +
> +% if signature.version_introduced >= 140:
> +[vertex data]
> +piglit_vertex/float/2
> +-1.0 -1.0
> + 1.0 -1.0
> + 1.0  1.0
> +-1.0  1.0
> +% endif\
> +
> +[test]
> +% for test_num, test_vector in enumerate(test_vectors):
> +  % for i in xrange(len(test_vector.arguments)):
> +uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.argtypes[i])} arg${i} ${shader_runner_format( column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i]))}
> +  % endfor
> +uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.rettype)} expected ${shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result))}
> +uniform float tolerance \
> +  % if signature.name in tolerances:
> +${tolerances[signature.name]}
> +  % else:
> +0.0
> +  % endif
> +  % if signature.version_introduced >= 140:
> +draw arrays GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0 4
> +  % else:
> +draw rect -1 -1 2 2
> +  % endif
> +## shader_runner uses a 250x250 window so we must ensure that test_num <= 250.
> +probe rgba ${test_num % 250} 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
> +% endfor
> -- 
> 2.1.2
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> Piglit mailing list
> Piglit at lists.freedesktop.org
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/piglit
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