[Piglit] [PATCH 1/4] program_interface_query: add tests for querying the resources

Tapani Pälli tapani.palli at intel.com
Fri Mar 27 01:21:56 PDT 2015

On 03/27/2015 10:12 AM, Martin Peres wrote:
> On 27/03/15 09:58, Tapani Pälli wrote:
>> Huh, first of all thanks for taking time to add the 'crosschecking'
>> (consistency_check) .. this test has impressive amount of subtests and
>> validation of the results!
>> I did not find any errors from the subtests (excluding that one that
>> should be PROGRAM_INPUT not OUTPUT but that you already fixed, right?).
> Yes, it is already fixed in my tree and on freedesktop.
>> Some nitpicking and comments on the layout below; I'd give r-b but I
>> want to hear if you will address some of this;
>> On 03/25/2015 06:01 PM, Martin Peres wrote:
>>> This tests primarily glGetProgramInterfaceiv in various (potentially
>>> tricky) program pipelines. All the calls are supposed to succeed as
>>> this test is purely functional.
>>> This test requires a OpenGL 3.2 core context but also has optional
>>> subtests that depend on the following extensions:
>>>   - GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters
>>>   - GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object
>>>   - GL_ARB_shader_subroutine
>>>   - GL_ARB_tessellation_shader
>>>   - GL_ARB_compute_shader
>>>   - GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store
>>> Signed-off-by: Martin Peres <martin.peres at linux.intel.com>
>>> ---
>>>   tests/all.py                                       |   1 +
>>>   .../arb_program_interface_query/CMakeLists.gl.txt  |   1 +
>>>   tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/common.h    | 238 +++++++
>>>   .../arb_program_interface_query/resource-query.c   | 741
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++
>>>   4 files changed, 981 insertions(+)
>>>   mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/all.py
>>>   mode change 100644 => 100755
>>> tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/CMakeLists.gl.txt
>>>   create mode 100755 tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/common.h
>>>   create mode 100755
>>> tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/resource-query.c
>>> diff --git a/tests/all.py b/tests/all.py
>>> old mode 100644
>>> new mode 100755
>>> index b2266db..f47e198
>>> --- a/tests/all.py
>>> +++ b/tests/all.py
>>> @@ -2274,6 +2274,7 @@ with profile.group_manager(
>>>           grouptools.join('spec', 'ARB_program_interface_query')) as g:
>>>       g(['arb_program_interface_query-resource-location'],
>>> run_concurrent=False)
>>>       g(['arb_program_interface_query-resource-index'],
>>> run_concurrent=False)
>>> +    g(['arb_program_interface_query-resource-query'],
>>> run_concurrent=False)
>>>   # Group ARB_explicit_uniform_location
>>>   with profile.group_manager(
>>> diff --git a/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/CMakeLists.gl.txt
>>> b/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/CMakeLists.gl.txt
>>> old mode 100644
>>> new mode 100755
>>> index 2028553..9535798
>>> --- a/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/CMakeLists.gl.txt
>>> +++ b/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/CMakeLists.gl.txt
>>> @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ link_libraries (
>>>   piglit_add_executable
>>> (arb_program_interface_query-resource-location resource-location.c)
>>>   piglit_add_executable (arb_program_interface_query-resource-index
>>> resource-index.c)
>>> +piglit_add_executable (arb_program_interface_query-resource-query
>>> resource-query.c)
>>> diff --git a/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/common.h
>>> b/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/common.h
>>> new file mode 100755
>>> index 0000000..4e5ff01
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/common.h
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
>>> +/*
>>> + * Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation
>>> + *
>>> + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
>>> obtaining a
>>> + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
>>> "Software"),
>>> + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
>>> limitation
>>> + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
>>> sublicense,
>>> + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
>>> the
>>> + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
>>> + *
>>> + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including
>>> the next
>>> + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
>>> portions of the
>>> + * Software.
>>> + *
>>> + */
>>> +
>>> +#pragma once
>>> +#ifndef __COMMON_H__
>>> +#define __COMMON_H__
>>> +
>>> +static const char vs_std[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "struct vs_struct {\n"
>>> +    "    vec4 a[2];\n"
>>> +    "};\n"
>>> +    "uniform vs_uniform_block {\n"
>>> +    "    vec4 vs_test;\n"
>>> +    "};\n"
>>> +    "uniform vs_struct sa[2];\n"
>>> +    "in vec4 vs_input0;\n"
>>> +    "in vec4 vs_input1;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    gl_Position = vs_input0 * vs_test * vs_input1 + sa[0].a[1] +"
>>> +    "                  sa[1].a[1];\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +const char gs_std[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangles) in;\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;\n"
>>> +    "uniform gs_uniform_block {\n"
>>> +    "    vec4 gs_test;\n"
>>> +    "};\n"
>>> +    "in vec4 gs_input[3];\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 gs_output0;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {\n"
>>> +    "        gl_Position = gs_input[i % 3] *"
>>> +    "                      gl_in[i % 3].gl_Position * gs_test;\n"
>>> +    "        gs_output0 = gs_input[0];\n"
>>> +    "        EmitVertex();\n"
>>> +    "    }\n"
>>> +    "}\n";
>>> +
>>> +static const char fs_std[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "uniform fs_uniform_block {"
>>> +    "    vec4 fs_color;\n"
>>> +    "    float fs_array[4];\n"
>>> +    "};"
>>> +    "in vec4 fs_input1;\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 fs_output0;\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 fs_output1;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +        "fs_output0 = fs_color * fs_input1 * fs_array[2];\n"
>>> +        "fs_output1 = fs_color * fs_input1 * fs_array[3];\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char vs_stor[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object : require\n"
>>> +    "buffer vs_buffer_block { vec4 vs_buf_var; };"
>>> +    "out vec4 vs_output1;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +        "vs_output1 = vs_buf_var;\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char gs_stor[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object : require\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangles) in;\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;\n"
>>> +    "buffer gs_buffer_block { vec4 gs_buf_var; };"
>>> +    "in vec4 vs_output1[3];\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {\n"
>>> +    "        gl_Position = vs_output1[i % 3] * gs_buf_var;\n"
>>> +    "        EmitVertex();\n"
>>> +    "    }\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char fs_stor[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object : require\n"
>>> +    "buffer fs_buffer_block { vec4 fs_buf_var; };\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 fs_output0;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    fs_output0 = fs_buf_var;\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char vs_atom[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters : require\n"
>>> +    "layout (binding=0) uniform atomic_uint vs_counter;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    atomicCounterIncrement(vs_counter);\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char gs_atom[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters : require\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangles) in;\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;\n"
>>> +    "layout (binding=1) uniform atomic_uint gs_counter;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    atomicCounterIncrement(gs_counter);\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char fs_atom[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters : require\n"
>>> +    "layout (binding=2) uniform atomic_uint fs_counter;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    atomicCounterIncrement(fs_counter);\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char vs_tfv[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "in vec4 vs_input0;\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 vs_output1;\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 outValue;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    vs_output1 = vs_input0;\n"
>>> +    "    outValue = vs_input0;\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char vs_sub[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_subroutine : require\n"
>>> +    "in vec4 vs_input0;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine vec4 vs_offset();\n"
>>> +    "subroutine uniform vs_offset VERTEX;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine (vs_offset) vec4 vss() { return vec4(1, 0, 0, 0); }\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    gl_Position = vs_input0 + VERTEX();\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char gs_sub[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_subroutine : require\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangles) in;\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine vec4 gs_offset();\n"
>>> +    "subroutine uniform gs_offset GEOMETRY;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine (gs_offset) vec4 gss() { return vec4(1, 0, 0, 0); }\n"
>>> +    "in vec4 vs_output1[3];\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {\n"
>>> +    "        gl_Position = vs_output1[i % 3] + GEOMETRY();\n"
>>> +    "        EmitVertex();\n"
>>> +    "    }\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char fs_sub[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_subroutine : require\n"
>>> +    "subroutine vec4 fs_offset();\n"
>>> +    "subroutine uniform fs_offset FRAGMENT;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine (fs_offset) vec4 fss() { return vec4(1, 0, 0, 1); }\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 fs_output0;\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    fs_output0 = FRAGMENT();\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char tcs_sub[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_subroutine : require\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_tessellation_shader : require\n"
>>> +    "layout(vertices = 3) out;\n"
>>> +    "uniform tcs_uniform_block {\n"
>>> +    "    vec4 tcs_test;\n"
>>> +    "};\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 tcs_output[1];\n"
>>> +    "in vec4 tcs_input[gl_MaxPatchVertices];\n"
>>> +    "subroutine vec4 tcs_offset();\n"
>>> +    "subroutine uniform tcs_offset TESS_CONTROL;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine (tcs_offset) vec4 tcss() { return vec4(1, 0, 0, 0);
>>> }\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    gl_out[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position = tcs_test +"
>>> +    " gl_in[0].gl_Position *"
>>> +    " TESS_CONTROL();\n"
>>> +    "    tcs_output[gl_InvocationID] = tcs_input[0] +
>>> TESS_CONTROL();\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char tes_sub[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_subroutine : require\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_tessellation_shader : require\n"
>>> +    "layout(triangles) in;\n"
>>> +    "uniform tes_uniform_block {\n"
>>> +    "    vec4 tes_test;\n"
>>> +    "};\n"
>>> +    "out vec4 tes_output[1];\n"
>>> +    "in vec4 tes_input[gl_MaxPatchVertices];\n"
>>> +    "subroutine vec4 tes_offset();\n"
>>> +    "subroutine uniform tes_offset TESS_EVALUATION;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine (tes_offset) vec4 tess() { return vec4(1, 0, 0, 0);
>>> }\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    gl_Position = tes_test + gl_in[0].gl_Position +"
>>> +    "                  TESS_EVALUATION();\n"
>>> +    "    tes_output[0] = tes_input[0] + TESS_EVALUATION();\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +static const char cs_sub[] =
>>> +    "#version 150\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_subroutine : require\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : require\n"
>>> +    "#extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : require\n"
>>> +    "layout(local_size_x = 4) in;\n"
>>> +    "uniform cs_uniform_block {\n"
>>> +    "    uniform vec4 cs_test;\n"
>>> +    "};\n"
>>> +    "layout(size4x32) uniform image2D tex;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine vec4 com_offset();\n"
>>> +    "subroutine uniform com_offset COMPUTE;\n"
>>> +    "subroutine (com_offset) vec4 css() { return vec4(1, 0, 0, 0); }\n"
>>> +    "void main() {\n"
>>> +    "    imageStore(tex, ivec2(0.0), cs_test + COMPUTE());\n"
>>> +    "}";
>>> +
>>> +#endif
>>> diff --git a/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/resource-query.c
>>> b/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/resource-query.c
>>> new file mode 100755
>>> index 0000000..469e54d
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/tests/spec/arb_program_interface_query/resource-query.c
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
>>> +/*
>>> + * Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation
>>> + *
>>> + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
>>> obtaining a
>>> + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
>>> "Software"),
>>> + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
>>> limitation
>>> + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
>>> sublicense,
>>> + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
>>> the
>>> + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
>>> + *
>>> + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including
>>> the next
>>> + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
>>> portions of the
>>> + * Software.
>>> + *
>>> + */
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>> + * \file resource-query.c
>>> + *
>>> + * Tests querying resources.
>>> + *
>>> + * From the GL_ARB_program_interface_query spec:
>>> + *      "The command
>>> + *
>>> + *      void GetProgramInterfaceiv(uint program, enum programInterface,
>>> + *                                 enum pname, int *params);
>>> + *
>>> + *      queries a property of the interface <programInterface> in
>>> program
>>> + *      <program>, returning its value in <params>.  The property to
>>> return is
>>> + *      specified by <pname>.
>>> + *
>>> + *      If <pname> is ACTIVE_RESOURCES, the value returned is the
>>> number of
>>> + *      resources in the active resource list for
>>> <programInterface>. If the
>>> + *      list of active resources for <programInterface> is empty,
>>> zero is
>>> + *      returned.
>>> + *
>>> + *      If <pname> is MAX_NAME_LENGTH, the value returned is the
>>> length of the
>>> + *      longest active name string for an active resource in
>>> <programInterface>.
>>> + *      This length includes an extra character for the null
>>> terminator. If
>>> + *      the list of active resources for <programInterface> is
>>> empty, zero is
>>> + *      returned.  The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if
>>> + *      <programInterface> is ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, since active
>>> atomic counter
>>> + *      buffer resources are not assigned name strings.
>>> + *
>>> + *      If <pname> is MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES, the value returned
>>> is the number
>>> + *      of active variables belonging to the interface block or
>>> atomic counter
>>> + *      buffer resource in <programInterface> with the most active
>>> variables.
>>> + *      If the list of active resources for <programInterface> is
>>> empty, zero is
>>> + *      returned.  The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if
>>> + *      <programInterface> is not UNIFORM_BLOCK,
>>> + *
>>> + *      If <pname> is MAX_NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES, the value
>>> returned is the
>>> + *      number of compatible subroutines belonging to the active
>>> subroutine
>>> + *      uniform in <programInterface> with the most compatible
>>> subroutines. If
>>> + *      the list of active resources for <programInterface> is
>>> empty, zero is
>>> + *      returned.  The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated unless
>>> + *      <programInterface> is VERTEX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM,
>>> + *
>>> + *      The command
>>> + *
>>> + *      uint GetProgramResourceIndex(uint program, enum
>>> programInterface,
>>> + *                                   const char *name);
>>> + *
>>> + *      returns the unsigned integer index assigned to a resource
>>> named <name>
>>> + *      in the interface type <programInterface> of program object
>>> <program>.
>>> + *      The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if <programInterface> is
>>> + *      ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, since active atomic counter buffer
>>> resources are
>>> + *      not assigned name strings.
>>> + *
>>> + *      If <name> exactly matches the name string of one of the
>>> active resources
>>> + *      for <programInterface>, the index of the matched resource is
>>> returned.
>>> + *      Additionally, if <name> would exactly match the name string
>>> of an active
>>> + *      resource if "[0]" were appended to <name>, the index of the
>>> matched
>>> + *      resource is returned.  Otherwise, <name> is considered not
>>> to be the
>>> + *      name of an active resource, and INVALID_INDEX is returned.
>>> Note that if
>>> + *      an interface enumerates a single active resource list entry
>>> for an array
>>> + *      variable (e.g., "a[0]"), a <name> identifying any array
>>> element other
>>> + *      than the first (e.g., "a[1]") is not considered to match.
>>> + *
>>> + *      For the interface TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING, the value
>>> + *      should be returned when querying the index assigned to the
>>> special names
>>> + *      "gl_NextBuffer", "gl_SkipComponents1", "gl_SkipComponents2",
>>> + *      "gl_SkipComponents3", and "gl_SkipComponents4".
>>> + *
>>> + *      The command
>>> + *
>>> + *      void GetProgramResourceName(uint program, enum
>>> programInterface,
>>> + *                                  uint index, sizei bufSize, sizei
>>> *length,
>>> + *                                  char *name);
>>> + *
>>> + *      returns the name string assigned to the single active
>>> resource with an
>>> + *      index of <index> in the interface <programInterface> of
>>> program object
>>> + *      <program>.  The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <index>
>>> is greater
>>> + *      than or equal to the number of entries in the active
>>> resource list for
>>> + *      <programInterface>.  The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if
>>> + *      <programInterface> is ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, since active
>>> atomic counter
>>> + *      buffer resources are not assigned name strings.
>>> + *
>>> + *      The name string assigned to the active resource identified
>>> by <index> is
>>> + *      returned as a null-terminated string in <name>. The actual
>>> number of
>>> + *      characters written into <name>, excluding the null
>>> terminator, is
>>> + *      returned in <length>.  If <length> is NULL, no length is
>>> returned. The
>>> + *      maximum number of characters that may be written into
>>> <name>, including
>>> + *      the null terminator, is specified by <bufSize>. If the
>>> length of the
>>> + *      name string (including the null terminator) is greater than
>>> <bufSize>,
>>> + *      the first <bufSize>-1 characters of the name string will be
>>> written to
>>> + *      <name>, followed by a null terminator.  If <bufSize> is
>>> zero, no error
>>> + *      will be generated but no characters will be written to
>>> <name>.  The
>>> + *      length of the longest name string for <programInterface>,
>>> including a
>>> + *      null terminator, can be queried by calling
>>> GetProgramInterfaceiv with a
>>> + *      <pname> of MAX_NAME_LENGTH.
>>> + */
>>> +
>>> +#include "piglit-util-gl.h"
>>> +#include "common.h"
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +    config.supports_gl_core_version = 32;
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +/* Naming conventions, from the GL_ARB_program_interface_query
>>> extension:
>>> + *
>>> + * "When building a list of active variable or interface blocks,
>>> resources
>>> + * with aggregate types (such as arrays or structures) may produce
>>> multiple
>>> + * entries in the active resource list for the corresponding interface.
>>> + * Additionally, each active variable, interface block, or
>>> subroutine in the
>>> + * list is assigned an associated name string that can be used by
>>> + * applications to refer to the resources.  For interfaces involving
>>> + * variables, interface blocks, or subroutines, the entries of active
>>> + * resource lists are generated as follows:
>>> + *
>>> + *  * For an active variable declared as a single instance of a
>>> basic type,
>>> + *    a single entry will be generated, using the variable name from
>>> the
>>> + *    shader source.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * For an active variable declared as an array of basic types, a
>>> single
>>> + *    entry will be generated, with its name string formed by
>>> concatenating
>>> + *    the name of the array and the string "[0]".
>>> + *
>>> + *  * For an active variable declared as a structure, a separate
>>> entry will
>>> + *    be generated for each active structure member.  The name of
>>> each entry
>>> + *    is formed by concatenating the name of the structure, the "."
>>> + *    character, and the name of the structure member.  If a structure
>>> + *    member to enumerate is itself a structure or array, these
>>> enumeration
>>> + *    rules are applied recursively.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * For an active variable declared as an array of an aggregate
>>> data type
>>> + *    (structures or arrays), a separate entry will be generated for
>>> each
>>> + *    active array element, unless noted immediately below. The name of
>>> + *    each entry is formed by concatenating the name of the array,
>>> the "["
>>> + *    character, an integer identifying the element number, and the "]"
>>> + *    character.  These enumeration rules are applied recursively,
>>> treating
>>> + *    each enumerated array element as a separate active variable.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * For an active shader storage block member declared as an
>>> array, an
>>> + *    entry will be generated only for the first array element,
>>> regardless
>>> + *    of its type.  For arrays of aggregate types, the enumeration
>>> rules are
>>> + *    applied recursively for the single enumerated array element.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * For an active interface block not declared as an array of block
>>> + *    instances, a single entry will be generated, using the block
>>> name from
>>> + *    the shader source.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * For an active interface block declared as an array of instances,
>>> + *    separate entries will be generated for each active instance.
>>> The name
>>> + *    of the instance is formed by concatenating the block name, the
>>> "["
>>> + *    character, an integer identifying the instance number, and the
>>> "]"
>>> + *    character.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * For an active subroutine, a single entry will be generated,
>>> using the
>>> + *    subroutine name from the shader source.
>>> + *
>>> + * When an integer array element or block instance number is part of
>>> the name
>>> + * string, it will be specified in decimal form without a "+" or "-"
>>> sign or
>>> + * any extra leading zeroes.  Additionally, the name string will not
>>> include
>>> + * white space anywhere in the string.
>>> + */
>> Did you consider bundling these variable lists to common.h somehow
>> along with the corresponding shaders? It's not necessary but it would
>> be easier to modify later if there would be any additions or changes
>> to the shaders.
> I thought about it. It makes a lot of sense for the INPUT/OUTPUT tests
> but a bit less for the ones that combine the result of multiple stages,
> such as st_r_buffer. Also, it felt weird to have those in common.h when
> they are only needed in this test.
> I can move them if you feel like I should.
>>> +static const char *st_r_uniform[] = {"vs_test", "gs_test", "fs_color",
>>> +                     "fs_array[0]", "sa[0].a[0]", "sa[1].a[0]",
>>> +                     NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_tess_uniform[] = {"tcs_test", "tes_test",
>>> NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_cs_uniform[] = {"cs_test", "tex", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_uniform_block[] = {"vs_uniform_block",
>>> +                                           "gs_uniform_block",
>>> +                                           "fs_uniform_block", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_tess_uniform_block[] = {"tcs_uniform_block",
>>> + "tes_uniform_block", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_cs_uniform_block[] = {"cs_uniform_block",
>>> NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_in_vs[] = {"vs_input0", "vs_input1", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_in_gs[] = {"gs_input", "gl_Position", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_in_fs[] = {"fs_input1", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_in_tes[] = {"tes_input", "gl_Position", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_in_tcs[] = {"tcs_input", "gl_Position", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_out_vs[] = {"gl_Position", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_out_gs[] = {"gs_output0", "gl_Position", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_out_fs[] = {"fs_output0", "fs_output1", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_out_tes[] = {"tes_output[0]", "gl_Position",
>>> NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_out_tcs[] = {"tcs_output", "gl_Position",
>>> +                                     "gl_BackColor",
>>> "gl_BackSecondaryColor",
>>> +                                     "gl_ClipDistance[0]",
>>> "gl_CullDistance[0]",
>>> +                                     "gl_FogFragCoord",
>>> "gl_FrontColor",
>>> +                                     "gl_FrontSecondaryColor",
>>> "gl_Layer",
>>> +                                     "gl_PointSize", "gl_TexCoord[0]",
>>> +                                     "gl_ViewportIndex",
>>> "gl_ViewportMask[0]",
>>> +                                     NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_buffer[] = {"vs_buf_var", "gs_buf_var",
>>> "fs_buf_var",
>>> +                                    NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_stor_block[] = {"vs_buffer_block",
>>> "gs_buffer_block",
>>> +                                        "fs_buffer_block", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_tf_varying[] = {"gl_Position", "gs_output0",
>>> NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_vs_sub[] = {"vss", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_gs_sub[] = {"gss", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_fs_sub[] = {"fss", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_cs_sub[] = {"css", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_tcs_sub[] = {"tcss", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_tes_sub[] = {"tess", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_vs_sub_uni[] = {"VERTEX", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_gs_sub_uni[] = {"GEOMETRY", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_fs_sub_uni[] = {"FRAGMENT", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_cs_sub_uni[] = {"COMPUTE", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_tcs_sub_uni[] = {"TESS_CONTROL", NULL};
>>> +static const char *st_r_tes_sub_uni[] = {"TESS_EVALUATION", NULL};
>>> +
>>> +/* From the GL_ARB_program_interface_query extension:
>>> + *
>>> + * "The GL provides a number of commands to query properties of the
>>> interfaces
>>> + * of a program object.  Each such command accepts a <programInterface>
>>> + * token, identifying a specific interface.  The supported values for
>>> + * <programInterface> are as follows:
>>> + *  * UNIFORM corresponds to the set of active uniform variables
>>> (section
>>> + *    2.14.7) used by <program>.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * UNIFORM_BLOCK corresponds to the set of active uniform blocks
>>> (section
>>> + *    2.14.7) used by <program>.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER corresponds to the set of active atomic
>>> counter
>>> + *    buffer binding points (section 2.14.7) used by <program>.
>>> +
>>> + *  * PROGRAM_INPUT corresponds to the set of active input variables
>>> used by
>>> + *    the first shader stage of <program>.  If <program> includes
>>> multiple
>>> + *    shader stages, input variables from any shader stage other
>>> than the
>>> + *    first will not be enumerated.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * PROGRAM_OUTPUT corresponds to the set of active output variables
>>> + *    (section 2.14.11) used by the last shader stage of <program>.  If
>>> + *    <program> includes multiple shader stages, output variables
>>> from any
>>> + *    shader stage other than the last will not be enumerated.
>>> + *
>>> + *    and COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE correspond to the set of active
>>> subroutines for
>>> + *    the vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation,
>>> geometry,
>>> + *    fragment, and compute shader stages of <program>, respectively
>>> + *    (section 2.14.8).
>>> + *
>>> correspond
>>> + *    to the set of active subroutine uniform variables used by the
>>> vertex,
>>> + *    tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry,
>>> fragment, and
>>> + *    compute shader stages of <program>, respectively (section
>>> 2.14.8).
>>> + *
>>> + *  * TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING corresponds to the set of output
>>> variables
>>> + *    in the last non-fragment stage of <program> that would be
>>> captured
>>> + *    when transform feedback is active (section 2.20.2).
>>> + *
>>> + *  * BUFFER_VARIABLE corresponds to the set of active buffer
>>> variables (see
>>> + *    the ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object extension) used by
>>> <program>.
>>> + *
>>> + *  * SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK corresponds to the set of active shader
>>> storage
>>> + *    blocks (see the ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object extension)
>>> used by
>>> + *    <program>."
>>> + *
>>> + * Additionally, from the GL_ARB_program_interface_query extension:
>>> + *
>>> + * "For the ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER interface, the list of active
>>> buffer binding
>>> + * points is built by identifying each unique binding point
>>> associated with
>>> + * one or more active atomic counter uniform variables.  Active atomic
>>> + * counter buffers do not have an associated name string.
>>> + *
>>> + * TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING interfaces, the active resource list will
>>> + * include all active variables for the interface, including any active
>>> + * built-in variables.
>>> + *
>>> + * For PROGRAM_INPUT and PROGRAM_OUTPUT interfaces for shaders that
>>> recieve
>>> + * or produce patch primitves, the active resource list will include
>>> both
>>> + * per-vertex and per-patch inputs and outputs.
>>> + *
>>> + * For the TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING interface, the active resource
>>> list
>>> + * will entries for the special varying names gl_NextBuffer,
>>> + * gl_SkipComponents1, gl_SkipComponents2, gl_SkipComponents3, and
>>> + * gl_SkipComponents4 (section 2.14.11).  These variables are used
>>> to control
>>> + * how varying values are written to transform feedback buffers.  When
>>> + * enumerating the properties of such resources, these variables are
>>> + * considered to have a TYPE of NONE and an ARRAY_SIZE of 0
>>> (gl_NextBuffer),
>>> + * 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively."
>>> + */
>>> +
>>> +struct subtest_t {
>>> +    GLenum programInterface;
>>> +
>>> +    const char *programInterface_str;
>>> +    const char *active_resources_str;
>>> +    const char *max_length_name_str;
>>> +    const char *max_num_active_str;
>>> +    const char *max_num_compat_sub_str;
>>> +
>>> +    /* set to -1 to disable the test */
>>> +    int active_resources;
>>> +    int max_length_name;
>>> +    int max_num_active;
>>> +    int max_num_compat_sub;
>>> +
>>> +    const char *vs_text;
>>> +    const char *gs_text;
>>> +    const char *fs_text;
>>> +    const char *tcs_text;
>>> +    const char *tes_text;
>>> +    const char *cs_text;
>>> +
>>> +    const char **resources;
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +#define ST(active_r, max_len, max_num_active, max_num_compat_sub,
>>> vs, tcs, \
>>> +       tes, gs, fs, cs, name, suffix, resources) { \
>>> +    (name), #name suffix, #name suffix " active resources", \
>>> +    #name suffix " max length name", \
>>> +    #name suffix " max num active", \
>>> +    #name suffix " max num compat sub", \
>>> +    (active_r), (max_len), (max_num_active), (max_num_compat_sub), \
>>> +    (vs), (gs), (fs), (tcs), (tes), (cs), (resources) \
>>> +}
>>> +
>> Now this is a *BIG* table. I used some time yesterday trying to
>> prettify it with sed and what not and make it smaller but all attempts
>> tend to lead to a solution that looks worse and becomes unreadable. I
>> guess we just have to live with it, in the end I think it is very
>> readable in this form compared to for example scattering it as many
>> structs.
> I think so too.
>>> +static const struct subtest_t subtests[] = {
>>> + ST( 6, 12, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_UNIFORM, "(vs,gs,fs)", st_r_uniform),
>>> + ST( 2,  9, -1, -1,    NULL, tcs_sub, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_UNIFORM, "(tes,tcs)", st_r_tess_uniform),
>>> + ST( 2,  8, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL,
>>> cs_sub, GL_UNIFORM, "(cs)", st_r_cs_uniform),
>>> + ST( 3, 17,  2, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK, "(vs,gs,fs)", st_r_uniform_block),
>>> + ST( 2, 18, -1, -1,    NULL, tcs_sub, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK, "(tcs,tes)", st_r_tess_uniform_block),
>>> + ST( 1, 17, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL,
>>> cs_sub, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK, "(cs)", st_r_cs_uniform_block),
>>> + ST( 2, 10, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(vs)", st_r_in_vs),
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(gs)", st_r_in_gs),
>>> + ST( 1, 10, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(fs)", st_r_in_fs),
>>> + ST( 2, 10, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(vs,fs)", st_r_in_vs),
>>> + ST( 2, 10, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(vs,gs)", st_r_in_vs),
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(gs,fs)", st_r_in_gs),
>>> + ST( 2, 10, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(vs,gs,fs)", st_r_in_vs),
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(tes)", st_r_in_tes),
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,    NULL, tcs_sub,    NULL,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(tcs)", st_r_in_tcs),
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,    NULL, tcs_sub, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(tcs,tes)", st_r_in_tcs),
>>> + ST( 2, 10, -1, -1,  vs_std, tcs_sub, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_INPUT, "(vs,tcs,tes)", st_r_in_vs),
>>> + ST( 0,  0, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL,
>>> cs_sub, GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(cs)", NULL),
>>> + ST( 1, 12, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(vs)", st_r_out_vs),
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(gs)", st_r_out_gs),
>>> + ST( 2, 11, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(fs)", st_r_out_fs),
>>> + ST( 2, 11, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(vs,fs)", st_r_out_fs),
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(vs,gs)", st_r_out_gs),
>>> + ST( 2, 11, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(gs,fs)", st_r_out_fs),
>>> + ST( 2, 11, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, fs_std,
>>> NULL, GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(vs,gs,fs)", st_r_out_fs),
>>> + ST( 2, 14, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(tes)", st_r_out_tes),
>>> + ST(14, 23, -1, -1,    NULL, tcs_sub,    NULL,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(tcs)", st_r_out_tcs),
>>> + ST( 2, 14, -1, -1,    NULL, tcs_sub, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(tcs,tes)", st_r_out_tes),
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,    NULL, tcs_sub, tes_sub,  gs_std, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(tcs,tes,gs)", st_r_out_gs),
>>> + ST( 0,  0, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL,
>>> cs_sub, GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT, "(cs)", st_r_cs_sub),
>>> + ST( 3, 11, -1, -1, vs_stor,    NULL,    NULL, gs_stor, fs_stor,
>>> NULL, GL_BUFFER_VARIABLE, "", st_r_buffer),
>>> + ST( 3, 16,  1, -1, vs_stor,    NULL,    NULL, gs_stor, fs_stor,
>>> NULL, GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK, "", st_r_stor_block),
>>> + ST( 3, -1,  1, -1, vs_atom,    NULL,    NULL, gs_atom, fs_atom,
>>> + ST( 2, 12, -1, -1,  vs_std,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_std, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING, "", st_r_tf_varying),
>>> + ST( 1,  4, -1, -1,  vs_sub,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE, "", st_r_vs_sub),
>>> + ST( 1,  4, -1, -1,  vs_sub,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_sub, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE, "", st_r_gs_sub),
>>> + ST( 1,  4, -1, -1,  vs_sub,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_sub, fs_sub,
>>> NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE, "", st_r_fs_sub),
>>> + ST( 1,  4, -1, -1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL,
>>> cs_sub, GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE, "", st_r_cs_sub),
>>> + ST( 1,  5, -1, -1,  vs_sub,    tcs_sub, NULL,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE, "", st_r_tcs_sub),
>>> + ST( 1,  5, -1, -1,  vs_sub,    NULL, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE, "", st_r_tes_sub),
>>> + ST( 1,  7, -1,  1,  vs_sub,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM, "", st_r_vs_sub_uni),
>>> + ST( 1,  9, -1,  1,  vs_sub,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_sub, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM, "", st_r_gs_sub_uni),
>>> + ST( 1,  9, -1,  1,  vs_sub,    NULL,    NULL,  gs_sub, fs_sub,
>>> NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM, "", st_r_fs_sub_uni),
>>> + ST( 1, 13, -1,  1,  vs_sub,    tcs_sub, NULL,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> GL_TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM, "", st_r_tcs_sub_uni),
>>> + ST( 1, 16, -1,  1,  vs_sub,    NULL, tes_sub,    NULL, NULL, NULL,
>>> + ST( 1,  8, -1,  1,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL, NULL,
>>> cs_sub, GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM, "", st_r_cs_sub_uni),
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>> +check_pname(GLuint prog, GLenum programInterface, GLenum pname, bool
>>> *pass,
>>> +        const char *subtest, int expected_value)
>>> +{
>>> +    int value;
>>> +
>>> +    if (expected_value < 0) {
>>> +        return;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    glGetProgramInterfaceiv(prog, programInterface, pname, &value);
>>> +    if (!piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR)) {
>>> +        printf("    Latest error generated while running '%s'\n",
>>> +               subtest);
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    if (value != expected_value) {
>>> +        fprintf(stderr, "'%s' expected %i but got %i\n", subtest,
>>> +            expected_value, value);
>>> +        *pass = false;
>>> +    }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool
>>> +is_resource_in_list(const char **list, const char *resource, int index,
>>> +            bool check_order)
>>> +{
>>> +    int i = 0;
>>> +    while (list && list[i]) {
>>> +        if (strcmp(list[i], resource) == 0) {
>>> +            return !check_order || index == i;
>>> +        }
>>> +        i++;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    return false;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool
>>> +consistency_check(GLuint prog, GLenum programInterface, const char
>>> *name,
>>> +          GLint index)
>>> +{
>>> +    bool subroutine = false;
>>> +    const GLchar *names[] = { name };
>>> +    GLuint old_idx = 0xdeadcafe;
>>> +    GLenum shader;
>>> +
>>> +    /* Validate result against old API. */
>>> +    switch (programInterface) {
>>> +    case GL_UNIFORM:
>>> +        glGetUniformIndices(prog, 1, names, &old_idx);
>>> +        piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR);
>>> +        break;
>>> +
>>> +    case GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK:
>>> +        old_idx = glGetUniformBlockIndex(prog, name);
>>> +        piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR);
>>> +        break;
>>> +
>>> +        shader = GL_VERTEX_SHADER;
>>> +        subroutine = true;
>>> +        break;
>>> +
>>> +        shader = GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER;
>>> +        subroutine = true;
>>> +        break;
>>> +
>>> +        shader = GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER;
>>> +        subroutine = true;
>>> +        break;
>>> +
>>> +        shader = GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER;
>>> +        subroutine = true;
>>> +        break;
>>> +
>>> +        shader = GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER;
>>> +        subroutine = true;
>>> +        break;
>>> +
>>> +        shader = GL_COMPUTE_SHADER;
>>> +        subroutine = true;
>>> +        break;
>> Some nasty repetition here but not sure if helper func or such is
>> worth the trouble (?)
> Not sure how you would want me to do this. Can you give me an example?

One way would be to have a common case for these where subroutine is set 
true and shader is set with a helper function that does the 
GL_x_SUBROUTINE -> GL_x_SHADER trick, as example 'shader_from_enum()' 
but I don't know if in the end it would make this any shorter or offer 
better life for the end users.

>>> +
>>> +    default:
>>> +        /* There are no old APIs for this program interface */
>>> +        return true;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    if (subroutine) {
>>> +        old_idx = glGetSubroutineIndex(prog, shader,
>>> +                         name);
>> name fits previous line
> True, fixed!
>>> + piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR);
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    if (index != old_idx) {
>>> +        printf("Index inconsistent with the old API: %i vs %i\n",
>>> +               index, old_idx);
>> index and old_idx git previous line
> index fits, but not old_idx. I move index to the previous line.
>>> +        return false;
>>> +    } else
>>> +        return true;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>> +validate_resources(const struct subtest_t st, GLuint prog, bool *pass)
>>> +{
>>> +    GLsizei max_size = 0, size, i;
>>> +    char * name;
>>> +
>>> +    /* Do not run the test for GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER.
>>> +     * From the GL_ARB_program_interface_query extension:
>>> +     *
>>> +     * "The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <programInterface>
>>> +     * is ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, since active atomic counter buffer
>>> +     * resources are not assigned name strings."
>>> +     */
>>> +    if (st.programInterface == GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER)
>>> +        return;
>>> +
>>> +    name = (char *) malloc(st.max_length_name);
>>> +    for (i = 0; i < st.active_resources; i++) {
>>> +        GLuint index;
>>> +
>>> +        glGetProgramResourceName(prog, st.programInterface,
>>> +                     i, st.max_length_name,
>>> +                     &size, name);
>>> +        piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR);
>>> +
>>> +        /* keep track of the maximum size */
>>> +        if (size > max_size) {
>>> +            max_size = size;
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +        /* Check the names. Transform feedback requires the order to be
>>> +         * the same as the one given in glTransformFeedbackVaryings.
>>> +         * From the GL_ARB_program_interface_query extension:
>>> +         *
>>> +         * "The order of the active resource list is
>>> +         * implementation-dependent for all interfaces except for
>>> +         * the active resource list will use the variable order
>>> +         * specified in the the most recent call to
>>> +         * TransformFeedbackVaryings before the last call to
>>> +         * LinkProgram.
>>> +         */
>>> +        if (st.resources && !is_resource_in_list(st.resources, name, i,
>>> +            st.programInterface == GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING)) {
>>> +            fprintf(stderr, "Resource '%s' not found in '%s' "
>>> +                    "resource list or found at the wrong "
>>> +                    "index\n", name,
>>> +                st.programInterface_str);
>>> +            *pass = false;
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +        /* Check the position of the arguments and see if it matches
>>> +         * with the current position we are in.
>>> +         */
>>> +        index = glGetProgramResourceIndex(prog, st.programInterface,
>>> +                          name);
>>> +        if (index != i) {
>>> +            fprintf(stderr, "%s: Resource '%s' is not at the "
>>> +                    "position reported by "
>>> +                    "glGetProgramResourceIndex (%i instead "
>>> +                    "of %i)\n",
>>> +                st.programInterface_str, name, index, i);
>>> +            *pass = false;
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +        /* check the equivalence with the old API */
>>> +        if (!consistency_check(prog, st.programInterface, name,
>>> +                       index)) {
>>> +            *pass = false;
>>> +        }
>>> +    }
>>> +    free(name);
>>> +
>>> +    /* glGetProgramResourceName does not count the NULL terminator
>>> as part
>>> +     * of the size contrarily to glGetProgramInterfaceiv.
>>> +     * From the GL_ARB_program_interface_query extension:
>>> +     *
>>> +     * "void GetProgramInterfaceiv(uint program, enum programInterface,
>>> +     *                             enum pname, int *params);
>>> +     * [...]
>>> +     * If <pname> is MAX_NAME_LENGTH, the value returned is the
>>> length of
>>> +     * the longest active name string for an active resource in
>>> +     * <programInterface>. This length includes an extra character
>>> for the
>>> +     * null terminator."
>>> +     *
>>> +     * "void GetProgramResourceName(uint program, enum
>>> programInterface,
>>> +     *                              uint index, sizei bufSize,
>>> +     *                              sizei *length, char *name);
>>> +     * [...]
>>> +     * The actual number of characters written into <name>,
>>> excluding the
>>> +     * null terminator, is returned in <length>."
>>> +     */
>>> +    if (max_size != MAX2(0, st.max_length_name - 1)) {
>>> +        fprintf(stderr, "'%s actual max length' expected %i but got "
>>> +                "%i\n", st.programInterface_str,
>>> +            st.max_length_name - 1,    max_size);
>>> +        *pass = false;
>>> +    }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool
>>> +check_extensions(const struct subtest_t st)
>>> +{
>>> +    if (st.programInterface == GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER &&
>>> + !piglit_is_extension_supported("GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters")) {
>>> +        return false;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    if ((st.programInterface == GL_BUFFER_VARIABLE ||
>>> +        st.programInterface == GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK) &&
>>> +
>>> !piglit_is_extension_supported("GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object")) {
>>> +        return false;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    if ((st.programInterface == GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM ||
>>> +         st.programInterface ==
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM) &&
>>> + !piglit_is_extension_supported("GL_ARB_shader_subroutine")) {
>>> +         return false;
>>> +     }
>>> +
>>> +    if ((st.programInterface == GL_TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM ||
>>> +         st.programInterface ==
>>> +         st.tcs_text || st.tes_text) &&
>>> + !piglit_is_extension_supported("GL_ARB_tessellation_shader")) {
>>> +         return false;
>>> +     }
>>> +
>>> +    if ((st.programInterface == GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE ||
>>> +         st.programInterface == GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM ||
>>> +         st.cs_text) &&
>>> + !piglit_is_extension_supported("GL_ARB_compute_shader") &&
>>> + !piglit_is_extension_supported("GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store")) {
>>> +         return false;
>>> +     }
>>> +
>>> +    return true;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>> +run_subtest(const struct subtest_t st, bool *pass)
>>> +{
>>> +    enum piglit_result result;
>>> +    bool local_pass = true;
>>> +    GLuint prog;
>>> +
>>> +    if (!check_extensions(st)) {
>>> +        result = PIGLIT_SKIP;
>>> +        goto report_result;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    prog = piglit_build_simple_program_unlinked_multiple_shaders(
>>> +                    GL_VERTEX_SHADER,   st.vs_text,
>>> +                    GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, st.gs_text,
>>> +                    GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, st.fs_text,
>>> +                    GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, st.tcs_text,
>>> +                    GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, st.tes_text,
>>> +                    GL_COMPUTE_SHADER, st.cs_text,
>>> +                    0);
>>> +
>>> +    if (st.programInterface == GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING) {
>>> +        glTransformFeedbackVaryings(prog, 2, st_r_tf_varying,
>>> +                        GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS);
>>> +        piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR);
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    /* force the compiler not to optimise away inputs/outputs */
>>> +    glProgramParameteri(prog, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);
>> You'll need to require GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects for this test
>> (not part of OpenGL 3.2).
> Good catch! I fixed it by adding a require in piglit_init().
>>> +    piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR);
>>> +
>>> +    glLinkProgram(prog);
>>> +    if (!piglit_link_check_status(prog)) {
>>> +        glDeleteProgram(prog);
>>> +        result = PIGLIT_FAIL;
>>> +        *pass = false;
>>> +        goto report_result;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    check_pname(prog, st.programInterface, GL_ACTIVE_RESOURCES,
>>> +            &local_pass, st.active_resources_str, st.active_resources);
>>> +
>>> +    check_pname(prog, st.programInterface, GL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH,
>>> +            &local_pass, st.max_length_name_str, st.max_length_name);
>>> +
>>> +    /* do not test fetching the names if the previous tests failed */
>>> +    if (local_pass) {
>>> +        validate_resources(st, prog, &local_pass);
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    check_pname(prog, st.programInterface, GL_MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES,
>>> +            &local_pass, st.max_num_active_str, st.max_num_active);
>>> +
>>> +    check_pname(prog, st.programInterface,
>>> +            GL_MAX_NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES, &local_pass,
>>> +            st.max_num_compat_sub_str, st.max_num_compat_sub);
>>> +
>>> +    glDeleteProgram(prog);
>>> +
>>> +    *pass = *pass && local_pass;
>>> +    result = local_pass ? PIGLIT_PASS : PIGLIT_FAIL;
>>> +
>>> +report_result:
>>> +    piglit_report_subtest_result(result, "%s",
>>> st.programInterface_str);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +void
>>> +piglit_init(int argc, char **argv)
>>> +{
>>> +    piglit_require_extension("GL_ARB_program_interface_query");
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +enum piglit_result
>>> +piglit_display(void)
>>> +{
>>> +    bool pass = true;
>>> +    int i;
>>> +
>>> +    /* run all the getprograminterfaceiv tests */
>>> +    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(subtests) / sizeof(struct subtest_t); i++) {
>>> +        run_subtest(subtests[i], &pass);
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    return pass ? PIGLIT_PASS : PIGLIT_FAIL;
>>> +}

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