[Piglit] [PATCH 06/26] framework/summary.py: Make the text mode less weird

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 15:55:32 PDT 2015

Describing the current implementation as anything but weird is hard. The
list of tests and statuses it generates is pretty reasonable, but the
summary is very weird. It counts more than one result in some cases, but
not in others (for comparison statuses), and generates a single column
of data. This is confusing and difficult to read at best.

This rework instead creates a column (each one will be 20 characters)
for each result and properly calculates both the number of tests in each
category, and the number of changes (and all subsets of changes).

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <dylanx.c.baker at intel.com>
 framework/summary.py | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/summary.py b/framework/summary.py
index b4aa053..4fabee8 100644
--- a/framework/summary.py
+++ b/framework/summary.py
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ import getpass
 import sys
 import posixpath
 import errno
+import textwrap
+import operator
 from mako.template import Template
@@ -554,7 +556,6 @@ class Summary:
     def generate_text(self, mode):
         """ Write summary information to the console """
         assert mode in ['summary', 'diff', 'incomplete', 'all'], mode
-        totals = self.results[-1].totals['root']
         def printer(list_):
             """Takes a list of test names to print and prints the name and
@@ -577,23 +578,61 @@ class Summary:
         def print_summary():
             """print a summary."""
-            print("summary:\n"
-                  "       pass: {pass}\n"
-                  "       fail: {fail}\n"
-                  "      crash: {crash}\n"
-                  "       skip: {skip}\n"
-                  "    timeout: {timeout}\n"
-                  "       warn: {warn}\n"
-                  " incomplete: {incomplete}\n"
-                  " dmesg-warn: {dmesg-warn}\n"
-                  " dmesg-fail: {dmesg-fail}".format(**totals))
-            if self.tests['changes']:
-                print("    changes: {changes}\n"
-                      "      fixes: {fixes}\n"
-                      "regressions: {regressions}".format(
-                          **{k: len(v) for k, v in self.tests.iteritems()}))
-            print("      total: {}".format(sum(totals.itervalues())))
+            template = textwrap.dedent("""\
+                summary:
+                       name: {names}
+                       ----  {divider}
+                       pass: {pass_}
+                       fail: {fail}
+                      crash: {crash}
+                       skip: {skip}
+                    timeout: {timeout}
+                       warn: {warn}
+                 incomplete: {incomplete}
+                 dmesg-warn: {dmesg_warn}
+                 dmesg-fail: {dmesg_fail}
+                    changes: {changes}
+                      fixes: {fixes}
+                regressions: {regressions}
+                      total: {total}""")
+            print_template = ' '.join(
+                '{: >20}' for x in xrange(len(self.results)))
+            def status_printer(stat):
+                return print_template.format(
+                    *[x.totals['root'][stat] for x in self.results])
+            def change_printer(func):
+                counts = ['']  # There can't be changes from nil -> 0
+                for prev, cur in itertools.izip(self.results[:-1], self.results[1:]):
+                    count = 0
+                    for name in self.tests['all']:
+                        try:
+                            if func(prev.tests[name].result, cur.tests[name].result):
+                                count += 1
+                        except KeyError:
+                            pass
+                    counts.append(count)
+                return print_template.format(*counts)
+            print(template.format(
+                names=print_template.format(*[r.name for r in self.results]),
+                divider=print_template.format(*['-'*20 for _ in self.results]),
+                pass_=status_printer('pass'),
+                crash=status_printer('crash'),
+                fail=status_printer('fail'),
+                skip=status_printer('skip'),
+                timeout=status_printer('timeout'),
+                warn=status_printer('warn'),
+                incomplete=status_printer('incomplete'),
+                dmesg_warn=status_printer('dmesg-warn'),
+                dmesg_fail=status_printer('dmesg-fail'),
+                changes=change_printer(operator.ne),
+                fixes=change_printer(operator.gt),
+                regressions=change_printer(operator.lt),
+                total=print_template.format(*[
+                    sum(x.totals['root'].itervalues()) for x in self.results])))
         # Print the name of the test and the status from each test run
         if mode == 'all':

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