[Piglit] [PATCH 2/4] arb_shader_precision: add framework for calculating tolerances for complex functions

Micah Fedke micah.fedke at collabora.co.uk
Thu Feb 19 14:23:02 PST 2015

On 02/19/2015 04:02 PM, Dylan Baker wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 03:13:58PM -0600, Micah Fedke wrote:
>> On 02/19/2015 11:59 AM, Dylan Baker wrote:
>>> On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:06:32AM -0600, Micah Fedke wrote:
>>>> ---
>>>>     generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py | 148
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>>>>     1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
>>>> b/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
>>>> index cfa5065..0bda05a 100644
>>>> --- a/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
>>>> +++ b/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
>>>> @@ -49,29 +49,155 @@
>>>>     from builtin_function import *  import mako.template  import os
>>>> +import struct
>>>> +import bigfloat
>>> What does bigfloat buy us that numpy doesn't? That should be part of
>>> yoru commit message.
>>> You'll also need to add a cmake check for bigfloat in this patch. Also,
>>> looking at bigfloat it seems to be a wrapper around GNU MPFR, can it be
>>> used on windows?
>> Its package page at python.org lists it as OS Independent:
>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bigfloat/
>> Is this the proper authority on these types of things?
> Generally yes. Before we land it you may want to test on windows or ping
> someone from vmware and see if they'll test for you and make sure it
> will work, but I wouldn't worry too much about it until you're actually
> ready to land the code.
> You do still need to make a cmake module. You should be able to copy
> <root>/cmake/Modules/FindPython*, you'll need to change two variables
> and add it to CMakeList.txt. look for find_package(PythonNumpy), it
> should be pretty straightforward from there.

Yeah, kinda got hung up on that.  bigfloat doesn't define __version__! 
You can dig the MFPR version out of it, which I think is a pretty safe 
identifier to bank on, but I basically have to copy all of 
Modules/PythonModule.cmake to make it work :S

I'll be sure to do a Windows run before the code lands.

>>>>      from templates import template_file
>>>>     -tolerances = {'pow': 16.0, -              'exp': 3.0,
>>>> -              'exp2': 3.0,
>>>> -              'log': 3.0,
>>>> -              'log2': 3.0,
>>>> -              'sqrt': 3.0,
>>>> -              'inversesqrt': 2.0,
>>>> -              'op-div': 2.5,
>>>> -              'op-assign-div': 2.5,
>>>> -              }
>>>> +
>>>> +allowed_error_scale = 4.0
>>>>      trig_builtins = ('sin', 'cos', 'tan',                   'asin',
>>>> 'acos', 'atan',                   'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh',
>>>>        'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh')
>>>>     +high_precision = bigfloat.precision(113)
>>>> +low_precision = bigfloat.precision(23)
>>>> +
>>>>     def _is_sequence(arg):
>>>>         return (not hasattr(arg, "strip") and
>>>>                 hasattr(arg, "__iter__"))
>>>>     +def _len_any(a):
>>>> +    """ a version of len that returns 1 if passed a non-sequence type
>>>> +    """
>>>> +    return len(a) if _is_sequence(a) else 1
>>> I'm not sure how I feel about this. I have a feeling that passing
>>> different data types around for long periods is going to result in lots
>>> of hard to find bugs. Is it possible to just put non-sequence items into
>>> a list of one elements?
>>>> +
>>>> +def _floatToBits(f):
>>>> +    s = struct.pack('>f', f)
>>>> +    return struct.unpack('>l', s)[0]
>>>> +
>>>> +def _bitsToFloat(b):
>>>> +    s = struct.pack('>l', b)
>>>> +    return struct.unpack('>f', s)[0]
>>>> +
>>>> +def _ulpsize(f):
>>>> +    """ determine _ulpsize in the direction of nearest infinity
>>>> +        which gives the worst case scenario for edge cases
>>>> +    """
>>>> +    return bigfloat.next_up(f)-f if f >= 0.0 \
>>>> +            else f-bigfloat.next_down(f)
>>>> +
>>>> +def _capture_error(precise, imprecise):
>>>> +    """Perform the legwork of calculating the difference in error of
>>>> the high
>>>> +    precision and low precision runs.  Decide whether this difference
>>>> in error
>>>> +    is within allowable tolerances.  The range of allowable tolerances is
>>>> +    subjective, as ARB_shader_precision (and GLSL spec as of v4.5) gives no
>>>> +    direct guidance for complex functions.  Toronto, et.  al. use
>>>> quadrupled
>>>> +    error as a limit in "Practically Accurate Floating-Point Math,"
>>>> Computing
>>>> +    Now, Oct. 2014.  Also use the difference in error and the value of
>>>> one ulp
>>>> +    at the output to calculate the tolerance range in ulps for use by the
>>>> +    shader test, should this vector pass the badlands check.
>>>> +    """
>>>> +
>>>> +    ers = []
>>>> +    bls = []
>>>> +    cts = []
>>>> +    with high_precision:
>>>> +        error = bigfloat.abs(precise - imprecise)
>>>> +    ers.append(error)
>>>> +    with low_precision:
>>>> +        ulpsz = _ulpsize(imprecise)
>>>> +    with high_precision:
>>>> +        bls.append(error > ulpsz*allowed_error_scale)
>>>> +        cts.append(bigfloat.round(error/ulpsz))
>>>> +    return {'errors':ers, 'badlands':bls, 'component_tolerances':cts}
>>>> +
>>>> +def _analyze_ref_fn(fn, args):
>>>> +    """Many functions contain ill-conditioned regions referred to as
>>>> "badlands"
>>>> +    (see Toronto, et. al., "Practically Accurate Floating-Point Math,"
>>>> +    Computing Now, Oct. 2014).  Within these regions errors in the
>>>> inputs are
>>>> +    magnified significantly, making the function impossible to test
>>>> with any
>>>> +    reasonable accuracy.  A complex function that operates on floating
>>>> point
>>>> +    numbers has the potential to generate such error propagation even
>>>> if the
>>>> +    inputs are exact floating point numbers, since intermediate results
>>>> can be
>>>> +    generated with error.  In order to identify and avoid these areas,
>>>> we run
>>>> +    the function once at a lower precision and once at a higher
>>>> precision, and
>>>> +    compare the outputs.  Propagating errors will be greater at lower
>>>> precision
>>>> +    and less at higher precision for a given set of function inputs,
>>>> allowing
>>>> +    us to identify the badlands of the function.
>>>> +    """
>>>> +
>>>> +    ret = {'errors':[], 'badlands':[], 'component_tolerances':[]}
>>>> +    with high_precision:
>>>> +        precise = fn(args)
>>>> +    with low_precision:
>>>> +        imprecise = fn(args)
>>>> +    if _len_any(imprecise) == 1:
>>>> +        ret = _capture_error(precise, imprecise)
>>>> +    else:
>>>> +        for i, arg in enumerate(imprecise):
>>>> +            rettmp = _capture_error(precise[i], arg)
>>>> +            ret['errors'].extend(rettmp['errors'])
>>>> +            ret['badlands'].extend(rettmp['badlands'])
>>>> +
>>>> ret['component_tolerances'].extend(rettmp['component_tolerances'])
>>>> +    return ret
>>>> +
>>>> +simple_fns = {'op-mult': 0.0,
>>>> +              'op-assign-mult': 0.0,
>>>> +              'op-div': 2.5,
>>>> +              'op-assign-div': 2.5,
>>>> +              'pow': 16.0, +              'exp': 3.0,
>>>> +              'exp2': 3.0,
>>>> +              'log': 3.0,
>>>> +              'log2': 3.0,
>>>> +              'sqrt': 3.0,
>>>> +              'inversesqrt': 2.0}
>>>> + +complex_fns = {}
>>>> +
>>>> +componentwise_fns = ('mod', 'mix', 'smoothstep' )
>>>> +
>>>> +def _gen_tolerance(name, rettype, args):
>>>> +    """Return the tolerance that should be allowed for a function for the
>>>> +    test vector passed in.  Return -1 for any vectors that would push the
>>>> +    tolerance outside of acceptable bounds +    """
>>>> +    if name in simple_fns:
>>>> +        if name == 'op-mult' or name == 'op-assign-mult':
>>> if name in ['op-mult', 'op-assign-mult']:
>>>> +            x_type = glsl_type_of(args[0])
>>>> +            y_type = glsl_type_of(args[1])
>>>> +            if x_type.is_vector and y_type.is_matrix:
>>>> +                mult_func = _vec_times_mat_ref
>>>> +            elif x_type.is_matrix and y_type.is_vector:
>>>> +                mult_func = _mat_times_vec_ref
>>>> +            elif x_type.is_matrix and y_type.is_matrix:
>>>> +                mult_func = _mat_times_mat_ref
>>>> +            else:
>>>> +                return simple_fns[name] +            ret =
>>>> _analyze_ref_fn(mult_func, args)
>>>> +            return -1.0 if any(ret['badlands']) else map(float,
>>>> ret['component_tolerances'])
>>> Generally at this point python (both upstream and community) discourage
>>> the use of map and filter, with a preference for comprehensions.
>>> [float(x) for x in ret['component_tolerances']] should be what you want.
>>> I'm also assuming that you are aware that any() will find any truthy
>>> value: so any number that isn't 0, any non-empty string, any non-empty
>>> container, etc.
>>>> +        else:
>>>> +            return simple_fns[name] +    elif name in complex_fns:
>>>> +        if name in componentwise_fns:
>>>> +            ret = {'errors':[], 'badlands':[], 'component_tolerances':[]}
>>>> +            for component in range(rettype.num_cols*rettype.num_rows):
>>>> +                current_args = []
>>>> +                for i, arg in enumerate(args):
>>>> +                    current_args.append(arg[component%len(arg)] if
>>>> _len_any(arg) > 1 else arg)
>>>> +                rettmp = _analyze_ref_fn(complex_fns[name], current_args)
>>>> +                ret['errors'].extend(rettmp['errors'])
>>>> +                ret['badlands'].extend(rettmp['badlands'])
>>>> +
>>>> ret['component_tolerances'].extend(rettmp['component_tolerances'])
>>>> +        else:
>>>> +            ret = _analyze_ref_fn(complex_fns[name], args)
>>>> +        return -1.0 if any(ret['badlands']) else map(float,
>>>> ret['component_tolerances'])
>>>> +    else:
>>>> +        return 0.0
>>>> +
>>>>     def make_indexers(signature):
>>>>        """Build a list of strings which index into every possible
>>>>        value of the result.  For example, if the result is a vec2,
>>>> @@ -160,7 +286,7 @@ def main():
>>>>                     with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:
>>>>                         f.write(template.render_unicode(
>>>> signature=signature,
>>>>       test_vectors=test_vectors,
>>>> -                                                     tolerances=tolerances,
>>>> +                                                     tolerances=simple_fns,
>>>> invocation=invocation,
>>>> num_elements=num_elements,
>>>>                                                          indexers=indexers,
>>>> --
>>>> 2.2.2
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>>>> Piglit at lists.freedesktop.org
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>> --
>> Micah Fedke
>> Collabora Ltd.
>> +44 1223 362967
>> https://www.collabora.com/
>> https://twitter.com/collaboraltd


Micah Fedke
Collabora Ltd.
+44 1223 362967

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