[Piglit] [PATCH 4/11] framework: Add a Mixin class for running multiple tests in a single process

Dylan Baker dylan at pnwbakers.com
Fri Aug 26 18:31:11 UTC 2016

This Mixin makes writing classes for handling tests that run multiple
tests in a single process simpler. It does this through the use of the
subtest feature. It makes it possible to implement two new methods, and
an aware interpret_result method and have support for this feature,
including a cherry-like resume feature that starts again after a test
crashes, without rerunning the crashed test.

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <dylanx.c.baker at intel.com>
 framework/test/base.py                | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 framework/test/deqp.py                |   4 +-
 unittests/framework/test/test_base.py | 138 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/test/base.py b/framework/test/base.py
index b667b15..8600511 100644
--- a/framework/test/base.py
+++ b/framework/test/base.py
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import six
 from six.moves import range
 from framework import exceptions, options
+from framework import status
 from framework.results import TestResult
 # We're doing some special crazy here to make timeouts work on python 2. pylint
@@ -282,13 +283,18 @@ class Test(object):
-    def _run_command(self):
+    def _run_command(self, **kwargs):
         """ Run the test command and get the result
         This method sets environment options, then runs the executable. If the
         executable isn't found it sets the result to skip.
+        # This allows the ReducedProcessMixin to work without having to whack
+        # self.command (which should be treated as immutable), but is
+        # considered private.
+        command = kwargs.pop('_command', self.command)
         # Setup the environment for the test. Environment variables are taken
         # from the following sources, listed in order of increasing precedence:
@@ -314,7 +320,7 @@ class Test(object):
         fullenv = {f(k): f(v) for k, v in _base}
-            proc = subprocess.Popen(self.command,
+            proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
@@ -382,7 +388,7 @@ class WindowResizeMixin(object):
     see: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=680214
-    def _run_command(self):
+    def _run_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Run a test up 5 times when window resize is detected.
         Rerun the command up to 5 times if the window size changes, if it
@@ -391,7 +397,7 @@ class WindowResizeMixin(object):
         for _ in range(5):
-            super(WindowResizeMixin, self)._run_command()
+            super(WindowResizeMixin, self)._run_command(*args, **kwargs)
             if "Got spurious window resize" not in self.result.out:
@@ -439,3 +445,121 @@ class ValgrindMixin(object):
                 # Test passed but has valgrind errors.
                 self.result.result = 'fail'
+ at six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)
+class ReducedProcessMixin(object):
+    """This Mixin simplifies writing Test classes that run more than one test
+    in a single process.
+    Although one of the benefits of piglit is it's process isolation, there are
+    times that process isolation is too expensive for day to day runs, and
+    running more than one test in a single process is a valid trade-off for
+    decreased run times. This class helps to ease writing a Test class for such
+    a purpose, while not suffering all of the drawback of the approach.
+    The first way that this helps is that it provides crash detection and
+    recovery, allowing a single subtest to crash
+    """
+    def __init__(self, command, subtests=None, **kwargs):
+        assert subtests  # This covers both "not None" and len(subtests) > 1
+        super(ReducedProcessMixin, self).__init__(command, **kwargs)
+        self._expected = subtests
+        self._populate_subtests()
+    def __find_sub(self):
+        """Helper for getting the next index."""
+        return len([l for l in self.result.out.split('\n')
+                    if self._is_subtest(l)])
+    @staticmethod
+    def _subtest_name(test):
+        """If the name provided isn't the subtest name, this method does."""
+        return test
+    def _run_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Run the command until all of the subtests have completed or crashed.
+        This method will try to run all of the subtests, resuming the run if
+        it's interrupted, and combining the stdout and stderr attributes
+        together for parsing later. I will separate those values with
+        "\n\n====RESUME====\n\n".
+        """
+        super(ReducedProcessMixin, self)._run_command(*args, **kwargs)
+        if not self._is_cherry():
+            returncode = self.result.returncode
+            out = [self.result.out]
+            err = [self.result.err]
+            cur_sub = self.__find_sub() or 1
+            last = len(self._expected)
+            while cur_sub < last:
+                self.result.subtests[
+                    self._subtest_name(self._expected[cur_sub - 1])] = \
+                        status.CRASH
+                super(ReducedProcessMixin, self)._run_command(
+                    _command=self._resume(cur_sub) + list(args), **kwargs)
+                out.append(self.result.out)
+                err.append(self.result.err)
+                # If the index is 0 the next test failed without printing a
+                # name, increase by 1 so that test will be marked crash and we
+                # don't get stuck in an infinite loop, otherwise return the
+                # number of tests that did complete.
+                cur_sub += self.__find_sub() or 1
+            if not self._is_cherry():
+                self.result.subtests[
+                    self._subtest_name(self._expected[cur_sub - 1])] = \
+                        status.CRASH
+            # Restore and keep the original returncode (so that it remains a
+            # non-pass, since only one test might fail and the resumed part
+            # might return 0)
+            self.result.returncode = returncode
+            self.result.out = '\n\n====RESUME====\n\n'.join(out)
+            self.result.err = '\n\n====RESUME====\n\n'.join(err)
+    def _is_cherry(self):
+        """Method used to determine if rerunning is required.
+        If this returns True then the rerun path will be entered, otherwise
+        _run_command is effectively a bare call to super().
+        Classes using this mixin may need to overwrite this if the binary
+        they're calling can stop prematurely but return 0.
+        """
+        return self.result.returncode == 0
+    def _populate_subtests(self):
+        """Default implementation of subtest prepopulation.
+        It may be necissary to override this depending on the subtest format.
+        """
+        self.result.subtests.update({x: status.NOTRUN for x in self._expected})
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _resume(self, current):
+        """Method that defines how to resume the case if it crashes.
+        This method will be provided with a completed count, which is the index
+        into self._expected of the first subtest that hasn't been run. This
+        method should return the command to restart, and the ReduceProcessMixin
+        will handle actually restarting the the process with the new command.
+        """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _is_subtest(self, line):
+        """Determines if a line in stdout contains a subtest name.
+        This method is used during the resume detection phase of the
+        _run_command method to determine how many subtests have successfully
+        been run.
+        Should simply return True if the line reprents a test starting, or
+        False if it does not.
+        """
diff --git a/framework/test/deqp.py b/framework/test/deqp.py
index c222d15..b85cf08 100644
--- a/framework/test/deqp.py
+++ b/framework/test/deqp.py
@@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ class DEQPBaseTest(Test):
         if self.result.result == 'notrun':
             self.result.result = 'fail'
-    def _run_command(self):
+    def _run_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Rerun the command if X11 connection failure happens."""
         for _ in range(5):
-            super(DEQPBaseTest, self)._run_command()
+            super(DEQPBaseTest, self)._run_command(*args, **kwargs)
             if "FATAL ERROR: Failed to open display" not in self.result.err:
diff --git a/unittests/framework/test/test_base.py b/unittests/framework/test/test_base.py
index ba7719d..6b0c299 100644
--- a/unittests/framework/test/test_base.py
+++ b/unittests/framework/test/test_base.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ from framework.test import base
 from ..test_status import PROBLEMS
 from .. import skip
-# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-self-use
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-self-use,protected-access
 class _Test(base.Test):
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class TestWindowResizeMixin(object):
                 super(Mixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                 self.__return_spurious = True
-            def _run_command(self):
+            def _run_command(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
                 self.result.returncode = None
                 # IF this is run only once we'll have "got spurious window resize"
@@ -407,3 +407,137 @@ class TestValgrindMixin(object):
             test.result.returncode = 1
             assert test.result.result is status.FAIL
+class TestReducedProcessMixin(object):
+    """Tests for the ReducedProcessMixin class."""
+    class MPTest(base.ReducedProcessMixin, _Test):
+        def _resume(self, current):
+            return [self.command[0]] + self._expected[current:]
+        def _is_subtest(self, line):
+            return line.startswith('TEST')
+    def test_populate_subtests(self):
+        test = self.MPTest(['foobar'], subtests=['a', 'b', 'c'])
+        assert set(test.result.subtests.keys()) == {'a', 'b', 'c'}
+    class TestRunCommand(object):
+        """Tests for the _run_command method."""
+        @pytest.fixture(scope='module')
+        def test_class(self):
+            """Defines a test class that uses generators to ease testing."""
+            class _Shim(object):
+                """This shim goes between the Mixin and the Test class and
+                provides a way to set the output of the test.
+                """
+                def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+                    super(_Shim, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+                    self.gen_rcode = None
+                    self.gen_out = None
+                    self.get_err = None
+                def _run_command(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+                    # pylint: disable=no-member
+                    self.result.returncode = next(self.gen_rcode)
+                    self.result.out = next(self.gen_out)
+                    self.result.err = next(self.gen_err)
+            class Test(base.ReducedProcessMixin, _Shim, _Test):
+                """The actual Class returned by the fixture.
+                This class implements the abstract bits from
+                ReducedProcessMixin, and inserts the _Shim class. The
+                _is_subtest method is implemented such that any line starting
+                with SUBTEST is a subtest.
+                """
+                def _is_subtest(self, line):
+                    return line.startswith('SUBTEST')
+                def _resume(self, cur, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+                    return self._expected[cur:]
+                def interpret_result(self):
+                    name = None
+                    for line in self.result.out.split('\n'):
+                        if self._is_subtest(line):
+                            name = line[len('SUBTEST: '):]
+                        elif line.startswith('RESULT: '):
+                            self.result.subtests[name] = line[len('RESULT: '):]
+                            name = None
+            return Test
+        def test_result(self, test_class):
+            """Test result attributes."""
+            test = test_class(['foobar'], ['a', 'b'])
+            test.gen_out = iter(['SUBTEST: a', 'SUBTEST: b'])
+            test.gen_err = iter(['err output', 'err output'])
+            test.gen_rcode = iter([2, 0])
+            test._run_command()
+            assert test.result.out == \
+                'SUBTEST: a\n\n====RESUME====\n\nSUBTEST: b'
+            assert test.result.err == \
+                'err output\n\n====RESUME====\n\nerr output'
+            assert test.result.returncode == 2
+        @pytest.mark.timeout(5)
+        def test_infinite_loop(self, test_class):
+            """Test that we don't get into an infinite loop."""
+            test = test_class(['foobar'], ['a', 'b'])
+            test.gen_out = iter(['a', 'a'])
+            test.gen_err = iter(['a', 'a'])
+            test.gen_rcode = iter([1, 1])
+            test._run_command()
+        def test_crash_first(self, test_class):
+            """Handles the first test crashing."""
+            test = test_class(['foo'], ['a', 'b'])
+            test.gen_out = iter(['', 'SUBTEST: a'])
+            test.gen_err = iter(['', ''])
+            test.gen_rcode = iter([1, 0])
+            # Since interpret_result isn't called this would normally be left
+            # as NOTRUN, but we want to ensure that _run_command isn't mucking
+            # with it, so we set it to this PASS, which acts as a sentinal
+            test.result.subtests['b'] = status.PASS
+            test._run_command()
+            assert test.result.subtests['a'] is status.CRASH
+            assert test.result.subtests['b'] is status.PASS
+        def test_middle_crash(self, test_class):
+            """handle the final subtest crashing."""
+            test = test_class(['foo'], ['a', 'b', 'c'])
+            test.gen_out = iter(['SUBTEST: a\nRESULT: pass\nSUBTEST: b\n',
+                                 'SUBTEST: c\nRESULT: pass\n'])
+            test.gen_err = iter(['', ''])
+            test.gen_rcode = iter([1, 0])
+            test._run_command()
+            test.interpret_result()
+            assert test.result.subtests['a'] == status.PASS
+            assert test.result.subtests['b'] == status.CRASH
+            assert test.result.subtests['c'] == status.PASS
+        def test_final_crash(self, test_class):
+            """handle the final subtest crashing."""
+            test = test_class(['foo'], ['a', 'b', 'c'])
+            test.gen_out = iter(['SUBTEST: a\nRESULT: pass\n'
+                                 'SUBTEST: b\nRESULT: pass\n'
+                                 'SUBTEST: c\n'])
+            test.gen_err = iter([''])
+            test.gen_rcode = iter([1])
+            test._run_command()
+            test.interpret_result()
+            assert test.result.subtests['a'] == status.PASS
+            assert test.result.subtests['b'] == status.PASS
+            assert test.result.subtests['c'] == status.CRASH
git-series 0.8.7

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