[Piglit] recovering from aborted runs

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 10:25:41 PDT 2015

You can either use `piglit resume` to resume the run, or just run
any `piglit summary` subcommand to generate one. We could pretty easily
add a command to piglit to combine them as well.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 09:36:01AM -0600, Brian Paul wrote:
> Hi Dylan,
> I don't know when this changed, but when piglit runs now, it creates 
> individual tests/NNNN.json files for each test.  Then at the end, it 
> combines them into the results.json file.
> If the piglit run is interrupted (host crash/freeze), I'm left with all 
> those individual files and no results.json file.  Is there command I can 
> run to generate the results.json file from the individual files?
> -Brian
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