[Piglit] [PATCH] Add Dmesg Triage Feature: further triage i-g-t kmsg log to reduce result noise resulted from piglit dmesg defect

Gao, Ethan ethan.gao at intel.com
Wed Mar 18 19:26:26 PDT 2015

(PS: resend because the blocking due to ML body size limitation last time) 

Hmm.. my initial intent is to implement the actual dmesg triage separately from Piglit and it works more or less like an utility to triage the dmesg log derived from piglit dmesg output, you know, the dmesg desn't belong to Piglit itself, it's independent and can come from different sources. 
As an independent utility:
	1.It can be employed anywhere as long as the dmesg log is ready to avoid it's fully glued within Piglit
	2.It's flexible to change according to its corresponding scenarios, the core of it is implemented by ruby and why there is shell script there is because I add some common shell interfaces to rollback dmesg detail to adapt our application which is mainly implemented in shell script. If it's not the best for someone else, they can change or 		    rewrite it to bypass the modification in Piglit each time.
So if we view it within piglit, there is multi-language compliance concern, but it's not so serious if we just view it independent of piglit as an complementary utility !

a) extend or rewrite the LinuxDmesg or BaseDmesg class to do this
b) subclass the LinuxDmesg class in IGT to support the features you need
A: yes, I have to agree that what you pointed out is really make sense,  now there are DummyDmesg and LinuxDmesg in Piglit and both of them extend from BaseDmesg, but actually only unix-like dmesg(LinuxDmesg) are supported in current Piglit. So maybe the best way is to extend the BaseDmesg by provide an abstract in it and implement it in LinuxDmesg. Regarding b), I think this may be messy with the log consuming and profile at the same slot !

Thank you

Best Regards
Ethan, Gao

-----Original Message-----
From: Dylan Baker [mailto:baker.dylan.c at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:23 AM
To: Gao, Ethan
Cc: piglit at lists.freedesktop.org; OTC GFX QA
Subject: Re: [Piglit] [PATCH] Add Dmesg Triage Feature: further triage i-g-t kmsg log to reduce result noise resulted from piglit dmesg defect

Please justify the use of adding shell scripts and Ruby to a project already containing C, C++, and python. In particular, please justify using shell and Ruby to extend the functionality of a python class.

Please also explain why one of the following doesn't work:
a) extend or rewrite the LinuxDmesg or BaseDmesg class to do this
b) subclass the LinuxDmesg class in IGT to support the features you need


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