[Piglit] [PATCH 3/3] arb_shader_precision: enable calculation of complex function tolerances

Micah Fedke micah.fedke at collabora.co.uk
Tue Feb 24 15:49:15 PST 2015

 - update mako templates to support vectors of tolerances

 generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py      | 23 +++++++---
 .../templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/fs.mako   | 51 ++++++++++++++--------
 .../templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/gs.mako   | 51 ++++++++++++++--------
 .../templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/vs.mako   | 51 ++++++++++++++--------
 4 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py b/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
index 3492c87..2586346 100644
--- a/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
+++ b/generated_tests/gen_shader_precision_tests.py
@@ -463,15 +463,21 @@ def main():
                         arg.base_type == glsl_float for arg in signature.argtypes)
         # Filter the test vectors down to only those which deal exclusively in float types
         #and are not trig functions or determinant()
-        indexers = make_indexers(signature)
-        num_elements = signature.rettype.num_cols * signature.rettype.num_rows
-        invocation = signature.template.format( *['arg{0}'.format(i) 
-                                                for i in range(len(signature.argtypes))])
         if (signature.rettype.base_type == glsl_float and
             arg_float_check and
             all(arg_float_check) and
             signature.name not in trig_builtins and
             signature.name != 'determinant'): 
+            # replace the tolerances in each test_vector with
+            # our own tolerances specified in ulps and
+            # reject vectors that produce results with too much error
+            refined_test_vectors = []
+            complex_tol_type = signature.rettype
+            for test_num, test_vector in enumerate(test_vectors):
+                tolerance = _gen_tolerance(signature.name, signature.rettype, test_vector.arguments)
+                if tolerance != -1.0:
+                    refined_test_vectors.append(TestVector(test_vector.arguments, test_vector.result, tolerance))
+            # Then generate the shader_test scripts
             for shader_stage in ('vs', 'fs', 'gs'):
                 template = template_file('gen_shader_precision_tests', '{0}.mako'.format(shader_stage))
                 output_filename = os.path.join( 'spec', 'arb_shader_precision',
@@ -483,10 +489,15 @@ def main():
                 dirname = os.path.dirname(output_filename)
                 if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+                indexers = make_indexers(signature)
+                num_elements = signature.rettype.num_cols * signature.rettype.num_rows
+                invocation = signature.template.format( *['arg{0}'.format(i) 
+                                                        for i in range(len(signature.argtypes))])
                 with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:
                     f.write(template.render_unicode( signature=signature, 
-                                                     test_vectors=test_vectors,
-                                                     tolerances=simple_fns,
+                                                     is_complex_tolerance=signature.name in complex_fns,
+                                                     complex_tol_type=signature.rettype,
+                                                     test_vectors=refined_test_vectors,
diff --git a/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/fs.mako b/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/fs.mako
index 19ec737..89829e7 100644
--- a/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/fs.mako
+++ b/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/fs.mako
@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ void main()
 % for i, arg in enumerate(signature.argtypes):
 uniform ${arg} arg${i};
 % endfor
+% if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+uniform ${complex_tol_type} tolerance;
+% else:
 uniform float tolerance;
+% endif
 uniform ${signature.rettype} expected;
 void main()
@@ -56,29 +60,34 @@ ${' || '.join('(resultbits[{0}]>>31 != expectedbits[{0}]>>31)'.format(i) for i i
   ${signature.rettype} ulps = ${signature.rettype}(\
 ${', '.join('abs(resultbits[{0}] - expectedbits[{0}])'.format(i) for i in range(0, num_elements))}\
-  ##
-  ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
-  ##
+    % if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+    ## compare vecs directly, use a boolean version of the rettype
+  b${signature.rettype} calcerr = greaterThan(ulps, tolerance);
+    % else:
+    ##
+    ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
+    ##
   float max_error = \
-    ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
-    ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
-    % if num_elements > 2:
+      ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
+      ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
+      % if num_elements > 2:
 max( \
-    % endif
-    ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
-    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
+      % endif
+      ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
+      % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
 ulps${indexer}, \
-    % if i != len(indexers)-3:
+      % if i != len(indexers)-3:
-    % endif
-    ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
-    % endfor
+      % endif
+      ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
+      % endfor
 max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
-    ## fill in completing parens
-    % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):
+      ## fill in completing parens
+      % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):
-    % endfor
+      % endfor
+    %endif
   % else:
     ## if there is only a single result value generated, compare it directly
@@ -97,7 +106,11 @@ max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
   gl_FragColor = \
   % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
+    % if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+!signerr && !any(calcerr)\
+    % else:
 !signerr && max_error <= tolerance\
+    % endif
   % else:
 !signerr && ulps <= tolerance\
   % endif
@@ -117,8 +130,12 @@ piglit_vertex/float/2
 uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.argtypes[i])} arg${i} ${shader_runner_format( column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i]))}
   % endfor
 uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.rettype)} expected ${shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result))}
+% if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+uniform ${shader_runner_type(complex_tol_type)} tolerance \
+% else:
 uniform float tolerance \
-${tolerances.get(signature.name, 0.0)}
+% endif
 draw arrays GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0 4
 ## shader_runner uses a 250x250 window so we must ensure that test_num <= 250.
 probe rgba ${test_num % 250} 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
diff --git a/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/gs.mako b/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/gs.mako
index de4a3c8..5174efb 100644
--- a/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/gs.mako
+++ b/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/gs.mako
@@ -24,7 +24,11 @@ flat out vec4 color;
 % for i, arg in enumerate(signature.argtypes):
 uniform ${arg} arg${i};
 % endfor
+% if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+uniform ${complex_tol_type} tolerance;
+% else:
 uniform float tolerance;
+% endif
 uniform ${signature.rettype} expected;
 void main()
@@ -62,29 +66,34 @@ ${' || '.join('(resultbits[{0}]>>31 != expectedbits[{0}]>>31)'.format(i) for i i
   ${signature.rettype} ulps = ${signature.rettype}(\
 ${', '.join('abs(resultbits[{0}] - expectedbits[{0}])'.format(i) for i in range(0, num_elements))}\
-  ##
-  ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
-  ##
+    % if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+    ## compare vecs directly, use a boolean version of the rettype
+  b${signature.rettype} calcerr = greaterThan(ulps, tolerance);
+    % else:
+    ##
+    ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
+    ##
   float max_error = \
-    ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
-    ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
-    % if num_elements > 2:
+      ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
+      ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
+      % if num_elements > 2:
 max( \
-    % endif
-    ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
-    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
+      % endif
+      ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
+      % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
 ulps${indexer}, \
-    % if i != len(indexers)-3:
+      % if i != len(indexers)-3:
-    % endif
-    ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
-    % endfor
+      % endif
+      ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
+      % endfor
 max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
-    ## fill in completing parens
-    % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):
+      ## fill in completing parens
+      % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):
-    % endfor
+      % endfor
+    %endif
   % else:
     ## if there is only a single result value generated, compare it directly
@@ -103,7 +112,11 @@ max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
   tmp_color = \
   % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
+    % if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+!signerr && !any(calcerr)\
+    % else:
 !signerr && max_error <= tolerance\
+    % endif
   % else:
 !signerr && ulps <= tolerance\
   % endif
@@ -136,8 +149,12 @@ piglit_vertex/float/2
 uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.argtypes[i])} arg${i} ${shader_runner_format( column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i]))}
   % endfor
 uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.rettype)} expected ${shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result))}
+% if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+uniform ${shader_runner_type(complex_tol_type)} tolerance \
+% else:
 uniform float tolerance \
-${tolerances.get(signature.name, 0.0)}
+% endif
 draw arrays GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0 4
 ## shader_runner uses a 250x250 window so we must ensure that test_num <= 250.
 probe rgba ${test_num % 250} 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
diff --git a/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/vs.mako b/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/vs.mako
index 8d8fad6..367d3a2 100644
--- a/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/vs.mako
+++ b/generated_tests/templates/gen_shader_precision_tests/vs.mako
@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@ flat out vec4 color;
 % for i, arg in enumerate(signature.argtypes):
 uniform ${arg} arg${i};
 % endfor
+% if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+uniform ${complex_tol_type} tolerance;
+% else:
 uniform float tolerance;
+% endif
 uniform ${signature.rettype} expected;
 void main()
@@ -52,29 +56,34 @@ ${' || '.join('(resultbits[{0}]>>31 != expectedbits[{0}]>>31)'.format(i) for i i
   ${signature.rettype} ulps = ${signature.rettype}(\
 ${', '.join('abs(resultbits[{0}] - expectedbits[{0}])'.format(i) for i in range(0, num_elements))}\
-  ##
-  ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
-  ##
+    % if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+    ## compare vecs directly, use a boolean version of the rettype
+  b${signature.rettype} calcerr = greaterThan(ulps, tolerance);
+    % else:
+    ##
+    ## find the maximum error in ulps of all the calculations using a nested max() sort
+    ##
   float max_error = \
-    ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
-    ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
-    % if num_elements > 2:
+      ## start with the outermost max() if there are more than 2 elements
+      ## (two element arrays, eg. vec2, are handled by the final max() below, only)
+      % if num_elements > 2:
 max( \
-    % endif
-    ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
-    % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
+      % endif
+      ## cat each value to compare, with an additional nested max() up until the final two values
+      % for i, indexer in enumerate(indexers[:len(indexers)-2]):
 ulps${indexer}, \
-    % if i != len(indexers)-3:
+      % if i != len(indexers)-3:
-    % endif
-    ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
-    % endfor
+      % endif
+      ## cat the final, deepest, max comparison
+      % endfor
 max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
-    ## fill in completing parens
-    % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):
+      ## fill in completing parens
+      % for i in range(0, num_elements-2):
-    % endfor
+      % endfor
+    %endif
   % else:
     ## if there is only a single result value generated, compare it directly
@@ -93,7 +102,11 @@ max(ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-2]}, ulps${indexers[len(indexers)-1]})\
   color = \
   % if signature.rettype.is_matrix or signature.rettype.is_vector:
+    % if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+!signerr && !any(calcerr)\
+    % else:
 !signerr && max_error <= tolerance\
+    % endif
   % else:
 !signerr && ulps <= tolerance\
   % endif
@@ -121,8 +134,12 @@ piglit_vertex/float/2
 uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.argtypes[i])} arg${i} ${shader_runner_format( column_major_values(test_vector.arguments[i]))}
   % endfor
 uniform ${shader_runner_type(signature.rettype)} expected ${shader_runner_format(column_major_values(test_vector.result))}
+% if is_complex_tolerance and complex_tol_type.name != 'float':
+uniform ${shader_runner_type(complex_tol_type)} tolerance \
+% else:
 uniform float tolerance \
-${tolerances.get(signature.name, 0.0)}
+% endif
 draw arrays GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0 4
 ## shader_runner uses a 250x250 window so we must ensure that test_num <= 250.
 probe rgba ${test_num % 250} 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0

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