[Piglit] [PATCH] Do we really need python 2.7?

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 11:25:40 PST 2015

On Wednesday, January 07, 2015 05:36:00 PM Matěj Cepl wrote:
> From: Matěj Cepl <mcepl at cepl.eu>
> Hi,
> I am in the process of struggle to build piglit from the master
> (commit 4adb082) on RHEL-6 (we would like to continue to use it
> for testing).
> When I tried just naively build our RHEL-7/Fedora 20+ package on
> EL-6 configuration failed because it complained it is missing
> python 2.6. Which is a bit strange, because of course, RHEL-6
> does contain python 2.6. So, I went digging to find out where
> this message comes from and I have discovered this interesting
> piece of code:
>     # Check for presence of Python 2.6 or greater.
>     foreach(python_cmd python2 python)
>             execute_process(
>                     COMMAND ${python_cmd} -c \
>                         "import sys; assert '2.7' <= sys.version < '3'"
>                     OUTPUT_QUIET
>                     ERROR_QUIET
>                     RESULT_VARIABLE python_version_check_error_code)
>             if(python_version_check_error_code EQUAL 0)
>                     set(python ${python_cmd})
>                     break()
>             endif(python_version_check_error_code EQUAL 0)
>     endforeach(python_cmd)
>     if(NOT DEFINED python)
>             message(FATAL_ERROR "python version 2.x (where x >= 6) required")
>     endif(NOT DEFINED python)
> First obviously this code lies. Either we really care about
> python 2.7 and we should declare our loyalities openly, or piglit
> can be working with python 2.6 (which I hope) and then that '2.7'
> is just a typo.

I have fixed the error message.

> Which one it is? How difficult it would be to switch piglit to
> python 2.6? I hope not that difficult (as there were not that
> many changes between 2.6 and 2.7). Does anybody know?

We rely on a couple of 2.7 features, one of them is oredered
dictionaries, the other is dict comprehensions. We also use a lot of
unnamed format strings ( '{}{}'.format(a, b) ).

> And of course, when I apply just the attached patch I get to yet
> another problem: freeglut (RHEL-6 has freeglut-2.6.0). But let's
> walk this minefield one mine at the time.

You need waffle, glut is not recommended for linux.
(https://github.com/waffle-gl/waffle, http://www.waffle-gl.org)


> Best,
> Matěj

> ---
>  CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
> index 6fb6c8a..d2f2f0e 100644
> --- a/CMakeLists.txt
> +++ b/CMakeLists.txt
> @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ ENDIF()
>  # Check for presence of Python 2.6 or greater.
>  foreach(python_cmd python2 python)
>  	execute_process(
> -		COMMAND ${python_cmd} -c "import sys; assert '2.7' <= sys.version < '3'"
> +		COMMAND ${python_cmd} -c "import sys; assert '2.6' <= sys.version < '3'"
>  		RESULT_VARIABLE python_version_check_error_code)
> -- 
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