[Piglit] [PATCH] shaders: add a test counting builtin active uniforms

Martin Peres martin.peres at linux.intel.com
Fri May 29 00:03:30 PDT 2015

On 28/05/15 21:50, Dylan Baker wrote:
> Hey Martin,
> I know these have already landed, but I noticed that you added tests in
> the shaders/ directory. I Just wanted to let you know that we're not
> adding new tests in the shaders directory, in the future putting them in
> the appropriate directory under the spec directory. We're also trying to
> use descriptive names rather than <shortname>-<number>.
> Dylan

Hello Dylan,

By adding test, you mean non-shader-runner tests?

As for this specific test, it could replace the previous 2 getuniform 
tests and could potentially be moved to another folder in spec/ but I 
will need to check what extension brought the uniforms! Seems like 
archaeological work to me :p

Thanks for the notice though!


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